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Research on Real Estate Regulation Based on Fiscal and Monetary Policies

导  师: 李定安

学科专业: 020204

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 房地产业是国民经济的支柱产业,一方面,房地产业对上下游相关产业都有着带动作用,其发展从供给面推动整个国民经济的增长。另一方面,房地产业所生产的住宅商品也是一国居民财富的一个重要组成部分,其价格的波动从需求面对整个国民经济的运行以及国民福利产生重要影响。 受美国次贷危机影响,出口增长的迅速下滑导致我国经济增长减速,宏观政策全面转向更为宽松和积极的一面。因此,尽管出台了一系列调控房地产市场发展的相关政策,可是伴随地价的高涨房价也在高位运行,房地产供求结构出现失衡。不仅如此,高房价导致居民为购买住房而进行强制储蓄,因而极大地抑制了居民消费需求的扩张,对国民经济有着不利的影响。我国宏观调控政策能否以及在多大程度上能影响我国房地产市场的价格,必然关系到当前各项经济政策的落实和效应的发挥。因此,本文试图从理论和实证两个方面分析研究我国财政金融调控政策对房地产价格的影响机制及效应。 本文共分五章,第一章为绪论,提出了本文的研究背景和意义,给出国内外关于财税和金融调控与房地产价格相互关系的研究综述,第二章首先通过对近年来中国房屋销售价格和交易的变动情况,介绍中国房地产业发展现状,并发现房地产业本身存在的问题,说明房地产市场调控的必要性。第三章分析当前对于房地产市场所采用的各项财政金融调控政策具体的内容以及其效应。第四章通过从房地产相关市场的各个角度构建博弈模型,分析政府、开放商、消费者、银行各方在房地产市场博弈中所扮演的角色,从理论上探讨财政政策和金融政策对房价的影响力,并且分析这两种政策的不足,从中发现应对房价高位运行的政策方法体系。第五章最后针对我国房地产宏观调控,基于财政和金融两方面提出了政策建议。 Real estate is a pillar industry of national economy, on the one hand, through upstream and downstream related industries, led its development from supply side to promote the growth of the national economy. On the other hand, residential real estate offered by residents of a country's goods is also an important component of wealth, its demand for the face of price fluctuations from the operation of the entire national economy and an important impact on national welfare. By the U.S. subprime mortgage crisis, the rapid decline in export growth led to China's economic growth slowing, the current round of macro policy shift to expand domestic demand. Despite the introduction of a series in the property market development policies, but high prices is to prevent people buying houses are still the main factor. Moreover, high prices lead people to purchase housing and compulsory savings, which greatly inhibited the expansion of consumer demand. China's macro-control policies can affect whether and to what extent the price of real estate market in China will inevitably related to the implementation of the current economic policies and the effects of play. Therefore, this article attempts to both theoretical and empirical analysis of China's fiscal and financial regulatory policy impact on real estate prices mechanism and effect. This article is divided into five chapters, the first chapter is an introduction, proposed research background and significance, given fiscal and financial control at home and abroad and study the relationship between real estate prices are reviewed first by the second chapter in recent years, housing prices in China and changes in trade, real estate development on China's current situation, and found problems in the real estate industry itself, shows the need to control the real estate market. The third chapter analyzes the current market for real estate use fiscal and financial regulatory policies of the specific content and its effects. Chapter from the real estate market through the various game model building point of view, analysis of government, open, consumers, banks all in the real estate market game in the role of fiscal policy in theory and monetary policy on housing the impact of price and lack of analysis of these two policies, and found high response rates to run the policy methodology. Chapter V. Finally, the real estate macro control, based on both fiscal and monetary policy recommendations.

关 键 词: 房地产市场 宏观调控 财政政策 金融政策

分 类 号: [F293.3]

领  域: [经济管理]


作者 汪旭东
作者 刘秀光
作者 陈伟文
作者 刘育忠
作者 胡大见


机构 暨南大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学经济学院
机构 中山大学岭南学院


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟