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Media Literacy Study of Urban Primary School Pupils in the New Media Environment

导  师: 李幸

学科专业: 050302

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 媒介素养研究从上世纪30年代起发端,已经历了将近80余年的发展,这期间人类传播社会发生了翻天覆地的变化,媒介素养的研究对象也从传统媒体逐渐发展到新媒体,世界各国对媒介素养教育的研究都在不断的补充完善。 小学生是中华民族的未来和希望,是21世纪建设国家的主力军,但是作为网络用户中数量巨大的一个群体,小学生的媒介素养却没有得到国内专家学者的足够重视。与国外媒介素养教育从娃娃抓起不同,目前国内很多针对青少年的媒介素养研究往往以大学生为研究对象,作为一个更需要呵护的群体——小学生的媒介素养则少有人问津,即便是针对小学生的研究也大多从细节出发,单纯截取一个点、面展开讨论,,兼具系统性和逻辑性、适合中国特殊国情的文献资料和研究成果均有限。 为了得出更有研究价值的成果,本文研究对象为城市小学高年级学生/(4-6年级/)。本文从小学生与媒介素养的逻辑关系出发,提出了新媒体环境下城市小学生媒介素养的新内涵,并以系统化的研究分析和科学严谨的问卷调查,得出有关城市小学生使用新媒体的一手资料,然后结合现实案例分析媒介素养匮乏导致的严重后果,并探讨其背后的深层次原因,最后就如何四位一体切实提高城市小学生新媒体素养进行了有益探索。 国内的媒介素养教育研究刚刚拉开序幕,且大多停留在纯理论角度,远未深入到社会实践当中,寻找适合中国国情并具有可行性的方法以尽快提高国内媒介素养教育水平是解决当前问题的关键。希望本文能为解决前瞻性问题起到抛砖引玉的作用,使媒介素养教育的探讨更上一个台阶。 The study of media literacy which started from the 1930s, has a history of 80 years. During those days, human communication has experienced tremendous changes: the study of media literacy has evolved from traditional media to new media, and the world's research on media literacy Keducation has been improving continuously. Pupils are the future and hope of the Chinese nation, and are the main force in nation-building in the 21st. The period of elementary school plays a important role in the whole human life. However, as quite a large number of the network users, media literacy of primary school students has not got enough attention of domestic experts. Different from foreign media literacy education which begin at an early age, many domestic media literacy research aiming at young teenagers always target the college students. And as a result, nearly no one shows any interest in the media literacy of pupils which need more care. At the same time, most researches aiming at young teenagers always start from details, simply open up a discussion from a point, and get limited achievements in both quantitatively and qualitatively, say nothing of those with logic and systematic and conforming to the situation of China. Proceeding from the logic relationship between pupils and media literacy, through systematic analysis, rigorous scientific questionnaires, depth interviews and so on, this paper is trying to get firsthand information on the use of media about urban pupils. Moreover, through doing further analysis on serious consequences and causes resulted from the lack of media literacy, this paper is doing useful explore on how to improve the media literacy education of urban pupils effectively. With the domestic media literacy education about to draw open, most of researches remain in the purely theoretical level, and still not deep into the social practice. The key to the current question is to looking for the possible way for the Chinese situation, so that we can promote the quality of the domestic media literacy education as soon as possible. I hope that this paper will be useful to this prospective questions, so as to put the investigation about media literacy education onto a higher level.

关 键 词: 新媒体 城市小学生 媒介素养

分 类 号: [G622 G206]

领  域: [文化科学] [文化科学]


作者 吴奇程
作者 袁元
作者 李锐
作者 杨宇姣
作者 范瑾


机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学新闻与传播学院
机构 华南理工大学
机构 华南农业大学
机构 暨南大学


作者 庞菊香
作者 康超
作者 廖燕萍
作者 廖荆梅
作者 张丽娟