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Research on the Review System of Business Method Patent

导  师: 黄保勇

学科专业: 030105

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 商业方法是人们从事商业活动的一般方式和规则,在过去一直不作为专利保护的对像。但随着商业方法被引入到网络经济和金融活动中,尤其是与计算机等技术相结合后,一些企业为了保护其竞争优势,开始呼吁对商业方法提供专利保护。美国率先开始对商业方法授予专利后,商业方法专利的申请与授予量在各发达国家国迅速上升。 虽然对商业方法专利的质疑从未停止过,但笔者认为商业方法专利保护的国际潮流不可逆转,面对挑战,我国应积极应对。在此基础上,本文首先从商业方法的缘起和特征谈起,介绍了对商业方法专利具有里程碑意义的几个典型案例,以期对商业方法专利有一个准确,完整的概括。随后对美、日、欧等发达国家和地区对商业方法专利理论和实践的总结,展现了各国对商业方法专利的态度的转变,从中总结出对商业方法专利不同审查制度的优缺点。 在对商业方法专利不同审查制度中,美国注重商业方法发明的实用性考查,欧盟仍坚持技术性贡献的标准,日本则从整体方案上予以判断。在对不同审查制度分析后,结合我国的现状,研究针对涉及商业方法的发明建立适合我国的审查制度。本文认为对于三性/(新颖性、创造性、实用性/)来说,审查标准应以创造性为主,应当采用创造性审查模式。然后对在创造性的程度、应采用的审查模式、审查角度选择、审查人员因素、其他辅助性审查因素等具体问题上进行分析,对我国商业方法专利审查提出建议,指出如何予以完善。 最后,通过总结全文,对商业方法专利所涉及的我国现行法律规定和制度建设进行研究,提出建议和设想。针对商业方法专利的现状和发展趋势,以及对我国的影响,分为不同层面提出完善方法,希望对我国的商业方法专利审查有所助益。 Business method is not as the protection target of patent in the past. But as the business method was introduced to the network of economic and financial activities, particularly combined with computer technology, some companies and countries began to call on business method patent to protect its competitive edge. The United States was the first in the world to grant business method patent, after that, the applications and grant amount of business method patent increased rapidly in all developed countries. Although the challenge to business method patents have never stopped, I believe the protection of business method patents is irreversible, we should face the challenge and response to it actively. On this basis, this paper started from the origins and features of business method, introduced several landmark cases of business method in order to describe it exactly and completely. Then summarize the theory and practice of United States, Japan, Europe and other developed countries and regions for business method, shows their changes in attitude for it, from which sum up the advantages and disadvantages of different censorship of business method patent. In different censorships of business method patent, the United States focus on practical test for business method invention; the EU insists on the standards of technical contributions; as well as Japan judges from overall program. discuss the establishment of censorship of business method inventions that fits for our county in the analysis of different censorships, combined with our current status. As the three properties of novelty, creativity, practicality, this paper considers that the review standards should be subject to creativity. Then analyze the creative level, the review model, the selection point of review, the personnel factors of inspectors and other review factors of censorship, suggest how to improve China's business method patent censorship. Finally, discuss the existing legal provisions and institutional buildings involved in business method patent, making suggestions and envisagement. In accordance with status and development of business method as well as the influence to our county this paper gives improvement methods, in hope of contribute to business method patents censorship of our country.

关 键 词: 专利 商业方法专利 审查标准 审查模式

分 类 号: [D923.42]

领  域: [政治法律] [政治法律]


作者 褚宗明
作者 汪云
作者 曾祥生
作者 陈宇达
作者 吕杨


机构 暨南大学
机构 华南理工大学法学院
机构 华南理工大学
机构 广东财经大学
机构 中山大学


作者 康秋实
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖芳
作者 张万坤
作者 张光亚