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导  师: 张炀

学科专业: 050401

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 曲阜师范大学

摘  要: “伤痕美术”是中国美术发展史上的一个重要美术思潮,它产生于20世纪70年代末,受“文革”特殊年代的影响,以“暴露”文革、“批判”文革、“反思”文革为艺术创作主题的美术现象。由于“油画”的特殊材质能更好的表现画面的视觉冲击力和艺术感染力,所以在“伤痕美术”时期“油画”占主导地位。 本文主要是以“伤痕美术”思潮中的油画为主要研究对象,通过“伤痕美术”产生的时代背景为切入点,认真分析艺术家的代表作品,在剖析他们各自的生活经历和艺术创作的同时,展现伤痕美术的完整风貌。 “伤痕美术”从发展到衰落的过程,也是人性意识由复苏到发展的过程。文化大革命中,人们长期受到政治的束缚,摆脱这一精神上的枷锁成为“文革”后人们的迫切愿望。一批反映文革武斗的画面和知青生活画面的作品,表达了对“文革”的批判和对知识青年上山下乡的控诉,人们压抑已久的伤痛终于得到了宣泄,使人的个性意识开始萌芽并且得到发展;对农民阶级的关注,则使得人性意识向更深层更普遍的范围内发展,并得到广泛的关注。 本文正文共分四部分:第一部分“伤痕美术产生的历史文化背景”,从1949年建国后到1976年“文化大革命”结束的大背景为出发点,分析“伤痕美术”产生的历史原因;第二部分“伤痕美术发展概况”,从“伤痕美术”发展过程分析,伤痕美术不只是美术思潮,并且是整个文艺界的现象;第三部分“伤痕美术的艺术特色和个案分析”,列举比较有代表性的画家和其代表作品,并作深入分析,在剖析他们各自成长经历和艺术创作的同时,完整展现伤痕美术的艺术面貌;第四部分“伤痕美术的历史意义和现实意义”,试图站在历史与时代的高度,客观分析伤痕美术的历史意义和现实意义,并且指出其局限性,充分肯定在中国美术史中重要地位。 "Scar art" is an important art ideological trend in chinese, it produced in the late 70 years of 20th century, by the "Cultural Revolution" era of special effects, take "exposition" Great Cultural Revolution, "critique" Great Cultural Revolution, "resonsideration" Great Cultural Revolution as artistic creation subject fine arts phenomenon. Because "oil painting" the special material quality can the good showing picture visual impulse and the artistic power, therefore the time "the oil painting" occupies the dominant position in "scar art". This article is based on "scar art" ideas of the painting as the main research object, "scar art" background of the times as the starting point, careful analysis of representative works of artists in the analysis of their own life experience and artistic creativity, the development scar art complete style. "Scar art" to decline from the development process, but also to the development of human awareness in the recovery process. The Cultural Revolution, people have long been political bondage, out of this spiritual bondage to become the "Cultural Revolution" the urgent desire of the people. Reflect a number of educated youth during the Cultural Revolution of resorting to violence images and pictures of the works of life, expressed his "Cultural Revolution" of criticism and complaints of the educated city youth, their pent-pain finally got catharsis, awareness of people's personality began to grow and develop; of the peasant class concern was to make human consciousness to the deeper development of a more general context, and received wide attention. This text is divided into four parts:the first part of the "scar art in historical and cultural background", from 1949 to 1976, after the founding of the "Cultural Revolution" ended the background as the starting point of "scar art" historical causes; second part of the "Overview of Fine Arts wounds" from the "scar art" analysis of the development process, scar art is not just art trends, and the whole phenomenon of literary and art circles; third part of the "Art of the artistic characteristics of injuries and case analysis", in summary, there are representatives representatives of the artists and their works, and in-depth analysis, the analysis of their own upbringing and artistic creativity, integrity of the art show features fine art wounds; fourth part of the "scar art historical and practical significance", trying to stand history and the era, objective analysis of the wounds art historical and practical significance, and point out its limitations and fully affirmed in an important position in Chinese art history.

关 键 词: 伤痕美术 文革 现实主义 人性意识 武斗 知青 乡土

分 类 号: [J209.2]

领  域: [艺术]


作者 李石勇
作者 骆智冕
作者 杨晓明
作者 张鼎立
作者 陈继会


机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学人文科学学院中文系
机构 广东技术师范学院
机构 广东财经大学


作者 张宁
作者 贾华
作者 谭昕
作者 彭朝林
作者 王方良