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导  师: 区鉷

学科专业: 050201

授予学位: 博士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 中山大学

摘  要: 菲利浦·拉金/(Philip Larkin/)是20世纪杰出的英国诗人、小说家、爵士乐评论家和现代图书馆馆长。本文通过对拉金文论、代表诗作、曾被忽视的经典诗歌、诗人的手稿和小说等文本以及同时代诗人对其评价等材料的细读,并联系其生平与社会时代背景,对拉金的“非英雄”思想展开翔实的分析,进行点面结合的描述和阐释,探讨了拉金在全球化进程中的诗学与现代价值观。 拉金不是一个冠以过高名誉的小诗人,也不是一个反英雄诗人,而是一位强健的“非英雄”诗人。他作品中的“非英雄”人物反映的是社会上大多数有工作的、对社会负责任、诚实面对现实的“小人物”;他们不受当时主流社会的束缚,不再迷信宗教信仰,是英国战后长大的零落的一代,是生长在战前战后的断层中的人物。他们既不是英雄,也不是反英雄,是“非英雄”。他们没有传统英雄的神明、先知和伟大,也没有反英雄的游离、执拗和麻木;他们是诚实的、负责任的英国普通公民。“非英雄”是拉金在其作品中塑造的人物新类型。它分解了浪漫的“英雄”概念,消解了激越的英雄主义思想;表达了二战后英国人们的生存状况和特殊情感,体现了鲜明的普通人意识。“非英雄”是日常生活中“完整的人”、“全面的人”,是诗人所创建的“运动派”诗学的精髓。拉金作品中平白语言的实验、日常动物的象征和普通女性内心世界的刻画又构成了拉金“小美”图景中璀璨的光芒,体现了平凡中的、常态下的崇高和神圣,冲击了人们旧有的审美观,表现了文学对人的价值和尊严的关怀,带动了英国诗歌的发展和变化,促进了英国诗歌转型,从而给人以新的震撼和启示。拉金的“非英雄”思想映照了战后英国青年一代的精神群像,显示了成长于20世纪50、60年代青年摆脱桎梏及思想蝉蜕的过程;传达 Philip Larkin is one of the British pre-eminent poets, novelists, jazz critics and modern librarians in the twentieth century. Through studying Larkin’s manuscripts, novels, celebrated poems and some neglected good ones, classical writings on poetry, social life and contemporary writers’literary critical comments on Larkin and his works, this dissertation explores Larkin’s view of“non -hero”to interpret and analyze Larkin’s poetics and modern values of his works in the process of cultural globalization . Larkin is neither an anti-hero poet nor a minor poet who for purely local and temporary reasons has acquired a large reputation. He is actually a strong“non-hero”poet. Born pre-war or post-war and growing up after World War II, the non-heroes in Larkin’s works are the“little men”representing the majority of community of responsibility and honesty, never putting their blind faith in the belief of religion and the policy of government or any power. As a new type of literary character depicted by Larkin,“non-hero”, who is neither the hero as divinity, prophet or king, nor the anti-hero as numb, quixotic and desperate slob or outsider with equivocal and vague fate, has decomposed the romantic concept of“hero”and dismantled the ideas of buoyant heroism. It shows the real life and feeling of postwar people. The“non-hero”, the essence of Larkin’s poetics, stands for“the whole man”of real daily life and shows a clear ideology of common men. Larkin’s plain language, humble and daily animal symbolism and the description of ordinary women’s inner world are the making of the bright light of Larkin’s“small beauty”, which reflects the sublimity and divinity of daily life and the literary concern on the dignity and life value of man. The view of Larkin’s“non- hero”has promoted the development and transformation of twentieth-century British poetry. It mirrors the spiritual life development of post-war young generation who grew up in the 1950s and 60s. Moreover, it

关 键 词: 菲利浦 拉金 非英雄 小美 日常生活 全面的人

领  域: [文学]


作者 吕爱晶
作者 肖云华
作者 陈津津


机构 华南理工大学外国语学院
机构 广东技术师范学院
机构 广东轻工职业技术学院应用外语系
机构 湖南科技大学外国语学院


作者 张坤
作者 徐丽华
作者 曹金蓉
作者 李娟
作者 李晓青