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导  师: 陈治亚

学科专业: 120401

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 中南大学

摘  要: 根据对长株潭近年来能源生产、能源供应及能源消费的现状分析,考虑到“两型社会”将给长株潭能源安全带来的影响,以及对长株潭未来十年的能源需求预期,不难看出长株潭能源安全形势之紧张。在对长株潭能源生产、供应和消费做认真调查、研究;对长株潭能源结构进行分析;引用已有的长株潭能源需求预测数据;借鉴国内其它城市群的先进经验;对长株潭能源政策及发展战略进行研究的基础上,本文着力于找出长株潭能源保障所存在的问题,从而提出长株潭完善能源保障体系的对策建议。 研究表明:长株潭地区能源资源匮乏;能源输入渠道单一,对境外能源利用不足;能源基础设施有待发展提高;能源结构单一;优质能源有待发展,洁净能源、可再生能源比重有待增加;能源利用率低,能耗高,节约能源大有可为;能源储备体系不完善;市场机制不够健全;政府监管有待提高;地方性能源法律法规缺失。据此,本文提出立足市情、加强合作、依靠科技、多元发展、合理节约、保护环境、确保安全的长株潭能源政策及发展战略。建议采取具体措施和政策法规相结合的方式保障能源安全。通过能源结构调整、能源输送设施完善、节能减排、发展替代能源、调用境外能源等具体措施和完善能源储备体系、能源预警机制、能源管理机制及相应法律法规从各个方面着手完善长株潭能源保障体系,保障长株潭能源安全。 According to the analysis of current situation of the energy production, energy supply and energy consumption in Chang-Zhu-Tan, considering the impact of 'TWO-ORIENTED SOCIETY' on the energy security, as well as the expected energy needs of the next decade, it is not difficult to see the energy security situation of tension in Chang-Zhu-Tan. Based on the investigation and research of the energy production, supply and consumption in these three cities; on the analysis of energy structure; on existing forecast of energy demand; on reference to the advanced experience in other cities; on the research of energy policy and development strategy, the paper focus on identifying the energy security problems, and then recommending the countermeasures and suggestions for improving the energy security system in Chang-Zhu-Tan. The results show that in Chang-Zhu-Tan energy resources are scarce; energy input channels are single, foreign energy usage is deficient; energy infrastructure has yet to be improved; energy structure is single; high quality energy has yet to be developed and the share of clean energy, renewable energy has yet to be increased; the efficient of the use of energy is low, but energy consumption is high; energy conservation is promising; energy reserve system is imperfect; market mechanisms are not sound enough; government regulation needs to be raised; local laws and regulations on energy are absent. Accordingly, this paper puts forward energy policy and development strategies which are based on the status of a city, to strengthen cooperation, to rely on science and technology, to develop diversely and to economize reasonably, to protect environment. This paper recommends specific measures and policies and regulations combination of to ensure the energy security of Chang-Zhu-Tan. Through the specific measures including adjusting energy restructure, improving energy transportation facilities, saving energy and reducing emissions, developing alternative energy, calling outside energy and improving energ

关 键 词: 长株潭 两型社会 能源安全 能源保障

领  域: [经济管理] [经济管理]


作者 张畅
作者 蔡岚
作者 蔡岚
作者 陈丽君
作者 赵新方


机构 暨南大学
机构 暨南大学经济学院
机构 中山大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 暨南大学管理学院


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟