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导  师: 韩金龙

学科专业: 050211

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 随着评价理论的日益发展,态度系统被应用到不同的语篇分析,但是,对新闻特写的态度研究还是很少的。新闻特写是报纸不可缺少的重要组成部分。它具有多重功能,不仅为读者提供了一种信息服务,也为作者提供了发表个人见解的机会,因此常常包含了丰富的态度资源,本文尝试对这类语篇态度资源的使用进行研究。 本论文将选取《中国日报》、《人民日报》、《纽约时报》和《时代周刊》中对2008年北京奥运会的新闻特写作为语料进行对比分析,意在研究奥运会新闻特写中作者更倾向于使用哪一种态度资源,从而揭示中美两国媒体在此事件上各自的态度特点。 由于篇幅的限制,本论文只探讨和分析态度资源在2008年奥运会新闻特写中的使用。本文共选取了10篇共10374个词的新闻语篇为语料,采用了定性研究的方法,通过对所选新闻特写中态度资源进行数据分析和研究,得出结论。即新闻特写的态度子系统中情感资源最少,而鉴赏资源最多。此外,通过对比研究,发现中美两国媒体对2008年奥运会所持态度稍有不同。 本论文分为五个部分。第一章主要介绍了本文选题的理据、研究对象、意义及结构安排,并提出了本文的研究问题;第二章对国内外目前已有的对评价理论和新闻语篇的研究进行回顾和评析;第三章介绍了此研究的理论框架——评价理论,其中详细阐释了态度系统的各种资源;第四章主要分析了本文所选取的特写新闻语篇中的各种态度资源;第五章总结了本研究的主要发现,并指出了本研究的部分局限和问题。 As the increasing development of Appraisal Theory, the attitude system has been appliedto the analysis of various discourses. However, there are still few researches concerningattitudinal resources in feature news discourses. Feature news, which is an indispensablecomponent of modern newspaper, is multifunctional. Since it can not only provide newsinformation for readers, but also provide an opportunity for the writer to express his//herpersonal opinion, it usually displays abundant attitudinal resources. And the present thesisattempts to investigate the attitudinal resources of English feature news discourse. The present thesis makes an attempt to conduct a comparative analysis on the attitudinalmeanings of the English feature news concerning the 2008 Olympic Games extracted fromChina Daily, People’s Daily, The New York Times, and Time, with the purpose of investigatingwhich attitudinal resource is preferred in feature news as well as examining the attitudes ofChina and America towards the event. Focusing on the attitude resources on feature news discourses, this thesis appliesAppraisal Theory to analyze 10 pieces of English feature news /(10374 words/) concerning the2008 Olympic Games. The qualitative approach is adopted in the analysis. Throughinvestigation and analysis, this thesis comes to the conclusion that in the attitude system,affect is less favored than judgment and appreciation in feature news, with appreciation as themost frequently occurring one. Besides, through the comparative study, it is found that theattitude of America press is somewhat different from that of China concerning the 2008Olympic Games. This thesis is mainly composed of five chapters. Chapter one introduces somepreliminary issues concerning the present study, including rationale of the study, researchquestions, significances of the study, and the organization of the thesis. Chapter two presents aliterature review of previous studies on Appraisal Theory and news discourse home andaboard. Chapter three introduces the theoretical framework --- Appraisal Theory, with theattitude subsystem highlighted. Chapter four applies attitude system to the analysis of those10 sample news discourses. Chapter five summarizes the findings based on the analysis inchapter four and generalizes the implications and limitations of the study.

关 键 词: 评价理论 态度系统 年奥运会 新闻特写

分 类 号: [G212]

领  域: [文化科学]


作者 刘玉珊
作者 胡光磊


机构 华南理工大学
机构 广州体育学院体育新闻与传播系
机构 暨南大学
机构 内蒙古大学


作者 庞菊香
作者 康超
作者 廖燕萍
作者 廖荆梅
作者 张丽娟