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Z-tone GPS Positioning Products in Guangdong Commercial Vehicle Market 2010 Promotion Plan

导  师: 龚振

学科专业: 120202

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 广东智通科技有限公司是GPS运营商,主要面向商用车市场的企业客户,销售GPS定位设备及提供监控服务。由于行业内的一些大品牌进入行业有十几年时间,占据了大部分市场份额,建立了较高的知名度,而智通公司进入行业的时间较短,在现有的竞争环境下急需提高市场份额和品牌知名度。 本计划书根据GPS行业的现状,结合智通公司的销售历史数据及实际情况,制定了智通有限公司未来一年的促销计划,对销售工作提出具体的指导,以期达到扩大市场份额、提高品牌认知度的目的。 首先,本文对智通公司的背景及产品进行了介绍,分析了智通公司的人员、规模及组织架构,对其产品的品种及特点作了详细介绍,并介绍了该公司在过去一年内的销售情况。 其次,本文针对GPS定位行业的宏观环境进行了研究及分析。对GPS产品市场的行业环境,利用迈克尔·波特的五力模型进行了详细分析。应用SWOT分析工具对智通公司所面临的环境进行了分析,并结合竞争环境制定了智通公司的营销战略。同时,以智通公司历史数据和市场需求总量、需求结构和需求发展趋势为依据,确定了智通公司未来一年的促销目标和目的。 在上述分析基础上,本文重点制定了智通公司的促销计划。第一,制定了广告计划,对广告的目标、预算、媒体选择作出了具体的分析与决策,制定了具体计划及执行方案。第二,以人员推销为重点,制定了智通公司在未来一年的销售管理计划,对销售人员、组织结构、销售区域、销售活动管理等进行了深入分析和计划。第三,结合GPS行业特点,对销售促进制定了系列措施及计划。第四,结合广东省的行业环境对公共关系进行有针对性的规划。 最后,基于上述计划,对智通公司的促销计划进行了财务计划和风险分析,制定了未来一年的模拟损益表,同时对财务的盈亏平衡点进行了分析。按照本计划执行,可以达到设定的目标,同时能够规避可能存在的风险,实现财务上的风险控制。 Guangdong Z-Tone Technology Co., Ltd. is a GPS operator, mainly for the commercial vehicle market, corporate customers. It sells GPS positioning equipment and provides monitoring services. As the industry's largest player after entering the industry 10 years, it accounted for most of the market share, establishing a higher profile. However, Z-Tone needs to increase market share and brand awareness in short time to face the current competitive environment. The plan GPS industry, according to the status quo, combined with Z-Tone's sales history data and the actual situation, formulated Z-Tone Co., Ltd. for the coming year marketing plan, in order to achieve greater market share and increase brand awareness degree of purpose. First, the background and the Z-Tone products are introduced, analyzing the Z-Tone staff, size and organizational structure. Its product variety and features are described in detail. The first part also introduced the company's sales over the past year. Second part is for the GPS positioning industry, the macro-environment of the research and analysis on the GPS industry, macro-environmental factors related to in-depth study. GPS products on the market, industry environment, using Michael Porter's Five Forces model conducted a detailed analysis. Application of SWOT analysis tool is used to Z-Tone environment faced by an analysis of the competitive environment in conjunction with the development of the Z-Tone's marketing strategy. At the same time, to Z-Tone historical data and market demand, aggregate demand structure and demand trends, based on identified Z-Tone next year's promotional goals and objectives. In the above analysis, the paper focused on the development of the Z-Tone promotional plans. First, the development of advertising plans, advertising objectives, budget, media choose to make a concrete analysis and decision-making, developed a specific plan and the implementation plan. Second, focus on personal selling, developed a Z-Tone for the past year, sales management plan, the sales staff, organizational structure, sales region, sales management, in-depth analysis and planning. Third part introduces the combination of GPS industry characteristics, measures and plans to promote sales. Fourth, the combination of industry environment in Guangdong Province is analyzed to conduct a targeted public relations planning. Finally, based on the above plan, on the Z-Tone promotional plan a financial plan and risk analysis, developed a simulation of the income statement for the coming year, while financial breakeven point is analyzed. In accordance with the implementation of this plan can achieve the goals set at the same time to avoid possible risks, to achieve financial risk control.

关 键 词: 促销计划 市场营销 营销计划 营销战略

分 类 号: [F426.471]

领  域: [经济管理]


作者 郑晓晖
作者 李惠芬
作者 罗佳炜
作者 全波
作者 周运锦


机构 华南理工大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学工商管理学院
机构 广东工业大学


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟