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Environmental Law under Gender Perspective

导  师: 蔡守秋

学科专业: 030108

授予学位: 博士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 武汉大学

摘  要: 社会性别理论是审视环境法治的新颖视角。在此视角下,可以分析环境法的样态,揭示新问题并存求变革之路,推动环境法的进一步发展。至于要解析“环境法中社会性别是如何被构建的;环境法社会性别机制是否存在,如何产生,以及怎样被复制、再生产的;环境法对环境保护与治理中社会性别机制形成的贡献多少并如何应对;环境法中男性中心文化的构成要素是什么;它与环境权力/权利、资源的占有和分配的关系是什么”等等问题,必须放在具体的文化和历史范畴中,发现其特殊的表现形态才有意义。由此,基于社会性别理论的框架性,论文在我国的历史、文化和社会背景下,结合环境法的独特话语体系,发掘了环境保护语境中社会性别视角的内涵并尝试以之为出发点开展对环境法的反思。 在对女性主义、生态女性主义等诸多理论考察的基础上,文章分析了社会性别理论的概观,社会性别既包括单纯的社会构建的性别差异和性别关系,又包括与社会因素结合并影响男性和女性环境权利享有和义务承担的生物性别差异,强调自然与社会的综合作用和互动。随即,笔者结合环境法治的独特语境,构建了拟采用的社会性别视角的内涵及使用,使社会性别视角具有了本体论和方法论的意义。用以审视环境法的社会性别视角要求我们实现从抽象的法律人向有性人的转变,从同一平等观转向差异平等观并考量两性间的价值平等,打破公共领域和私人领域的绝对分立,用关怀价值衡量现有的环境法律规范。社会性别视角的引入并不是要引发“谁应当对什么行为负多少责任”的滥仗,它使得在环境保护中挑战人们已有的刻板性别印象成为可能,有助于建立合作、和谐的两性关系,实现性别间的真正平等;辨别环境法在移植、构建、加强抑或削弱社会性别关系中所起得的潜在作用,揭示环境法律规范体系的性别愚钝性,全面反思环境法的理念、原则和制度,促进环境法的自我完善。 随后,论文探讨了社会性别视角下环境治理中社会性别机制的形成及样态。虽然并非普遍现象,将女性与自然相联系的象征体系是跨文化的存在;在很多情况下,男性和女性在面临环境问题时表现出不同的生理差异,而在主要由社会关系决定的环境问题承担和环境权益的分配中,女性处于相对弱势和被压迫的地位;在环境保护运动中,女性发挥了越来越突出的作用,与在其他领域的顺从、柔弱等刻板形象大相径庭,在斗争的过程中,女性环境保护组织应运而生,她们甚至参与政党建设,希冀在政党这一以参政为目标的政治化组织中寻求环境保护的新希望;不可忽视的是,女性在环境科学和环境管理依然处于边缘地位,她们很少参与真正影响决策的科学活动,然而,源于直观生活经验和本土知识的非传统科学正在向正统科学发起强有力的冲击。由此可知,环境治理中形成的社会性别机制一方面复制了整个社会不平等的两性关系并予以强化,另一方面则蕴含了变革的因素。 接着,论文研究了环境法治对上述社会性别机制形成所做的贡献及应对,发现了环境法话语体系下被忽略的女性需求和被埋没的女性经验和价值。进而指出刻意的性别中立导致环境法中普遍存在失衡的平等差异观。造成这些状况的根源是以父权制为核心的复杂的社会性别关系。不能脱离社会整体发展阶段的环境法无法摆脱父权制的影响,但同时,环境法中的父权制却具有隐性、无意识等特点,是变异了的父权制,在环境法中具有特殊表现。 随后,文章沿着环境法规范体系的阶次探究了社会性别视角在环境法中的表征,试图探索社会性别视角下环境法的完善之路,希望为环境法带来新的、即便是细微的改观,推动环境法治的进步。在社会性别视角下,可持续发展、环境正义、环境民主、环境安全等环境法基本价值,环境行政管理体制、环境影响评价、社区共管等基本制度表现出一些内在缺陷和不足,社会性别视角同样可以发掘它们完善的路径。另外,我国的动物法和室内污染防治法等领域存在严重的立法空白,依据社会性别视角的指引,文章指明了改法领域未来的发展方向。毫无疑问,一时的审视和考察并不能彻底改变环境法中社会性别视角缺失的弊病,在环境法治中将社会性别主流化是一项长期和巩固性的工作,是将社会性别视角定为常态的现实努力。唯有如此,才能在探寻和理解环境法治社会性别盲点和危害的基础上,积极寻求法律变革的可能性并提高个人行动的能力,以期提高环境法治的水平,构建和谐的社会性别关系和人与自然的关系,促进生态文明与可持续发展的实现。 Gender, under which the external figure and interal reformal trait of environmental law is deemly to be explicated, is a new and enlightening angle that could be deployed to critique environmental law and its functioning, and finally to better environmental law. When it comes to the construction, duplication and reproduction of gender system in environmental governace, the impact of environmental law on its forming processes as well as the structure of gender system with a core of patriarchy, contextural analyses embracing historical, cultural and societal backgrounds are out of great necessary to overstepping essentialism. Therefore, considering the framework attribute of gender, the dissertation develops a gender perspective to review environmental law mainly in China. Based on exploring varied schools of feminism and noteworthily ecofeminism, the dissertation firstly provides an overview of gender theory and then emphasizes the specific contents of gender perspective and its usage within the context of environmental governance by law. To be specific, the perspective to be used in the later discussion urges three transitions including abstract to gendered person as legal person, pure quality to differentiated equality as equality notion, and separation to combination of public//private sphere. The purpose to employ gender perspective is to harmonise gender relation, to realize real gender equality, to distinguish the role of environmental in building or ignoring gender system in reality, to discover the gender blindness in environmental law and to improve legal value, principle, regim of it, rather than ignite fuse of gender war for responsibility allocation. Moreover, the dissertation analyzes the formation and feature of gender system in environmental governance. The symbolic connection between nature and women is a mostly trans-cultural phenomenon even though the methopher can not stand without the integration of human and nature in Chinese culture. When faced with environmental risk and participating in environmental protection, women have special needs, roles and values compared with men. However, this gender gap is generally overlooked out of structural defects of existing environmental governance, for women are historically oppressed and devaluated. Concerning women's unproportionary enthusiasm and participation in grassroot environmental movement, the environmental politics also get a gendered feature. It is also worthy to note that women are generally repelled and ignored in the sphere of environmental scitific community. Even those who are'recruited' seldom have the power to influence environmental decision making. However, the anti-traditional environmental knowledge derivated from daily life, person experience and indegeneous knowledge are challenging the domination of standard science. In aggregate, gender system in environmental governance duplicates the unequal relation between men and women on the one side, while contains reformal elements on the other. Patriarchy is the primary root resulting in women's'absence' in environmental governance. Consequently, in line with the principle of empowering women, the paper agues that patriarchy need to be reversed, which, in specific, urges that more women should be engaged in environmental policy making, women environmental NGO is ought to be nurtured to enhance women's autonomy, the synergy of women//environmental government and other theme such as development and poverty alleviation is required, and that the function of environmental law within the context needs to be emphasized. Thus, in order to realize the ultimate significance of promoting environmental governance by law, the dissertation exaimines the environmental legal value of sustainable development, environmental security, environmental justice and environmental democracy and argues that respective new senerio is ought to be perceived. Thereafter, the defaults and further improvement of environmental administration, Environmental Impact Assessment and Adaptive Community Management are carefully analyzed through the dimension of gender. Finally, taking animal welfare law and indoor pollution law as illustrations, the dissertation constructs appropriate road to better environmental legal system under gender perspective.

关 键 词: 社会性别 环境法 反思 女性主义 生态女性主义

分 类 号: [D922.68]

领  域: [政治法律] [政治法律]


作者 郜宪达
作者 罗为凡
作者 周天枢
作者 刘惠贤
作者 翁玲玲


机构 中山大学
机构 中山大学法学院
机构 华南师范大学
机构 华南师范大学政治与行政学院
机构 深圳大学


作者 康秋实
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖芳
作者 张万坤
作者 张光亚