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Research on Financial Input of Province-owned Social Public Welfare Research Institutes in Guangdong Province

导  师: 范旭

学科专业: 120401

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 社会公益类研究是开展有关支撑社会公益事业发展的科学技术活动。相对于竞争性研究而言,社会公益研究具有明显的公共性,其研究成果不是为某些特定人群或利益集团服务,而是为公共利益服务,提供社会所需要的共性技术。社会公益类科研机构主要面向社会提供公共事业领域的基础性研究、公益性研究成果或者公共科技服务,由于这种服务无法从市场上得到相应的经济回报,即便有一定的经济回报也不能维持和支撑其自身发展,因此,社会公益类科研机构必须得到政府的专项财政支持,依赖于中央及地方的财政科技投入。广东省作为经济比较发达的地区,财政科技投入占财政支出的比重逐年增长,用于社会公益事业的财政支出也在逐年增多。但相较于其他科研机构而言,社会公益类科研机构的发展一直存在滞后的局面。 本文将立足于广东省属社会公益类科研机构的具体情况,运用财政预算管理、统计学等理论,对广东省属社会公益类科研机构的财政科技投入状况进行调研分析,力图通过对其现状的分析,提出解决现行社会公益类科研机构财政科技投入管理所存在问题的政策措施。一方面为广东省属社会公益类科研机构的财政科技投入研究提供理论指导,另一方面也进一步丰富和发展了社会公益类科研机构的财政科技投入管理的理论。本文的研究对深化广东省属社会公益类科研机构财政科技投入体制改革具有重要的指导意义。 Social and public welfare research is activities of science and technology, which is aim at supporting development of social public welfare. Compared to the competitive research, public is the obvious characteristic of Social public welfare research, and the research results are not for some special organization or interest groups, but for the public interests. Social public welfare research institutes provide common science and technology which is necessary to social development. Social public welfare research instetutes institutions mainly undertake basic research, and they can not get enough funding from market to keep on the go. Therefore, social public welfare research institutions need special fundings which are from central and local finance scientific and technological input. As the developed areas, Guangdong’s rate of financial investment on financial expenditure increased year by year, and the expenditure of public welfare is also increasing year by year. However, social public welfare research institutions of Guangdong province develop slowly in the recent years. Based on the specific situation in Guangdong Province, the dissertation investigates Guanddong’s financial investment to social public welfare research institutions by use of financial budget management and statistics theory. The purpose of the paper is to propose some effectual policies and advices to accelerate development of social public welfare research institutions in Guangdong Province. On the one hand the article provides theoretical guidance for research about social and public interest in Guangdong; On the other hand, the article further enriched and developed the social and public interest of the Financial Investment Management theory. The study is very important on deepening reform of the system for science and technology of Guangdong.

关 键 词: 省属社会公益类科研机构 财政科技投入 科技创新

分 类 号: [G322.7 F812.45 F224]

领  域: [文化科学] [经济管理] [经济管理]


作者 王福涛
作者 曾喜
作者 古南荣
作者 苏立恒
作者 潘甲林


机构 中山大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 广东工业大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 华南师范大学经济与管理学院


作者 张健
作者 张方超
作者 彭铁牛
作者 彭飞
作者 徐广生