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On the Improvement of Trial Organization

导  师: 葛洪义

学科专业: 030101

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 审判组织是具体行使审判权的主体,是人民法院行使审判权审理案件的组织形式。从法院内部而言,完善审判组织的运行是促进司法公正的核心问题。文章从近年来新闻媒体的三则报道出发引出问题,以司法公正为价值基点,着重分析我国各种审判组织在实践运行过程中发现的问题,并提出了完善的建议。全文共分四部分: 第一部分论述完善审判组织的意义。首先简要界定了审判组织的概念、类型,阐述了我国的三种审判组织——独任庭、合议庭、审判委员会各自的价值、优劣及其适用范围。紧接着论述完善审判组织的目的,确保审判组织独立、公正、高效行使审判权。 第二部分分别论述各审判组织的完善措施。对审判委员会的完善。首先指出了审判委员会实践运行中存在的几个问题:行政化倾向明显;非专业性突出;职能偏废;违反程序正义;工作规则缺失。在发现问题的基础上提出了完善的思路:组建专业委员会和综合事务委员会;调整工作职能;完善审判委员会工作规则;按程序正义的要求完善有关制度,减少对程序正义的违反。对合议庭的完善,问题是:合议庭成员地位的不平等;名为合议实为独任的现象仍然存在;合议庭固定化后有形成利益共同体的风险;合议庭评议程序较为混乱;陪审员在合议庭中沦为陪衬。针对存在的问题,文章提出了解决的思路:建立合议庭成员定期轮换制度;制定合议庭评议规则;强化合议庭成员责任;缩小合议庭的适用范围。对独任庭的完善,主要问题是:独任审判与简易程序简单对接,导致诉讼效率降低;民事审判中独任庭的适用超出了法律规定的范围;民事审判中独任庭审理向合议庭审理转换较随意。对此,文章提出:扩大独任庭审理的案件的范围;区分独任庭与简易程序,考虑普通程序案件也可以独任审理;规范独任庭向合议庭转换的程序;注意独任法官的选择。 第三部分探讨审判组织之间,以及审判组织与相关机构间的衔接。主要从纵向角度考察审判组织的运行过程。首先对审判委员会与合议庭之间的关系进行了着重分析;其次对合议庭、独任庭与庭长、院长的关系进行了分析。在此基础上,提出了梳理审判组织及相关机构间关系的建议。 文章最后一部分从外部分析了保障审判组织良性运行的途径,加强审判管理。文章论证了审判管理的必要性,分析了传统审判管理的弊病。最后提出加强审判管理的建议:理念上实现从个案的把关到对审判组织及其成员的管理的转变;内容上涵盖程序与实体;机制上建立专门的审判管理机构;方法上通过完善审判组织成员即法官的业绩考评实现审判管理。 The trial organization is the body exercise judicial authority. The core of realization of justice is to improve the operation of trial organization. This thesis analyzes the problems of trial organizations in practice in our country and makes recommendations, basing on three pieces of news report and the value of judicial fairness. This thesis has four parts. The first part is on the significance of perfection of trial organization. After the brief definition of trial organization and its types, the values, advantage disadvantage and application of the three types, Sole Judge Bench, Collegiate Bench and Judicial Committee are expounded. The purpose of perfection of trial organization is also involved to make sure the judicial authority is exercised independently, fairly and efficiently. The second part elaborates the measures of perfect the trial organization respectively. To the perfection of Judicial Committee, the problems lie in the obvious trend of administration, no specialization, some functions being ignored, departure from procedural justice and absence of operation rules. The advices for improvements are to establish committee of profession and comprehension, to change the functions, to perfect rules of operation of Judicial Committee, to perfect relative institution as to reduce the procedural injustice. To the perfection of Collegiate Bench, the problems lie in unequal positions of its members, Sole Judge Bench indeed, risk of interest community after its members being selected, lacking of deliberation rules, jurors serve as a contrast. Resolutions are rotation of its members, to make rules of deliberation, to bear more responsibility by its members and to reduce the application of Collegiate Bench. To the perfection of Sole Judge Bench, the problems lie in mechanical connection of Sole Judge Bench and summary procedure resulting low efficiency, the application of Sole Judge Bench in civil litigation is beyond the law and the change from Sole Judge Bench trial to Collegiate Bench trial is at random. Therefore this thesis suggests Sole Judge Bench should be applied to other types of cases, separate Sole Judge Bench from summary procedure, Sole Judge Bench trial is applicable to ordinary procedure, institutionalize the switch from Sole Judge Bench trial to Collegiate Bench trial and place great emphasis on appointment of Sole Judge. The third part discusses the connections among trial organizations and relative agencies longitudinally. Firstly, this thesis analyses the relationship between Judicial Committee and Collegiate Bench. Secondly, it analyses and makes recommendations on the relationship among Collegiate Bench, Sole Judge Bench, chief judge and president of the court. The last part analyzes approach that ensures the realization of judicial justice by trial organization, that is, management of trial. This thesis argues the necessity of trial management and the disadvantage of conventional ones. The suggestions for it are: it is important to transfer the attention from cases to the trial organization and its members, both in procedure and substance. To establish institution of trial management and estimation of the achievements of judges is important to realize the trial management.

关 键 词: 审判组织 完善措施 审判管理

分 类 号: [D926.2]

领  域: [政治法律]


作者 曾志伟
作者 蔡彦敏
作者 于秀玲
作者 罗恬漩


机构 中山大学法学院
机构 华南理工大学
机构 中山大学
机构 中山大学法学院法律系


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