导 师: 李薇菡
学科专业: 030205
授予学位: 硕士
作 者: ;
机构地区: 华南理工大学
摘 要: 爱国主义是一个常论常需、常论常新的话题。爱国主义是民族精神的核心,是推动一个国家和民族不断前进的强大精神动力。爱国主义教育作为一项实践活动,其实效性如何,直接关系到国家培养的人才,关系到社会主义事业的兴衰成败。新中国成立60年来,我国高校爱国主义教育取得了不错的成绩,但在新的历史条件下仍存在着一些薄弱环节,迫切需要进一步加强和改进,切实提高大学生爱国主义教育的实效性。本文围绕大学生爱国主义教育实效性这一主题展开阐述,主要研究和回答了三个核心问题: 首先,对爱国主义、爱国主义与民族主义的区别、爱国主义教育、大学生爱国主义教育与其他对象爱国主义教育的区别、爱国主义教育实效性等进行概念界定,确定了大学生爱国主义教育实效性客观性、发展性、相对性、知行统一的评价原则以及知识、技能、态度三个评价标准。 其次,根据大学生爱国主义教育实效性的评价原则和评价标准,通过访谈结果和文献资料进行大学生爱国主义教育实效性分析,同时分析当今高校爱国主义教育面临的新情况新问题。 再次,分别从爱国主义教育过程中主体、客体、介体、环体四个因素提出对策,建议加强全体教师、思想政治理论课教师、辅导员、学生组织等主体素质建设;大学生加强自我教育,做理性爱国者;充分利用活动和传媒载体,加强社会主义理想信念教育、民族团结教育、民族精神和时代精神教育,积极引导大学生理性爱国;提升国家软实力、加强爱国主义教育基地建设和校园文化建设,优化环体的育人功能。 Patriotism is an ancient and ever new topic. Patriotism is the core of the national spirit, and a powerful spirit to promote the nation advance. Patriotism education is a practice. Its actual effect is directly related to the country's human resources,related to the socialist cause. For 60 years of New China, patriotism education for college students had made a good score, though, there are still some weak points. It is urgent to further strengthen and improve the actual effect of patriotism education. This paper focuses on the actual effect of patriotism education for contemporary college students. There are three major questions as follows: First, determine patriotism, difference between patriotism and nationalism, patriotism education, difference between patriotism education for college students and other objects, and actual effect of patriotism education. Then make the principles and rules of actual effect of patriotism education. Second, analyzes the actual effect of college students by the literature status and interview. Then analyzes the new situations of contemporary patriotism education. Third, make suggestions: strengthen construction of subject qualities just as all the teachers, the ideological and political theory class teachers, counselors and student organizations; College students should make promotion by themselves; take full advantage of activities and the media carrier; strengthen the socialist beliefs, national unity education, strengthen the national spirit and the spirit of the times education, and actively guide the students to patriotic rationally; enhance soft power ,strengthen the construction of patriotism education bases and campus culture.
分 类 号: [G641]