导 师: 梅琼林
学科专业: 050302
授予学位: 博士
作 者: ;
机构地区: 武汉大学
摘 要: 媒体与政治的关系,由来已久。从公共政策的角度研究媒体与政治的作用与反作用,一方面是因为,公共政策作为“治理手段”在国家政治生活中的地位日益凸显;另一方面是因为,“新闻执政”已然成为“媒介化社会”的主流话语。在信息技术高度发达的当代社会,大众媒介不但能够传递公共政策信息,还以其特有的“建构现实”功能对公共政策系统的运行发挥着重要的、有时甚至是决定性的影响。本文从政策学、传播学“两个维度”,研究了大众传媒在政府完善决策机制、提高决策水平、推进民主与科学决策、增强政策效能方面的作用,提出构建良好的政府、媒体、公众关系的设想和途径。 现代社会公共问题的大量性,与政府掌握的公共资源和具有的政策能力的有限性之间的矛盾,客观上要求大众传媒承担起重要的政治与行政功能,特别是在政策制定过程中发挥建设性作用。随着社会转型、利益分化,以及公众利益诉求的回归和增强,政策环境和媒体生态环境发生了重大而深刻的变化,媒体已经成为推动政策系统改进和政策质量提高、维系利益分配恰当性和有效性的重要社会机制。充分发挥媒体在利益表达渠道与利益平衡机制方面的政治功能,准确传达不同阶层的声音,及时协调各方利益,促进政策制定的民主化与科学化,不仅必要而且可能。 本文主要采取规范方法和系统分析方法,运用议程设置理论、媒介框架理论、“沉默的螺旋”理论、知识沟理论、协商民主理论、公共领域理论等探讨大众传媒在政策活动中的作用。具体方法以案例分析法为主。在行文中提及的有代表性的案例较多,鉴于篇幅问题,在具体论证中仅选取了三则,即“1953—1957年之间的新华社”、“圆明园防渗工程”和“厦门PX事件”作细致剖析,以期能对相应观点给予佐证,同时有所深化。 全文由引言、五章正文及结语构成,约16万字。 引言部分着重介绍了研究缘起、研究现状、理论价值及现实意义、主要理论及研究方法,以及其他需要说明的问题等。 第一章,公共性视野下的大众传媒与公共政策。主要介绍本文的研究视角。认为正是因为公共政策及大众传媒都具有公共性这一本质属性,决定了二者相互影响、相互制约的关联性。公共性是研究政策制定中媒体功效的逻辑起点和终极目的。集中表现为:新闻政策对大众传媒的规范,即作为公共政策系统和新闻管理体系的重要组成部分,新闻政策职能的确立和发挥,在“传媒社会”有着至关重要的作用;大众传媒对公共政策的影响,即作为连接政府与社会的重要桥梁和中介,扩大公众对公共政策制定的参与程度,使分散的公众更便于集中公开表达自己的诉求,增强公共政策的科学性,提高公共政策的民主性,实现公共政策的程序正义,保障公共政策中的公民话语权等。 第二章,社会变迁中的媒体功效。主要论述媒体功效的时空背景。我国媒体在政策过程中作用的发挥及其大小,在很大程度上取决于党和政府特别是党对媒体属性与功能的认识,取决于党和政府特别是党制定的一系列新闻政策与法规。本章分四节展开。第一节,媒体变迁中的政策话语流变,以改革开放为界,分为两大时期,回顾我国新闻媒介在政策制定中发挥作用的情况,并以“1953—1957年之间的新华社”为例,佐证媒体担当政策“宣传工具”的同时,在把社会问题转化为政策问题,并提上政策议程起到了重要作用。第二节,从国家与社会关系的变化,以及社会结构的变迁两个方面论述社会转型对传媒的影响。第三节,从经济全球化与政治民主化背景下政策的治理特征、政策对象主体意识的回归与增强、政策问题的复杂化与难缠性质等角度,分析了改革开放以来,政策传播环境的深刻变化。第四节,关注了媒体生态环境的变化。 第三章,大众媒体与政策制定。主要探讨了大众传媒在公共政策制定领域发挥的具体作用,并提供了传播学的理论支撑。指出,在政策制定的所有环节,大众传媒均发挥了不可或缺的作用,主要表现在议程创建阶段的发现问题及利益表达,以及方案规划阶段的智识提供等。本章在探讨政策议程及其建立途径,以及作为协商民主讨论“平台”的基础上,从政策问题的认定和“不决定”两个方面,探讨大众传媒发挥作用的机理。最后,以“圆明园防渗工程”为例,剖析了媒体介入公共政策制定环节的的途径、方式和力度。 第四章,新媒体环境中的政策制定。首先,探讨了新媒体环境对公共政策制定的机遇与挑战。认为与传统媒体相比,新媒体具有即时性、开放性、个性化、分众性、信息的海量性、低成本全球传播、检索便捷、融合性等特点,其本质特征是技术上的数字化、传播上的互动性及内容上的海量与易检性。现代信息网络技术的发展,改变了传媒生态图景,也改变了作为政策制定重要影响因素的公共领域。网络媒体和传统媒体的关键区别在于“信源的扩张”,这里的信源是“参与主体”,扩张是“参与程度”。由于无与伦比的传播特性,无论是政策参与的深度还是广度,互联网对当前现实社会的影响更大更深。由此改变了传统公共政策的决策模式,使政府决策呈现出从经验决策到民主科学决策、从精英决策向大众与平民参与决策的转变之势。其次,为更好地研究新媒体环境下,政策制定的路径发生的变化及影响因素,同时更为详尽地阐释政策领域“制定”与“非制定”过程中的媒体责任,本章第三节对厦门“PX事件”与成都“PX事件”进行了比较研究,特别是注意到了公共知识分子,借助媒体“平台”发出自己的“声音”,构建公共议程、作用政治生活的新现象。 第五章,构建良性互动的政府、媒体、公众关系。主要探讨了导致大众传媒在公共政策制定过程中发挥作用的应然状态与实然状态差距的原因,并提出了构建政府、媒体、公众关系新模式的设想和着力点。由于受政府与市场双重制约,加之大量民众欠缺媒介素养和公共决策参与意识,媒体在政策制定领域发挥作用受到局限。本章从利益表达中的媒体限度入手,分析了传媒公共性缺失的原因。更重要的是认为,建立大众传媒与政策议程的良性互动关系,有着异乎寻常的现实意义。应在社会主义法制框架内,从大众传媒、政府、公众三个主体切入,多管齐下、整体推进:大众传媒要提高公信力,增强议题设置功能;政府要创新监管方式,营造宽松的传媒发展环境;公众要提高素质,增强对社会生活的影响力。当务之急是尽快出台《新闻法》,规范三者的权利和义务。 结语,主要是展望公共成员关系重构的实践:公共新闻。本文认为,公共新闻是对传统观念的革新与颠覆,对媒体、政府、公众三者之间关系的重新定位。“大众”强调受者的无意识状态,“受众”强调受者的被动状态,“公众”强调传者与受者的对话状态。大众—受众—公众是“以人为本”的回归,更多体现了公众作为社会主体的属性。中国公共新闻时代的到来,有现实基础,也面临严峻挑战。从一定意义上说,公共新闻丰富了公共领域的内涵,更有利于和谐公共空间的构建。公共新闻运动带给人们更多憧憬与期盼,中国“公共新闻”的建构应有自己的鲜明特色。我们距离理想的公共领域的距离越来越近。 There is a long history for the relationship between media and politics. This book studies the interaction between media and politics from the perspective of public policies because, on one hand, the role of public policies as "governance instruments" has been increasingly outstanding in the political life of a country, on the other hand, "governing with the news" has entered the mainstream discourse in the "mediated society". In the contemporary society of highly advanced information technology, mass media can not only transmit public policy information, but also exert significant and sometimes even decisive influence on the operation of the public policy system with their specific function of "constructing reality". This book studies the role of mass media in the government's improvement of its decision-making mechanism, enhancing decision-making level, promoting democratic and scientific decision making and strengthening policy efficacy from "two dimensions", policy studies and mass communication, and proposes conceptions and approaches for constructing good relationship among the government, the media and the public. The large amount of public problems in the contemporary society and the limitation of the public resources in the control of the government and its policy capacity demand that mass media assume important political and administrative functions, and particularly play a constructive role in the course of policy formulation. With social transformation, interest differentiation and the return and strengthening of public interest appeal, important and profound changes have taken place in the policy environment and media ecological environment, and the media have become an important social mechanism for promoting the improvement of the policy system and policy quality and maintaining the appropriateness and effectiveness of interest allocation. It is not only necessary but also possible to give full play to the political function of the media in interest expression channels and interest balance mechanism, accurately transmitting voices of different social strata, coordinating interests of each party in time and promoting the democratization and scientification of policy formulation. This book mainly adopts the normative approach and systematic analysis method and employs the agenda-setting theory, the media framework theory, the "Spiral of Silence" theory, the knowledge gap theory, the theory of deliberative democracy and the public sphere theory to explore the role of mass media in policy activities. The main specific method is case analysis method. Many representative cases are mentioned; but due to the limitation of the scope of the book, only three cases are selected in the detailed argumentation, that is, the "Xinhua News Agency between 1953 and 1957", the "Yuanmingyuan Park Seepage Prevention Project" and the "Xiamen PX Incident", in the hope that they can prove the corresponding views and deepen them to some extent. The book consists of an introduction, five chapters and a conclusion, which amount to about 160 thousand words. The introductory part focuses on introducing the genesis of the study, the current situation of the study, its theoretical value and practical significance, major theories and research methods as well as other issues that have to be explained. Chapter I, Mass Media and Public Policies from the Public Perspective. This chapter mainly introduces the research perspective of the book, holding that public policies and mass media share the essential attribute of publicness, which decides their relationship of mutual influence and constraint. Publicness is the logical starting point and ultimate destination of the study of media efficacy in the formulation of policies, which is reflected as follows:the normalization of news policy on mass media, that is, the determination and play of the functions of news policies as an important part of the public policy system and news management system play a critical role in the "media society"; the influence of mass media on public policies, that is, as an important bridge and medium connecting the government and the society, the media can extend public participation in the formulation of public policies, improve the democracy of public policies, realize the procedural justice of public policies and safeguard the citizens'right to speak. Chapter II, The Efficacy of Media in Social Transformation. This chapter mainly discusses the temporal and spatial background of the efficacy of the media. The role of the media in the course of policy making and scale of influence, to a very large extent, are decided by the awareness of the attributes and functions of the media by the Party and the government, especially the Party, and by the series of news policies, laws and regulations formulated by the Party and the government, especially the Party. This chapter consists of four sections. Section I studies the evolution of policy discourses in the transformation of the media. The role of news media in the formulation of policies in China is reviewed in two major phases, divided by the launching of the reform and opening-up. The "Xinhua News Agency between 1953 and 1957" is taken as an example to prove that the media played an important role in transforming social problems into policy problems and putting them on policy agenda while the media became a "propaganda tool" of policies. Section II discusses the influence of social transformation on the media from two perspectives, the change of the relationship between the country and the society and changes of social structure. SectionⅢanalyzes the profound changes of the policy communication environment since the launching of the reform and opening-up from such perspectives as the governance characteristics of policies against the backdrop of economic globalization and political democratization, the return and strengthening of the subject consciousness of policy objects, and the complexity and toughness of policy problems. Section IV focuses on the changes of the media ecological environment. Chapter III, Mass Media and Policy Formulation. This chapter mainly explores the specific role of mass media in the formulation of public policies and provides theoretical support for mass communication. It points out that mass media play an indispensable role in all links of policy formulation, mainly reflected in the discovery of problems and expression of interests at the phase of agenda creation and the provision of wisdom and knowledge at the phase of policy planning. This chapter explores the mechanism of the functions of mass media from two perspectives, the determination and "non-determination" of policy problems, on the basis of discussing policy agenda and the way to establish them as well as their role as "platform" for deliberative and democratic discussions. Finally, with the "Yuanmingyuan Park Seepage Prevention Project" as an example, the approach, style and force of media intervention in the formulation of public policies are analyzed. Chapter IV, Policy Formulation in the New Media Environment. This chapter first discusses the opportunities and challenges produced by the new media environment for the formulation of public policies, holding that compared with traditional media, new media have such characteristics as instantaneity, openness, individuality, focus, large amount of information, low-cost global transmission, convenience in inquiry and syncretization. Its essential characteristics are technical digitalization, interaction in transmission, large amount of contents and convenience in inquiry. The development of modern information network technology has changed the ecological landscape of the media as well as the public sphere, which is an important influence factor for policy formulation. The critical difference between network media and traditional media lies in the "expansion of information sources". Here, information sources are "participating entities" and expansion means the "extent of participation". Due to its unequalled attribute of transmission, the Internet exerts a more extensive and profound influence on the contemporary society whether in terms of the depth or the width of policy participation. The decision-making mode of traditional public policies has thus been changed. As a result, government decision making has assumed the trend of change from decision making by relying on experience to democratic and scientific decision making, from elite decision making to public and civilian participation in decision making. Secondly, in order to better study the changes of and influence factors on the path of policy formulation and elaborate the responsibilities of media in the course of "formulation" and "non formulation" in the policy field, a comparative study of the Xiamen "PX Incident" and the Chengdu "PX Incident" is carried out in Section III of this chapter. The new phenomenon that public intellectuals air their "voices" via the media "platform", construct public agenda and influence political life is particularly noted. Chapter V, Constructing Good Interaction among the Government, the Media and the Public. This chapter mainly explores the reasons for the gap between what it ought to be and what is in the role of mass media in the formulation of public policies, and proposes conceptions and major approaches for constructing a new mode of relationship among the government, the media and the public. Due to the double constraint of the government and the market, in addition to the lack of media literacy and consciousness of participating in public decision making among a large amount of people, the role of the media in the field of policy formulation is limited. This chapter starts from the limit of interest expression in the media to analyze the reasons for the lack of media publicness. More importantly, it holds that the construction of good interaction between mass media and policy agenda has unusual practical significance. We should start from three entities, mass media, the government and the public within the socialist legal framework, take multiple measures together and promote overall development:mass media should improve their public credibility and strengthen their function of setting up topics for discussion; the government should innovate its method of regulation, create a lenient environment for the media to develop; the public should improve their education and strengthen their influence on social life. This most urgent matter at present is to launch the News Law as soon as possible to regulate the rights and obligations of the three parties. The conclusion mainly looks forward to the practice in reconstructing the relationship among public members:public news. This book holds that public news renovates and undermines traditional concepts and re-positions the relationship among the media, the government and the public. "Mass" stresses the state of nonconsciousness of the audience, "audience" stresses the passive state of the receiving party, and "public" stresses the dialogue state between the communicator and the recipient. From mass to audience to public, we can see the return to "people orientation", which can better represent the public as a social entity. The arrival of the age of public news in China is based on reality but is also confronted with serious challenges. In a sense, public news enriches the implications of the public sphere and is more conducive to the construction of a harmonious public space. The public news movement has brought people more hopes and expectations, and the construction of "public news" in China should have its own distinctive characteristics. We are drawing closer to the ideal public sphere.
关 键 词: 公共政策 大众传媒 政策议程 公共性 传播 信息
分 类 号: [G206.3]
领 域: [文化科学]