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The Diagnostic Analysis of Sales Process of S Corporation Asian Branch

导  师: 叶飞

学科专业: 120202

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: S公司是打印机耗材零配件行业全球最大的供应商,然而,自2009年下半年以来,其中国市场的销售额大幅度下滑,S公司亚洲分公司面临着竞争对手的巨大威胁。S公司亚洲分公司由于沿用原来欧洲总公司的组织结构与流程方案,由于两地的国情不同及文化差异,客户的需求也不尽相同,原来的欧式管理并不能很好地满足中国客户的需求。本论文首先对S公司所在的行业以及其客户特征进行详细分析,通过前线销售人员头脑风暴的讨论,对S公司亚洲分公司现存的问题进行归纳与总结。基于ESIA方法对S公司亚洲分公司现有的业务流程进行诊断。根据销售业务流程诊断分析结果,提出了适合其自身特点且切实可行的新流程方案。新的流程再造方案包括部门设置、组织结构、销售业务流程等方面的内容。由于现今社会面临着客户、竞争、变化的重大挑战,S公司通过流程再造,可将其客户服务水平提高,比如在珠海设立库存,这样可将发货速度从原来的6.86天缩短到2到3天,从而大大提高客户的响应速度,并改善S公司的客户服务水平。另外,新方案还能够有效降低S公司成本,并使S公司内外部沟通更为顺畅。 在提出新的流程方案后,通过德尔菲法对新的业务流程进行评价,指出其存在的不足之处并加以改善,最后定出切实可行的流程再造方案。 新业务流程对于S公司在中国的长远发展有着积极的作用,另外,对于致力于开拓中国市场的国外企业也起到一定的借鉴作用。 S Corporation is the worldwide largest supplier for the components of the printing consumable industry. But, since the second half year of 2009, the sale revenue in Chinese market dropped down dramatically. S Corporation Asian Branch is under a great pressure of her competitors. Since started, S Corporation Asian Branch follows the Organization Structure and the process flows of her European headquarter. The actual status and the culture of both areas are so different, the demand and requirement of customers are distinguished also. The existing European management model cannot fit the demand of Chinese customers well. All above cause the dramatic decline on sales revenue of 2009 for S Corporation Asian Branch. This thesis analyzes the characteristic of S Corporation’s customers and the industry S Corporation belongs to. Through the brainstorm of all the sales, we found the existing problems of S Corporation Asian branch. Use ESIA to diagnose the existing business process of S Corporation Asian Branch. From the Diagnostic analysis of the existing sales business process, this thesis proposed the suitable and feasible new business process which fit to the characteristic of S Corporation. New Business Process includes Department Reset, Organization Reconstruction, Sales Process Reengineering, etc. We are facing the challenges of Customer, Competition and Change. The new business process can help S Corporation to improve the customer service level. For example, the new sales process suggested keeping stocks in Zhuhai office. In that case, we can reduce the delivery time from 6.86 days to within two to three days. This can improve the responding speed for the customer and thus upgrade the customer service level. Besides, the new process can lower the cost of S Corporation, and improve the internal and external communication as well. While the new business process has been raised, we use Delphi to evaluate it, indicate the shortage and improve it. Finally, we propose the suitable and workable new business process. The new business process contributes a lot to the long term development of S Corporation in China. Besides, this new process can use as reference for the foreign enterprises who intends to develop the Chinese market.

关 键 词: 耗材 业务流程再造 服务水平 销售业务

分 类 号: [F416.6]

领  域: [经济管理]


作者 李淑珍
作者 蓝国强
作者 麦小玲
作者 黄兆棠
作者 崔观华


机构 华南理工大学
机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 暨南大学管理学院
机构 深圳职业技术学院


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟