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On the Legal Certainty in Hard Cases

导  师: 葛洪义

学科专业: 030101

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 法律有无确定性之争由来已久,特别在二十世纪日益炙热化,原因就在于自人类进入二十世纪这个发展的快车道,无论是对于民众还是政府,无论是在经济、政治还是法律领域,急剧的社会变革和转型都带来了许多难以准确估量的冲击性影响。人类社会自此步入价值多元化,权威多元化的时代,处于一种没有终极价值关怀的时代。在这种背景之下,二十世纪以前所树立的法典化形象在史无前例的疑难案件面前,显得束手无策,毫无招架之力,现实主义法学借此兴风作浪,致使法律的威信荡然无存,使法律陷入了整体性的危机之中。只有解决和论证法律在疑难案件中同样能够保持法律的确定性,才能重新在人们心中树立起法律的权威性信念,维护法律的整体性以及整个现代化事业,因为现代社会就是法制社会,就是建立在法律的权威性基础之上的。特别是在当代,维护法律在疑难案件中仍然具有确定性的信念既是必要的,也是紧迫的,当然也是可能的。更为重要的是:这一论题对于当今的中国同样具有重大的现实意义。因为当今的中国仍然在法制现代化的征程中扬帆远航,但是随着四川泸州的“遗赠案”,南京的“彭宇案”,以及广州的“许霆案”等一系列疑难案件的出现,使得国人特别是普通民众对于法律在疑难案件仍将具有确定性的信念打上了问号,对于法律的可预见性表示了怀疑。所以,本文选择了这一论题进行研究,目的在于使人们相信即使在当今层出不穷的疑难案件中法律仍将具有确定性的高尚品格是不会改变的,法律具有确定性的信念只应该加强而不是被削弱。 本文为完成论证的目的,本文打算分四章予以详细论述:第一章是前言部分,内容为论题的提出,国内外研究现状,研究方法,研究基础,研究目标;第二章是论述疑难案件、法律确定性及其相关概念的界定;第三章是问题的提出:疑难案件中法律确定性之争论,凸显这一问题在法学理论中的重要地位;第四章是问题的展开与分析:疑难案件中法律确定性之反思;第五章是问题的解决:疑难案件中法律确定性之证成;最后是本文的结语。 The arguement on Legal determinism has been long-existed, especially after we entered into the 20th century. The main reason is the fast-paced society of the 20th century. no matter the public or the government, no matter the field of economic, or political, or legal fields, all profoundly influenced and impacted by the rapid social change and transformation. The human society has marched into a time of multified values and authorities in which there is no ultimate value. Under such a background, the image of the Code which was established in the 20th century encountered with previously unexpected difficult cases and problems and was unable to solve them. The school of realism takes the advantage of it, challenges the prestige of law, and the law faces a crisis of credibility in a whole. Only we prove that the law can also maintain legal determinism in the difficult cases, can the law regains its authority in the people heart, maintains its integrity. it is also the requirement of our modernization career, because the modern society is the legal society, is established on the legal authority. Especially in the contemporary, maintaining the determinism of law in the process of difficult cases is necessary and urgent, as well as possible. More importantly, this topic for today's China is also of great practical significance because China is still in the journey of a modern legal system. As the emergence of a series of difficult cases such as Luzhou Legacy case, Nanjing,Pen Yu case, Guangzhou Xu Ting case make people, especially ordinary people doubt that if the law still have determinasm in difficult cases. Therefore, this paper chose to study this topic so as to make people believe that even in today's endless stream of difficult cases the noble character of certainty in law will not change, the faith on legal certainty should be strengthened but not be weakened. To achieve the goal of the author, this article intends to use four chapters to carry out the elaboration: The first chapter is the preface, which mainly introduces the background of this thesis, the domestic as well as the foreign researching status in regard of this topic, the research method of the thesis , the research foundation, and the aim of the research; The second chapter is about the definition and conceptions of difficult case and the legal determinism to make some theoretic preparations for the later text; The third chapter raises up the topic, reveals the important position of the problem of legal determinism in legal field by the discuss of the arguement in the history of Western legal society,. The fourth chapter is the development of the topic to reexamine the determinism problem in the difficult cases. The fifth part is the solution, that is the provement of legal determinism in difficult cases. At the end, it is the conclusion of this paper.

关 键 词: 确定性 客观性 疑难案件 程序正义

分 类 号: [D90]

领  域: [政治法律] [政治法律]


作者 达理纳嘉
作者 杨健涛
作者 沈仲衡
作者 李泓
作者 张子豪


机构 华南师范大学
机构 中山大学
机构 中山大学法学院
机构 中山大学人文科学学院哲学系
机构 广东外语外贸大学


作者 康秋实
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖芳
作者 张万坤
作者 张光亚