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An Interpretation of Mohist Jian'ai from the Perspective of Legal Value

导  师: 马作武

学科专业: 030102

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 中山大学

摘  要: 墨子“学儒者之业,受孔子之术”,亦“祖述尧舜”,而法“夏禹之道”,自创墨家学说。以“三表”为证,墨学具有纵向渊源与横向渊源,呈现出别具一格的实践精神与功利主义。墨学之本在于“兼爱”,其逻辑脉络乃是“一同天下之义”,立“天志”以为“法仪”的过程,墨学诸论均以此为核心展开。“兼爱”论由墨翟基本奠定,经由墨家后学阐幽抉微,其普遍性、不可分割性、超时空性、一贯性、周延性、实践性、结合性、集体性及“爱利一体”观念得以强化,最终定型而趋于圆融。墨学及“兼爱”在先秦树敌甚众,饱受儒道法的批判。为维护儒学的正统独尊地位,实现儒家鸱张门户的夙愿,后世儒者亦将辟墨的观念阐扬光大,旗帜鲜明的尊儒辟墨之论骈兴错出,而“视墨同儒”、“儒墨为用”的误解,更潜移默化地消解了“兼爱”的本质精神。其实,墨子之“兼爱”在先秦独树一帜,与诸子之“爱”大相迳庭,展现出强烈的正义色彩,包含一种社会公平正义观念与实践品格。墨子贵“义”之正而诉诸以“兼爱”为本的“天志”,而具有治道意义上的“法仪”正义论。“兼爱”追求和谐、和平,是正义的伦理源泉,激发了纯粹的正义感,为正义提供了情感观念的基础,又超越正义,完成正义,使其处于一个不断改进臻于圆融的发展过程。墨家的“兼相爱,交相利”,赋予了“兼”浓厚的平等意味,强调“视人之身若视其身”,是“投我以桃,报之以李”这一朴素对等观念的最早阐释,与仁爱的等差性大异其趣,意味着人与人之间的相互爱护与尊重,将人人平等奉为玉圭金臬。以保障生命财产安全,维护社会稳定秩序的和平诉求为核心的正义观,渗透入一种基于爱无等差的平等法律观,则可演绎出私有财产权意识,以及从人权到主权的权利秩序构建设想。墨家的“兼爱”,整合融� Having pursued Confucianism and inherited thoughts of Confucius, Mo Zi established Mohism while acknowledging Emperor Yao and Shun as masters, and following spirit of Emperor Yu of the Xia Dynasty. The origin of Mohism has its historical and social background and Mohism is also characterized by its unique spirit of practice and utilitarianism, which can be supported by his theory of“three standards of Mohist logical thinking”. The root of Mohism is“Jian’ai/(universal love/)”, based on which, the logic order of cultivating an universal moral standard and ruling the secular world by the will of nature is established. The theory of Jian’ai basically originated from Mo Di. Developed by later Mohists, the theory had been well established and integrated, with its idea of university, inseparability, consistency, practicality, collectivity and unity of love and interest enhanced. Mohism with its idea of“Jian’ai”made itself many enemies in pre-Qin era, and encountered much criticism from Confucianist, Daoist and Fajia. Anti-mohism was carried on by later Confucians to defend their authority. Thus, the view of anti-Mohism and pro-confusion sprang out, which, together with the mistake of treating Confucianism and Mohism as equal, distorted the essence of Jian’ai. In fact, the highly original theory of Jian’ai, with its marked sense of justice, equity and practicality, strikingly differentiates itself from its counterparts in pre-Qin era. Mo Zi laid great emphasis on justice, which is based on“Tianzhi”/(will of heaven/) with“Jian’ai”as its basis. Thus his view on justice is one with practical significance and common standard. Harmony and peace that Jian’ai pursues are the ethical sources of justice, which inspire pure sense of justice and provide affectional and conceptual basis of justice. Furthermore, it surpasses and accomplishes justice by putting it in a developing process toward perfection. The theory of“universal love and mutual benefit”features strong sense of e

关 键 词: 墨家 兼爱 正义 平等 权利

领  域: [政治法律] [政治法律]


作者 马腾
作者 王彧
作者 胡余旺
作者 郑少翀
作者 史晓云


机构 中山大学
机构 中山大学人文科学学院哲学系
机构 华南师范大学政治与行政学院
机构 华南师范大学
机构 暨南大学


作者 康秋实
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖芳
作者 张万坤
作者 张光亚