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The Development of Rural Tourism Products Based on the Theory of Tourism Involvement and Place Attachment

导  师: 江金波

学科专业: 120203

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 随着我国经济的快速发展,城市化水平的不断提高,加上旅游业的深入发展,以回归田园自然风光为卖点的乡村旅游应景而生,并且在全国迅猛发展。我国自古是农业大国,在城市化的进程中,不少城市居民的祖辈就是地道的农民。在长期的城市生活中,其内心深处对根生的乡村依然存在强烈的感情,这种内心的依恋感对他们到乡村旅游存在一定影响。而土生土长的城市居民,出于对大自然的渴望,或是社交、学习等需求的原因,也使其对乡村产生依恋感。在不同的旅游活动中,游客涉入的不同维度对依恋感的影响有所不同,如果能够明确在某种特定旅游活动中,涉入各维度与依恋感之间的关系,那必然可以针对性地开设相应的旅游活动来吸引游客,提高度假地的重游率。 针对上述问题,本文采用文献探讨与问卷调查的研究方法。先对国内外学者关于旅游涉入和地方依恋等方面的观点与研究进行搜索分析,并比较归纳和总结。然后对广州乡村旅游的游客进行问卷调查,并根据调查结果进行SEM分析,研究结果发现:一、乡村旅游游客的旅游涉入和地方依恋之间存在显著关系。游客的涉入行为越高,其对旅游目的地的依恋感就越强烈。二、对于不同背景的游客、不同类型的旅游目的地,游客旅游涉入各维度对地方依恋感的各维度产生的影响不一样。因此,不同类型的乡村旅游目的地在其产品创新和发展上应有所侧重。 从数据的分析结果并结合广州市乡村旅游发展的实践,本文提出乡村旅游度假产品的三大发展建议:一、彰显产品的娱乐乡土气息。在产品设计时应注意从核心产品、外围产品和外延产品三个层次考虑。二、针对性地发展不同类型的旅游产品。乡村旅游度假地应该在自身的旅游资源基础上开展能够发挥自己资源优势的旅游活动,同时在设计旅游产品时应该凸显不同的体验重点,放大其活动类型对依恋感影响最大的因素。三、定位目标市场,打造特色精品。对游客进行合理划分,针对高中低收入水平的游客提供不同且合适的旅游产品。 As the fast development of economic, the improvement of urbanization level, with the addition o f unceasing movement of tourism, rural tourism with natural scenery as its selling point had been born, and it is walking into a rapid development. Since China is a large traditional agricultural nation, in the process of urbanization, lots of urban residents’forefathers are farmers. In the period of living in urban, their intrinsic feelings of their roots in the countryside remains strong. Such feelings influences on their travel to the countryside. For the native urban dwellers, the thirsty for nature, or the need of social activities or study, makes them generate a sense of attachment to rural tourism. In different tourism activities, the different dimensions of tourists’involvement have influenced on the attachment with discrepancy. If the relationship between the dimensions of involvement and attachment can be confirmed in a certain tourism activities, the tourism activities can be offered correspondingly in order to improve the revisit rate for the tourist destination. In the view of above, this paper adopts literature review and questionnaire survey as its research methods. First, searched and analyzed the study about tourism involvement and place attachment, then compared and summarized. After that, questionnaire survey about the rural tourism was made in Guangzhou, and started the SEM analysis. The result showed: a/) The relationship between involvement of rural tourism and place attachment is significant. The higher of the tourism involvement is, the stronger the attachment is. b/) For different tourists and different destinations, the influence of dimensions of tourism involvement on dimensions of attachment is diverse. Therefore, the innovation and development should have different emphases points on the basis of different types of destinations. From the results, combining the practice of rural tourism development in Guangzhou, the paper puts forward suggestions on rural tourism product innovation and development. Firstly, revealing the rural entertainment flavor. It can come into consideration from three levels of the product: core products, peripheral products and extension of products. Secondly, developing different types of tourism products targeted. The tourism destination should take advantage of its resource to initiate its advantageous activities. In the design of products, destinations should highlight the experience of different activities, to enlarge its biggest influence factors of attachment. Thirdly, Fixed targeted market, creating hit products. Divided tourists rationally, providing the different levels of visitors with appropriate tourist products.

关 键 词: 乡村旅游 旅游涉入 地方依恋

分 类 号: [F592]

领  域: [经济管理] [经济管理]


作者 吴小旭
作者 万能
作者 林艳伟
作者 温飞
作者 林红霞


机构 华南理工大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 广东财经大学
机构 中山大学地理科学与规划学院
机构 中山大学旅游学院


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟