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The Study on Intellectual Property Protection on Conventions and Exhibitions

导  师: 关永宏

学科专业: 030105

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 随着我国近年来加大对现代服务业的扶持力度,会展经济的发展速度越来越快,在第三产业中所占的比例不断攀升,使得各地对其的重视程度都在不断加大。然而,展会作为新技术、新产品的高度聚集地,伴随着会展经济的快速发展,大量展会知识产权保护问题不断涌现。展会本身遭遇克隆侵权,展会参展项目的商标、专利、著作权等遭到侵权。一方面,知识产权权利人害怕自己的新技术、新产品在展会中遭人仿照,也害怕侵权者在同一展会中以更低的价格引发价格战;另一方面,参展商害怕突遭知识产权投诉,来不及进行抗辩便被认定侵权,丧失继续参展的机会。展会知识产权保护的好坏直接影响了会展业的健康发展,也体现了一个地区对知识产权的重视程度。为了系统的对展会知识产权保护进行研究,进而为我国展会知识产权保护实践提出切实可行的方案,本论文综合运用立法学、行政法学、知识产权法学、会展经济学等多学科的研究方法,同时采取实证分析法,从司法、行政、展会自律等多个角度分析我国目前展会知识产权保护的现状、存在的不足及产生原因,尤其是结合第三次专利法修改的内容对目前我国展会知识产权保护的专门立法进行了比较分析。在此基础上,重点借鉴德国、意大利、瑞士、香港等其它一些国家和地区在展会知识产权保护上的具体做法和成功经验,从司法、行政、展会自律三方面提出目前加强我国展会知识产权保护的对策与建议,并对展会知识产权保护的进一步立法提出建议。 With China 's renewed efforts in supporting the modern service industry, We have been seeing a rapid development of expo economy and a continuous increase in its proportion in the service industry. Most countries and regions around the world have been attaching more and more importance to it. However, as intensive gather places of new technologies and products, there emerge more and more problems of intellectual property rights /(IPRs/) protection no matter exhibitions themselves or trademarks, patents and copyrights of participants are exposed to infringements. On one hand, rightowners worry that their new technologies or products may be infringed by others at exhibitions, and then, the infringers may showcase them at the same exhibitions with aggressive prices; on the other, participants also worry that they may be cornered by iprs complaints all in a sudden and be deemed as infringers before they launch any countermeasures. In that case, their exhibitions may come to a halt. the iprs protection in expos and exhibitions will not only directly influence the healthy development of expo industry, but also indicate how much importance has been attached to IPRs in a region. To give a systemic research to IPRs protection in exhibitions and in turn work out a feasible solution to the country’s IPRs protection practices in exhibitions, the essay integrates the research methods of multi-subjects, such as legislature, administration, IPRs and exhibition economy while makes case studies in the fields of justice, administration and self-discipline of exhibition. the study analyzes the status-quo, the existing problems and their causes of iprs protection in expos and exhibitions. Specifically, the essay does a comparative analysis to the country’s present laws on IPRs protection of exhibitions against the background of the third amendment to the Paten Law. on this basis, the study takes in account of successful examples of some other countries and regions, such as Germany, Italy, Switzerland and HongKong, and puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions to improve our iprs protection from the aspects of justice, administration and self-discipline of exhibitions, making suggestions on further legislations.

关 键 词: 展会 知识产权 司法保护 行政保护 立法

分 类 号: [D923.4 F713.83]

领  域: [政治法律] [政治法律] [经济管理] [经济管理]


作者 刘凯
作者 周笑足
作者 彭世忠
作者 唐玉春
作者 姜鹏飞


机构 华南理工大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 广东技术师范学院
机构 中山大学
机构 中山大学法学院


作者 张健
作者 张粟
作者 彭运朋
作者 李旭珊
作者 杨晓