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Research on Brand Strategy of Bg Timber Apron

导  师: 沈乐平

学科专业: 120202

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: YH装饰材料有限公司专业生产各类新型室内装饰装修材料,主要产品有BG强化木地板、装饰贴面板、墙板、天花板、条纹板、柜门板等。现在BG产品销售网络己遍及国内,是业内公认的全国性知名品牌。BG地板的优秀品质同样受到国际销售商的认可,目前BG地板已批量出口远销欧洲、美国、澳大利亚、非洲、南美洲、东南亚、日本、韩国、香港、中东、俄罗斯等国家和地区。2008年1月,GXBG科技有限公司通过收购持有75/%股权成为YH公司的控股股东。 BG强化木地板是广东省名牌产品、国家免检产品,其中V型结构强化木地板获得国家专利。BG商标是广东省著名商标,并在2009年被认定为中国驰名商标。2007年前后,由于前任股东在行业发展势头良好的时候未能把握机会追加投资、引进新的生产线、及时更新设备,导致行业的其他企业在生产成本以及营销主动性方面取得领先,BG品牌就影响力而言也逐渐趋向于区域性品牌。在金融危机之后,GXBG公司希望通过实施品牌战略来扩大市场份额。 本文以BG木地板品牌战略为研究对象。第一章交代了研究背景、研究意义,并对品牌理论和品牌战略理论作了综述。第二章对GXBG公司的情况、宏观经济环境和行业竞争环境、企业内部环境三方面做了详细分析;第三章对BG公司实施品牌战略进行了SWOT分析,在此基础上选择适合BG公司的品牌战略,并通过分析消费者目标市场定位以及产品定位得出BG木地板的品牌定位——“优质木地板专家”。第四章结合品牌定位和公司的实际情况从品牌塑造、品牌推广、品牌延伸、品牌巩固、品牌保护几个层次给出了品牌战略的实施过程。 YH Decorative Materials Co. Ltd. specializes in producing all kinds of new decorative material, the main products of the company include BG laminate flooring, decorative veneers, wall panels, ceiling, striped panels, door panels etc. The BG product now has sales network throughout China, is recognized as a national brand. BG’s excellent quality is recognized by the international distributors. Now the BG timber apron has been exported to Europe, the United States, Australia, Africa, South America, Southeast Asia, Japan, Korea, Hong Kong, the Middle East, Russia and many other countries and regions. January 2008, GXBG Technology Co. Ltd holds 75/% equity and becomes the YH Company’s controlling shareholder. BG laminate flooring is famousbrand products in Guangdong Province and also the state Exemption Product. The V-type structure of BG laminate flooring obtains the national patent. BG is a famous brand in Guangdong province and in 2009 was recognized as well-known trademarks in China. Before and after 2007, because of the former shareholders failed to seize the developing opportunity such as the additional investment, introduction of new product lines, updating equipment, make the other enterprises take the leading role in the production cost and marketing initiative. In terms of the influence of BG brand, it slowly becomes a regional brand. After the financial crisis, GXBG companies hope to implement the brand strategy to expand market share. The mainly research object is the brand strategy of BG timber apron. Chapter I introduces the research background, significance, and the theory of brand and brand strategy are reviewed. Chapter II makes a detailed analysis in the GXBG Technology Co. Ltd, the macroeconomic environment and industry competitive environment and the situation of the enterprise. The third chapter is researching on the implementation of brand strategy of BG Company by SWOT analysis, base on this; choose the BG Company’s brand strategy. And according to the analysis of the consumer target market positioning and product positioning, BG drawn timber apron brand positioning on 'high-quality wood flooring expert.' Chapter IV combines the brand positioning and the actual situation of the company from brand molding, brand promotion, brand extension, brand consolidation, brand protection levels to give the process of brand strategy implementation.

关 键 词: 木地板 品牌 品牌战略

分 类 号: [F426.88]

领  域: [经济管理]


作者 刘立斌


机构 华南理工大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学留学生教育学院


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