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Research of B Company Savory Flavoring Quality Management System /& Improvement

导  师: 叶飞

学科专业: 120202

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 传统上,国内香精行业的产品质量管理比较简单,一般都是采用目测、嗅香及一些简单的理化指标检测等“事后结果检验”的方式。然而,随着近些年来咸味香精作为一种新型香精兴起后,其生产工艺变得更复杂,这种事后检验的质量管理方式已经无法适应,需要采用新的管理理念和工具,从产品设计、生产制造过程和原料管理等各个环节来系统地加强产品的质量管理。 本论文以B公司咸味香精的质量改进研究实践为例,应用帕累托图、头脑风暴法、鱼刺图和控制图等质量管理工具,运用现代质量管理的理念和方法,深入分析了B公司咸味香精质量管理中存在的员工工作能力不足、设备能力不足、作业指导书不适用、管理跨度过大、原料质量问题和工艺流程不合理的六个问题,然后结合行业和企业实际情况,提出了在组织结构、员工培训、生产制造、产品设计和原料储存五个方面的改进方案。在论文最后,提出了持续改进的方法和建议,并对咸味香精质量管理下一步的研究方向进行了简单预测。 本论文在行业内首次系统地对咸味香精的质量改进进行研究,在国内香精行业内首次运用SPC工具对香精的质量管理进行系统地分析和改进,其引入的先进质量管理理念和方法,采用的优化措施结合了行业的生产特点,对于香精香料行业的同行具有一定的借鉴意义。 Traditionally, the product quality management is very simple in Chinese flavor industry, usually using some 'afterwards' inspection means like visual, smell and some simple physical and chemical indexes. However, with the rapid development of savory flavoring, a new type of flavor which was born about 20 years ago, the old mode of the quality management has been found that it will not be fit. We need to adopt new management concept and tools to strengthen product quality management systematically, during all the links from product design to processing and material management system, etc. In this thesis, Pareto chart, Fishbone brainstorming, Fishbone diagrams and charts and other quality management tools were used to improve the quality management of Savory flavoring in B company. Based on a series of analysis ,we found that there were six problems in B company: staff capacity, facility capacity, work instructions, manage span, the quality of raw materials and unreasonable process. So we had provided some matching solutions: the organizational restructure, staff training, processing controling, better product designing and good storage for material. And we had also given some suggestion and forecast for continuous improvement in the future. It is the first time that a systemic study has been done for product quality management in savory flavoring manufacturing in China. And it is also the first time that the tool of SPC has been introduced into the Chinses flavor industry. So we expect that it can be a beneficial reference to the whole industry.

关 键 词: 咸味香精 质量管理 质量改进

分 类 号: [F273.2 F426.72]

领  域: [经济管理] [经济管理] [经济管理]


作者 钟巧霞
作者 曹新平
作者 朱凌云
作者 赵丹凌
作者 郑江南


机构 华南理工大学
机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 广东工业大学


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟