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The System Analysis and Design Based on Build-to-Delivery Production Mode in GR Elevator

导  师: 王明;吴宾

学科专业: 1201

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 随着市场产品同质化竞争的不断加剧,越来越多的公司采取了压缩生产提前期的竞争策略。竞争策略决定了企业所采取的生产模式。精细生产能够同时实现比大量生产更低的成本和更高的质量,能够提供型号规格不同的产品供顾客选择,但是不能实现定制化生产。大量定制能够实现定制和接近大量生产的成本但是不能实现顾客化定制和即时交付。因此,由大量定制转向顾客化定制是市场进一步发展的要求,并且对时间的要求也越来越苛刻,同时还要求低成本。 中国已经成为全球最大的电梯市场,吸引了全世界几乎所有电梯企业的关注。大型电梯企业通过规模经济占领着80/%的市场份额,采用典型的大量定制生产模式;而中小企业通过范围经济瓜分剩下的20/%市场份额,在快速交货和满足客户个性化需求上占有优势。由于电梯与建筑项目的紧密相关性,建筑项目建设进度或电梯使用需求的推延往往导致电梯企业的大量成品库存。这对电梯企业满足个性化的同时最大限度地缩短生产周期提出新的要求。 本论文通过对企业生产模式发展轨迹的回顾,借鉴汽车行业和家电行业按订单生产模式,从行业环境、产品结构、订单生产流程、供应链等方面对GR电梯公司基于预测驱动模式的生产系统进行了分析,剖析了GR库存高企的根本原因,提出GR应建立基于发货驱动生产模式/(BTD/)来实现和参与基于时间竞争,解决目前电梯企业存在的高库存、低利润率的经营困境。随后就产品、流程、供应链架构之间对于建立BTD模式的相互支持、相互制约的关系进行论述,建立GR生产系统三维架构的运作协调模型。论文重点应用切克兰德软系统方法建立GR由预测驱动/(BTF/)向BTD的转型逻辑框架和进行BTD生产系统设计,详细阐述三维架构运作决策的协同配置,并通过业务流程再造/(BPR/)方法重构GR订单履行流程,把拉动逻辑从生产延伸到客户端。论文最后部分应用Excel回归工具对GR电梯层门板未来需求预测,以及应用Excel线性规划工具分别对GR的BTF和BTD模式下制定层门板生产总体计划和进行最小生产成本比较,以论证BTD模式在生产成本上的优势。 以上研究成果对GR在激烈的同质化竞争中保持低成本、缩短交货期、实现对客户快速响应等方面有很好的应用价值,进而提升企业核心竞争力。 With severity of the homogeny competition, the customer request of quick respond is much high. More and more companies take shortening lead time as the competition strategy, and that decides the enterprise production mode .Lead Production can provide the less cost as well as the much high quality, and it can also provide the different style products to the customers to choose. But it can’t customization. Mass Customization /(MC/) can make the customization come true and be close to the cost of Mass production, but it can’t carry out the instant customerization /(IC/) and instant delivery. With the request developing, production mode turns to the IC from MC, whose request the time more and more rigor with the low cost. This is the demand of the market development. China has been becoming the most big elevator market, which attracts almost all the elevator companies. Big elevator enterprises share the 80/% market by the scale economy, who adopt with MC. Minor enterprises share the 20/% market by the economies of scope, which have the advantage of the quick delivery and the customerization. In the same time, there exists the tight relation between the elevator and the building project. The delay of the building project or the need of using of elevator will lead the high inventory in the elevator company. So there produces a new demand for the elevator enterprise to shorten lead time furthest when meets the individuation . The article analysis production system from the elevator market environment , product character, the order fulfill process, and supply chain., construes the reason resulting in the high inventory in the GR Elevator Company by reviewing the production mode and the analyzing of the build-to-order/(BTO/) in the car industry and the household- electrical- appliances industry , puts forward that the elevator enterprise should establish the production mode of build-to-delivery/(BTD/) to participate the Time Based Competition/(TBC/) and solve the problem of high inventory and low profit rate. Through establishing GR 3-dimension harmony model among the product architecture, process architecture and supply chain architecture of the production system, the article sets up the transition logical frame from build-to-forecast/(BTF/) to BTD by soft systems methodology/(SSM/), designs the system detailed from how the decision configuring, analysis how GR carries out the BPR in the order fulfilling process and achieve the pull logical extending to the customer. In the end the article confirm the cost advantage of BTD by calculating the minimize cost of elevator Car production with the Excel linear programming. The study have the application value for GR in keeping low cost, shortening lead time and carrying out the quick respond in the elevator homogeny competition ,and then upgrade the enterprise’s core competence.

关 键 词: 时间竞争 发货驱动 软系统方法 业务流程再造 生产成本

分 类 号: [F274]

领  域: [经济管理] [经济管理]


作者 林振中
作者 令狐铁民
作者 万江平
作者 王利民
作者 肖青


机构 华南理工大学
机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学管理学院
机构 广东工程职业技术学院


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟