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Research on Evaluation of Ports Comprehensive Competitiveness in Pearl River Delta

导  师: 张智勇

学科专业: 1201

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 经济全球化和区域经济一体化进程的加快,推进了全球产业转移和生产资源的全球化的配置。中国经济和对外贸易发展迅速,世界工厂的地位己经确立,促进我国港口产业飞速发展,促使沿海港口的数量和规模也有了大幅度的增长。港口在区域经济乃至国民经济中的地位日趋增强,在提升区域经济竞争力中的作用也越来越大。 经过多年的发展,我国已经形成五大港口群,珠三角港口群是其中发展最早、港口分布最密集、竞争最激烈的港口群之一。但在过去的研究中,基本没有专门针对珠三角港口竞争力的研究,因此,本文详细分析了珠三角地区主要港口的竞争特点,提出适合珠三角地区港口竞争力评价的评价体系,并对珠三角港口提升竞争力提出对策和建议。 本文首先对珠三角地区广州港、深圳港、香港港、虎门港、珠海港等主要港口的竞争力现状进行研究,然后得出影响珠三角港口竞争力的因素,根据因素建立其能反映珠三角港口竞争特点的三级评价指标体系,力求囊括港口竞争力方方面面的内容。在权重的确定方面,本文利用主客观组合赋权法对评价指标进行权重的赋值;在评价模型建立方面,本文首先利用多种常用的单一评价方法进行评价,如理想解法、模糊综合评价、主成份分析法等,得到不同的单一评价结论,然后再利用基于漂移度的组合评价方法对珠三角地区港口竞争力进行组合评价,从而避免单一评价结论与真实情况相距较大的可能性。最后,本文根据组合评价结论以及珠三角各个港口的竞争特点给出在短期内要错位竞争、合作共赢,长期逐步实现珠三角一体化的战略。 总体来说,本文利用定性和定量两种方法对珠三角港口竞争力进行研究,对主要港口竞争力给以定量的比较,同时以定性的方式探讨主要港口未来发展战略,丰富了我国港口研究的内容,具有一定的学术和现实价值。 The fast process of economic globalization and regional economic integration,promote the global industrial transfer and the globalization of production resources allocation.Chinese economics and foreign trade developing rapidly,china has established the status of'world processing factory'.Chinese Port industry developing rapidly,the number and size of coastal ports has also increased substantially. The Ports’development can promote the growth of regional economy and the national economy,enhancing regional economic competitiveness. After years of development,China has formed five port groups. Pearl River Delta ports are one of the earliest development port cluster,the most densely distributed and the most competitive one of the port group. In previous studies, the basic no specific port competitiveness of the Pearl River Delta,therefor,this paper analyzes the competitive features of major ports in the Pearl River Delta region,proposes for the Pearl River Delta port competition assessment of the evaluation model and gives the suggestions of how to enhance the competitiveness of the PRD ports. Firstly,the paper studies the competitiveness of major ports in Pearl River Delta, such as Guangzhou port,Shenzhen port and so on.Secondly,the paper comes to the factors that affect Competitiveness of ports and establishes the evaluation index system according to the factors.In determining the weights,the paper use combination of subjective and objective view;In the model-building of evaluation,the paper evaluates the ports by using Several single evaluation methods,and then use Portfolio Assessment based on drift about the evaluation conclusion of single methods so that it can avoid the difference caused by single methods.Finally,the paper gives the suggestions:In short term,the ports in Pearl River Delta should Develop their own competitive advantage and look for cooperation;In long term,the ports in Pearl River Delta should Gradually become integration. Overall,the paper use qualitative method and quantitative methods to study the the competitiveness of ports in Pearl River Delta,giving the quantitative results about the competitiveness of ports and investigating the development strategy by qualitative conclusions,enrichs the content of port study in our country and certain academic and practical value.

关 键 词: 港口竞争力 漂移度 指标体系 组合评价

分 类 号: [F552]

领  域: [经济管理]


作者 喻国平
作者 李高阳
作者 陈增祥
作者 范珺东
作者 杨起超


机构 华南理工大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南理工大学工商管理学院
机构 暨南大学经济学院
机构 广东工业大学


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟