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A Study of Indonesian Students’ Intercultural Adaptation in China

导  师: 安然

学科专业: 050302

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 随着全球化速度不断加剧以及中国经济的飞速发展,来华留学的留学生在最近几年呈不断上升趋势。中国加入WTO,奥运会的成功举办,以及亚运会和世界博览会的申办成功使全世界各地的眼球不断向中国会聚,学习汉语也一时间在许多国家形成一股热潮。随着印尼1998年解禁汉语,中国和印尼之间经贸往来的日益频繁以及中国在全球经济地位的不断提高,前来中国学习汉语的印尼人数与日俱增。最近几年,在中国孔子学院奖学金的相助下,印尼向中国派出汉语师资培训人员也不断增多。留学生来华留学,从自己的母文化转移到一个全新的文化,在新的文化环境下,他们面临着跨文化适应问题。本研究采用定性研究方法,通过对广州华南理工大学孔子学院印尼短期汉语师资培训人员参与观察,并对其中7名学员进行深度访谈,从中国与印尼历史背景出发,结合跨文化传播相关理论对所观察的现象及深度访谈材料进行分析,以探究印尼短期汉语师资培训人员在华培训期间的跨文化适应情况。 研究结果发现: /(1/)来华与出国经历、培训经历、身份认同、气候问题、期望值、生活设施与生活习惯、管理与规章制度是影响印尼短期汉语师资培训人员跨文化适应的主要因素。 /(2/)印尼短期汉语师资培训人员在跨文化交往过程中相对被动,对异文化存在刻板印象,交际圈往往局限于本国文化圈中。 /(3/)不同身份、年龄层次的学员学习动机和学习目的有所不同,水平差异、与老师沟通的文化差异影响他们的学习适应。 With the expansion of globalization and the rapid development of China’s economy, the number of international students that come to China to study is increasing. Such a series of successful events as joining the WTO, hosting the Olympic Games in 2008, winning in bidding the Asian Games and the World EXPO attracts the world’s attention to China. As a result, more and more people worldwide have joined the ranks of Chinese learning. Apart from the fact that Indonesia has removed the ban on Chinese learning since 1998, the trade links between China and Indonesia also make it more and more popular for Indonesia students to come to China for Chinese learning. In recent years, with the assistance of scholarship from the Confucius Institute, an increasing number of Indonesia students are sent to be trained as Chinese-language teachers. Transferred to a totally different cultural environment, international students in China will face the adaptation problems. Based on qualitative study, this thesis will focus on the intercultural adaptation of Indonesian trainees in South China University of China. Research methods include participant observation and in-depth interview. The results implicate that: 1. Factors including the past experiences in China or other countries, past training experiences, identity, weather problems, expectations, living installation, living habit and administrative regulations will influence the intercultural adaptation of Indonesia trainees. 2. The Indonesia trainees who tend to hold stereotypes on the other cultures and limit their communication to their own culture are passive in intercultural communications 3. Purpose and motivation of study are influenced by their unique identity and the age differences. Different level in Chinese and the obstacles in communicating with the teachers are the main problems of the study adaptation.

关 键 词: 印尼留学生 跨文化适应 跨文化交往 学业适应

分 类 号: [H195]

领  域: [语言文字]


作者 孙雷
作者 刘莉
作者 林青
作者 游运珍
作者 韩然


机构 暨南大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 华南理工大学国际教育学院
机构 暨南大学华文学院


作者 彭川
作者 彭晓春
作者 徐云扬
作者 成海涛
作者 曾小敏