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System Construction of Mechanism of Library Information Resources Sharing in China

导  师: 肖希明

学科专业: 120501

授予学位: 博士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 武汉大学

摘  要: 进入21世纪,由数字信息环境的日新月异所带来的整个社会环境的变革在对信息资源共享提出迫切需求的同时,也为其加快发展步伐营造了更为有利的空间。图书馆信息资源共享作为全社会信息资源共享活动的重要组成部分已日益显示出其巨大的发展活力,国内外根据需求而创建的图书馆信息资源共享组织或项目也正在不断发展成熟,在满足用户需求方面取得了良好的绩效。目前,我国已建成一定数量成功的国家级、地区级信息资源共享组织,从总体上形成了较为完善的层级式信息资源保障网络。与此同时,我们也看到新环境下我国图书馆信息资源共享所面临的发展不平衡、缺乏稳定的体制和制度等支持条件、与市场环境融合度不够等问题。在此发展的重要阶段,实施机制创新是使我国图书馆信息资源共享跨越发展障碍,在数字环境中游刃有余,实现自身可持续发展的根本。 本研究以图书馆信息资源共享机制体系和内容的构建为目标。在指出图书馆信息资源共享存在机制创新需要的基础上,以我国图书馆信息资源共享机制创新的外部环境和机制建设的现状为依据,探讨了我国图书馆信息资源共享机制体系的构建及其内容,并尝试设计了图书馆信息资源共享机制的绩效评估指标体系,最后就图书馆信息资源共享机制创新与优化的推动策略提出建议。论文共分为七章,主要内容如下: 第一章,图书馆信息资源共享机制创新及相关基础理论。本章是本研究的理论基础部分。数字信息环境下,用户信息需求与个体图书馆服务能力有限的矛盾越来越突出,信息资源共享成为图书馆发展的必然选择。面对社会环境的巨大变革,图书馆信息资源共享是否能在诸多挑战中抓住发展机遇,实现其“最大限度满足用户信息需求”的美好目标,则取决于其管理机制建设的情况。图书馆信息资源共享机制是指共享系统各组成要素相互联系、相互作用的关系及其功能,它是对共享发展规律的反映,包括三个方面:系统各组成要素;要素之间相互联系、相互作用的关系;系统要实现的功能。在“创新”越来越成为国际社会重要发展主题的环境下,实施机制创新对图书馆信息资源共享的持续推进至关重要。系统论、博弈论、成本效益理论、供应链管理等理论可为本次研究提供理论支撑。 第二章,图书馆信息资源共享机制创新的环境分析。图书馆信息资源共享存在于社会大系统之中,社会环境对机制内容的建设有决定性影响,只有构建适应其所处环境特征的机制体系,才能保证系统功能最大限度的发挥。因此,有必要对共享机制创新的环境进行全面的扫描,为创新指明方向。笔者从经济环境、信息环境、政策环境三个领域分析了社会的重要变革对图书馆信息资源共享机制创新的影响和指导。总的来说,新环境要求机制体系能够推动建立符合实际的图书馆信息资源共享系统,并且要求机制体系重视提高图书馆信息资源共享的效益。 第三章,图书馆信息资源共享机制建设现状的调查分析。图书馆信息资源共享机制的建设现状是实施机制创新的基础。通过对我国各个区域图书馆参与信息资源共享状况行进网络问卷调查,笔者对共享机制建设的现状有了一定的认识。结合第二章的环境分析,笔者确定了我国图书馆信息资源共享机制创新的两个战略方向:构建完备的图书馆信息资源共享机制体系;改革现有机制建设中的不足,建立与环境相适应、实践性强的共享机制。 第四章,图书馆信息资源共享机制创新的内容。共享机制创新的内容是本研究的核心部分。在我国共享机制创新战略方向的指导下,笔者构建了包括动力机制、决策机制、信息传递与交流机制、市场机制、服务机制、有效监督机制和政策保障机制等子机制的共享机制体系,并且对各个子机制的含义、构建措施等进行了详细阐述。各个子机制都不是孤立存在的,在运行中有着密切的相互作用关系。在文中,笔者还尝试以图表的形式来反映共享机制的动态过程。 第五章,图书馆信息资源共享机制绩效评估。绩效评估对全面认识图书馆信息资源共享机制建设现状和运行效果、制定合理的机制建设目标、制定最优化绩效提高策略、深入认识图书馆信息资源共享系统发展现状有重要意义。图书馆信息资源共享机制绩效评估包含机制体系的完备性评估、适应性评估及有效性评估三个维度。在具体分析各子机制评估内容的基础上,笔者参照层次分析法的基本原理制定了图书馆信息资源共享机制绩效评估指标体系,指标体系总体包括7个一级指标和49个二级指标。最后,笔者探讨了开展共享机制绩效评估的相关工作。 第六章,推动图书馆信息资源共享机制创新的策略。首先,各共享子机制的创新必须以共享体制的完善为基础,明确的责权利配置是共享体制建设中的关键问题,笔者就共享各参与主体的责任、权力和利益分别进行了分析。其次,有必要为图书馆信息资源共享机制创新提供制度保证,笔者从全民教育制度、图书馆法、信息资源共享合作协议等制度的完善讨论了制度环境对共享机制创新的促进作用。最后,管理文化更是从深层次影响着共享机制创新的实现,构建数字环境下的图书馆管理文化必然有助于图书馆信息资源共享机制的创新。 第七章,结语。对全文进行梳理,提炼观点,并提出文中的不足之处以及对今后研究方向的展望。 The development of information resources sharing has been accelerating by social changes which aroused by digital development in the 21st century. As an important part of the social information resources sharing, library information resources sharing is showing its great vitality, that a large number of organizations and projects are achieving a good performance to meet the user needs at home and abroad. There are a series of national and regional information resources sharing organizations in China, which format a basic information guarantee net at present. Besides the achievements, the information resources sharing is facing lots of problems, such as imbalance, lack of support of stable system and institution, incompatible with the market. Implementing the mechanism innovation, which is the fundamental solution to meet these problems, could ensure the sustainable development of library information resources sharing in digital environment. The target of this dissertation is the construction of the system and content of the mechanism of library information resources sharing. According to the research of environment and the current situation, the author intenses to discuss the establishment of mechanism of library information resources sharing in China, and designs an evaluation system for it, also gives advisements in promoting the optimization and innovation of the mechanism. This paper is divided into seven chapters. Chapter 1 Mechanism innovation of library information resources sharing and the basic theories. This chapter is the fundament of the whole dissertation. As the contradiction between the user needs and the limited capacity of the individual library services aggravating, information resources sharing seems to be an inevitable choice for each library. However, under the changing society, the library information resources sharing is able to seize opportunities for development so that to satisfy user information needs or not, depends on its mechanism construction. The mechanism of library information resources sharing means the relationship of the elements and its function, and reflects the disciplinary of information resources sharing. It is a fact that in a innovative social environment, mechanism innovation play an important role in library information resources sharing. System Theory, Game Theory, Cost-effectiveness Theory, Supply Chain Management Theory make the base of this research. Chapter 2 Analysis of the innovative environment of the mechanism of library information resources sharing. Library information resources sharing is included in the social system, so the social environment has decisive influence on the content of mechanism. Only by constructing the mechanism in accordance with the society, can the function of the resources sharing come to the furthest effect. Therefore, it is necessary to scan the environment in which the mechanism innovation of library information resources sharing take place. The author analyses the effect and instruction of important social changes upon the mechanism innovation from three areas, which are economic environment, information environment and policy environment. In a word, the new environment require the mechanism could establish sharing system accordance with current needs, and take much account of the benefits of sharing. Chapter 3 Investigation and analysis of the current situations of the library information resources sharing mechanism. The current situations of the mechanism are the basis of the innovation. After a internet survey of different regional libraries about their participation in information resources sharing in China, the author makes a conclusion of the current situation. Based on the analysis of chapter2 and chapter3, two strategic directions in the future innovation are confirmed, constructing a self-contained mechanism system is the first one, reforming the current mechanism in order to match the social environment and making it more practical is the second one. Chapter 4 The content of mechanism innovation of library information resources sharing. The content of the mechanism innovation of library information resources sharing is the hardcore in this dissertation. By the strategic directions that just discussed in chapter3, the author designs a mechanism system including dynamic mechanism, decision-making mechanism, information transfer and exchange mechanism, market mechanism, service mechanism, effective monitoring mechanism and policy guarantee mechanism. Furthermore, the author makes an expatiation upon the meanings and the construction measures of the sub-mechanisms. Each mechanism is not exists lonely, there are consanguineous reciprocity relationships between them. Author also tries to use charts to reflect the dynamic process of the mechanism. Chapter 5 The performance evaluation of library information resources sharing mechanism. Performance evaluation plays an important role on getting a full appreciation of the construction and carryover effect of information resources sharing mechanism, setting the reasonable objectives, generating strategy to increasing it to optimization, understanding the development status of the system of information resources sharing. The performance evaluation of library information resources sharing mechanism has three dimensions:assessment of the completeness, adaptability and the effectiveness. On the basis of analyzing these sub-mechanisms detailed and referring to the fundamental principles of AHP, the author works out the performance evaluation indicator system of library information resources sharing mechanism. The whole index system has two levels,7 first class indexes among them, and 49 for second index. Finally, the author discussed the related work to do the performance evaluation. Chapter 6 The strategies of promoting the innovation of the library information resources sharing mechanism. First, the perfection of the sharing system is the premise of the innovation of sub-mechanisms, well defined responsibility, power and interests are the key factors of the construction of the sharing system. The author analyzes the responsibility, power and interests of the members in information sharing. Secondly, it is necessary to supply the institution support to guarantee the innovation of the sharing mechanism. The author discusses the impetus of the institution to the innovation of sharing mechanism in such three aspects:national education institution, library law, the collaboration agreement of information resource sharing. Finally, in the process of carrying out the sharing mechanism innovation, the management culture is the deeper level effect factor. So constructing digital library management culture will help the innovation of sharing resources mechanism. Chapter 7 Conclusion This section summarizes the research of the dissertation, points out limitations of research, and at last puts forward the study plans for the near future research. This dissertation is the research production of "A Study on Library Management in Digital Information Environment", which is a major project of Humanities and Social Sciences Key Research Base of Ministry of Education /(No.07JJD870221/) and "Performance Evaluation of Information Resource Sharing Mechanism", which is National Social Science Fund Project/(No.08BTQ030/). /(table 2, figure 27/)

关 键 词: 信息资源共享 图书馆合作 机制体系 机制绩效评估

分 类 号: [G253]

领  域: [文化科学]


作者 张新鹤
作者 张红
作者 丘瑜
作者 罗岚
作者 林梦笑


机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 广东财经大学


作者 庞菊香
作者 康超
作者 廖燕萍
作者 廖荆梅
作者 张丽娟