导 师: 刘继红
学科专业: 050302
授予学位: 硕士
作 者: ;
机构地区: 华南理工大学
摘 要: 随着高速网络的兴起以及个人网络日志的盛行,作为诸多新科技中最具有影响力的媒体之一的博客,已经开始对网民的信息寻求行为造成着不可低估的影响。同其他网站一样,博客创立的本身就具有一定的商业价值,但其所独有的创意和所拥有的个人知识,在网络社群日趋成熟的中国,发挥着信息快速传递和情感交织维系的强大功能。本文通过调查各主要博客服务托管商提供博客内容管理系统所具备的内容元素、功能与服务,以埃利斯/(Ellis, 1998/)提出的息搜索模型以及上述对博客服务托管商进行调查所得的结果拟定访谈大纲,针对年轻博客使用者进行访谈,辅以日常生活信息寻求的理论模式,对博客使用者的信息寻求行为进行分析。研究结果显示,使用者主要具有三项博客的使用动机:取得特定信息、增添生活乐趣与放松心情以及情感联系。 并有以下发现:/(1/)个人经历是使用者阅读博客信息的原因;/(2/)人际资源是使用者发现博客的重要渠道;/(3/)动机不同时,使用者的浏览方式也有所差;/(4/)使用者在寻找特定信息时会特别注意到文章的可信度与时效性,在阅读感兴趣的博客文章时会考虑到阅读的舒适性以及博客所体现出的风格,而在发挥联系情感的功用时,文章撰写的时间与日期标签则是影响阅读的重点;/(5/)在使用新媒体时,相较于功能本身,博客使用者更注重需求的满足。因此不一定会按照设计者或服务商所假定或设想的方式浏览使用;/(6/)图文并茂会激增阅读量。 With the rising and developing of high-speed networks, as well as weblog journal’s prevailing, blog has already become one of the most influential Medias among new technologies, and has impacted on bloggers' information seeking behaviors. Undoubtedly, blog is no other than a profit-making stuff as most websites are. However, blog’s creativity and knowledgeable news truly owns the powerful value of information transmitting and relationship maintaining within cyber groups. This research utilized an interview survey to explore related concepts and unique functions of blog media. Interviews with 20 blog users were completed and analyzed to depict characteristics of information seeking behaviors founded in the use of blogs. As I observed that the bloggers performed a variety of behavioral features in motivations of using, ways of linking from one blog to another, criteria of identification among blogs, methods of blog monitoring and extracting and so forth. Some major observations were also found during the interviews conducted: /(1/) bloggers try to used blog sharing their personal experience and waiting for feedbacks; /(2/) the interpersonal resource is one of the most important channels for users to distinguish specific blogs; /(3/) users will have different browsing behaviors in different motivations; /(4/) users seeking for the specific information will note the certainty factor and timeliness specially;reading comfort degree as well as the personal style showing in blogs will be taken into consideration while articles are proved to be interesting; and the article's posting time plays key role in emotional connecting function; /(5/) when netizens use new functions of blog, based on their respective needs and situation,they can develop their own strategies and methods that out of control of inventors and promoters; /(6/) weblog articles with abundant and delicate images seem eye-catching.
分 类 号: [G206]
领 域: [文化科学]