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Mobile Internet to Fill the Digital Divide Between Our Groups Empirical Study

导  师: 李幸

学科专业: 050302

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 数字时代的信息获取更加快捷,但是并非人人可以充分享用信息资源。“知识沟”依然存在,在电子媒介社会表现为“数字鸿沟”。本文从传播学经典理论“知识沟”入手,对信息时代数字鸿沟的发展和现状进行了梳理,并联系当前实际,重点探讨了我国群体间数字鸿沟的现状。新媒体时代的数字鸿沟,有可能随着信息技术的飞速发展,以及受众个体文化层次、经济收入、生活经验和个体等差异而有扩大的趋势。 在这种背景下,手机互联网以其自身的终端特征和传播优势,在填补我国群体间数字鸿沟的效果方面独具优势。作为传统互联网的延伸,其承载的信息将手机从单纯的通讯工具逐渐演变为人们接受信息乃至传播信息的个人终端。与电脑网络相比,其便携移动,多向沟通的特点,接收信息更为精准和个性化。在信息社会,弱势群体不仅在经济和社会地位等方面处于弱势地位,更严重的是“信息弱势”。随着媒介环境的不断变化,以及群体自身出现的新特点,填补群体数字鸿沟可对手机互联网有所寄望。 本文首先介绍了相关理论和技术背景。包括我国数字鸿沟的现状,手机互联网的发展历程,群体数字鸿沟的特征,在此基础上以城市农民工为代表群体,重点研究了我国群体间数字鸿沟。第二部分讨论手机互联网填补数字鸿沟的可能意义,并提出研究假设。第三部分是弱势群体使用手机互联网的实证研究。本调查采用问卷法,以城市农民工为研究对象,试图客观认识弱势群体使用手机互联网的现状,分析手机互联网填补数字鸿沟的效果。论文的最后一部分提出了弱势群体使用手机互联网的主要问题,并对手机互联网填补数字鸿沟的效果进行总结,提出可行性建议和前景展望。 Information for the digital age more quickly, but not everyone can take full advantage of information resources. "Knowledge gap" still exists, in the social performance of electronic media as a "Digital divide." From the classical theory of communication "knowledge gap" to start on the development of the information age and status of the digital divide has combed, and contact the current situation, focus on the digital divide in our country the status of populations. New media era of the digital divide, it is possible with the rapid development of information technology, and the audience of individual and cultural level, income, life experiences and individual differences such as the trend of expansion. In this context, the mobile Internet terminal with its own characteristics and transmission advantages, to fill the digital divide between our groups effect of the unique advantages. As an extension of the traditional Internet, the information will be carrying mobile phones from simple communication tool evolved into the dissemination of information people receive information and even the personal terminal. Compared with the computer network, the portable mobile, multi-directional communication features, to receive more accurate and personalized information. In the information society, vulnerable groups not only in terms of economic and social status in a weak position, more serious is the "information disadvantaged." With the changing media environment, and the groups themselves, the new characteristics, to fill the digital divide groups of mobile internet can look forward to. This paper describes the theory and technical background. Including the status of China's digital divide, mobile Internet, the development process, the group characteristics of the digital divide, on this basis to represent urban migrant workers groups, focus on the digital divide between our groups. The second part discusses the mobile Internet to bridge the digital divide may be significant, and put forward the hypothesis. The third part is the vulnerable groups, the empirical study using the mobile Internet. The survey questionnaire used to study the city as migrant workers, vulnerable groups trying to use an objective understanding of the status of mobile Internet, mobile internet Analysis of the effect of bridging the digital divide. The last part of the paper presented the use of vulnerable groups of the main problems mobile Internet, and mobile Internet to bridge the digital divide effect was carried out, make feasible suggestions and vision.

关 键 词: 手机互联网 手机媒体 数字鸿沟 弱势群体

分 类 号: [F49]

领  域: [经济管理]


作者 毛雪皎
作者 文秀维
作者 卢国松
作者 梁韵妍
作者 陈映


机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 华南理工大学工商管理学院
机构 华南师范大学


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟