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A Feminist Reading of Shakespeare's Love Tragedies

导  师: 颜学军

学科专业: 050201

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 作为世界上最重要的剧作家,莎士比亚的作品被不同的学术流派从不同的角度进行分析。本文试图从女性主义的角度分析莎士比亚的三部爱情悲剧—《罗密欧与朱丽叶》,《奥赛罗》和《安东尼与克莉佩特拉》中的女主角是怎样在父权制的压迫下进行抗争和反叛,怎样颠覆传统的女性形象,突破封建社会对女性的偏见。她们控制着男主人公的话语权和命运,抨击了传统的父权制社会结构。与此相比,男主人翁却不断地迷失自己,沦为“他者”。 一直以来,有关莎士比亚的评论和书籍都层出不穷。这三部爱情悲剧也得到了广泛的分析与评论。但是,国内的这些评论和分析大都集中在三位女主人公和中国经典文学人物相似的性格和行为上,而国外则注重女主人公的话语分析和女性柔弱这些方面。本文主要从女性主义角度出发,探讨三位女主人公是怎样勇敢地反抗父权制封建传统对女性的束缚,实现女性的自我意识。 论文主体分为七个部分,第一章简要地介绍了作家的生平,作品的历史和研究现状。第二章从女性主义的角度出发,介绍了论文的理论框架,探讨了父权制的运行机制以及其和女性主义的关系。第三章探讨朱丽叶是怎样勇敢地冲破父权社会下包办婚姻的束缚,实现自我意识,为掌握自己的命运而奋斗。相比之下,罗密欧则显得更加情绪化和不成熟。第四章为反驳传统的有关苔丝德蒙娜的观点提供了有力的证据。苔丝德蒙娜并不是默默地服从奥赛罗,甘心作为父权制的牺牲品。作为一个真正的人文主义者,她并不受世俗观念的影响,以貌取人,并且敢于为自己的决定承担责任。她的死并不是柔弱的表现,而是对父权制有力的控诉。第五章讲述克莉佩特拉是怎样用自己的智慧和美貌控制安东尼并夺得话语权。她颠覆了传统的女性形象,最终在死后获得爱情的重生和精神上的胜利。第六章介绍了三部爱情悲剧中女主人公在反抗父权制中的共同点和不同之处。第七章总结,总结全文并再次重申三位女主人是怎样用自己的方式反抗父权制,实现女性的精神胜利的。 Shakespeare is one of the most influential playwrights in the world, whose works evokemassive and various critical analyses, among which feminist criticism is one of the mostimportant critical approaches. This paper devotes to making an analysis of Shakespeare’sthree love tragedies, Romeo and Juliet, Othello, and Antony and Cleopatra, and the threeheroines’courage and female dignity in fighting against the patriarchal system. In this paper,the author tries to explore how the three heroines with strong female spirit and celebratingwomanhood stand against the patriarchal system in details. Although trapped in a patriarchalsociety in which men hold privileged right to control the speech power, these threecourageous heroines adopt their special ways to attack the unfair conventions. Withintelligence and striking beauty, they break through the traditional ideological conventions of“male authority”and obtain a masterful supremacy over the heroes’heart. Changing women’spassive positions, they break through all barriers for real love and sacrifice their life forexistence and liberation of women in a higher level, which greatly reflects the humanisticspirit in Shakespearean time and women’s strong self-consciousness and self-dignity. Bycontrast, dominated by love, the heroes lose their self-control and masculinity. Regarding thelove to be the only meaning of life, they are willing to become the slave and let their loversmaster their fate. For hundreds of years, books and studies on Shakespeare’s works have been pouring outall the time from various approaches. And these three love tragedies are also analyzed andcommented on by many scholars from various perspectives. However, it is a pity that most ofdomestic studies focus on the comparative studies between the heroines and some Chineseclassic literary figures, such as comparative analysis between Juliet and Zhu Yingtai,Cleopatra and Yang Yuhuan, While foreign countries pay attention to the discourse analysisand female’weakness. The paper is divided into seven chapters. Chapter one briefly introduces a sketch of thehistorical and biological research of the three love tragedies and the author’s point of view. The three heroines, with their wit and courage, surpass the boundary of the images thattradition casts on them. Chapter two is the presentation of the theoretical groundwork—feminism and patriarchy.In this chapter, the author will provide the general information of the development and thestatus quo of feminist theory and point out the natural relationship between patriarchy andfeminism. Chapter three focuses on how Juliet breaks through the shatters of feudal arrangedmarriage. She recognizes her self-consciousness and fights for her own fate to prove herexistence. Compared with Romeo’s manliness and immaturity, she powerfully rocks thepatriarchal system. Chapter Four offers powerful evidence to refute the traditional conceptthat Desdemona shows silent submission to her husband by analyzing her inner worldthoroughly. As a humanist, she bravely shoulders her responsibility and revolts againstpatriarchy in her own way. Her death is not a demonstration of her weakness, but representsher fearless struggle against the patriarchal system. Chapter five explores how Cleopatrachallenges the patriarchal prejudices over women’s images by her supreme authority incontrolling Antony’s fate and forces him to lose the speech power. Her wit and courageousdeath achieve the eternal victory. Chapter six tells us the connections among the threeheroines in their attack on the patriarchal society. Chapter seven concludes the whole paper by reiterating how the three heroines revoltagainst patriarchy so as to highlight the theme. Juliet, Desdemona and Cleopatra are not weakfemales without speech power. They powerfully challenge the patriarchal system and achievewomen’s liberation.

关 键 词: 父权制 爱情悲剧 女性精神

分 类 号: [I561.073]

领  域: [文学]


作者 闵玲玲
作者 陈力士
作者 周庭华
作者 孙静波
作者 杨彦清


机构 华南农业大学外国语学院
机构 广东培正学院
机构 深圳大学外国语学院
机构 中山大学
机构 广东工业大学外国语学院


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作者 徐丽华
作者 曹金蓉
作者 李娟
作者 李晓青