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On the Perfection of Public Surveillance

导  师: 王敏

学科专业: 030104

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 西南政法大学

摘  要: 我国刑法发展的历史,可以追溯到几千年以前的奴隶社会,但管制刑作为我国独创的唯一的限制自由刑,却是在我国新民主主义革命的特定历史背景下发展形成的,并伴随着国情的不断变化而演进,它是我国人民群众同犯罪作斗争成功经验的总结,其产生和发展都具有浓厚的中国特色。同时,它也是我国刑罚体系中唯一一种不以羁押为条件的主刑,具有开放化、人道化和社会化的特点。管制刑的诞生,完善了我国的刑罚体系,也符合世界刑罚发展轻缓化的趋势,其内在对于人类基本价值标准和美德的追求和肯定,使其在新的历史时期显示出了强大的生命力。 随着社会的发展,管制刑在司法实践运用中呈现日益萎缩的现状,显示出了一些与其设立目的不相符合的缺陷和问题,因此,一些学者认为管制刑已经不能适应我国当前打击犯罪、保护人民的需要,应对其予以废除。笔者并不否认管制刑目前存在着一些缺陷和不足,但从总体上来说,管制刑仍有其存在的必要性,有其存在的重要价值和特殊功能,只要对其进行完善,就能在建设我国社会主义法治社会的进程中发挥重要的作用,这也正是本文的目的所在——立足管制刑的不足,有针对性地对其完善,以更加充分地发挥管制刑在我国与犯罪作斗争中的重要作用。论文主要采用了三种方法进行研究,一是采用历史唯物主义的研究方法,在开篇对管制刑产生的历史背景及其定义特征进行了阐述;二是运用辨证分析的研究方法从保留与废除管制刑之争入手进一步论述管制刑存在的必要性,明确了管制刑的存在既具有人道主义价值和经济价值,也具有制度上的价值,而且凸显了管制刑作为刑罚所具有的改造功能、威慑功能和教育功能;三是运用实证分析的研究方法从管制刑的适用现状入手,将重点放在针对管制刑存在的问题提出具体可行的完善措施上,分别从立法层面、司法层面和执行层面入手提出具体的解决办法,以尽可能地发挥管制刑的积极意义,减少其消极意义,实现刑罚最佳的经济效益和社会效益,为我国社会主义法治社会的构建创造条件。 具体来说,本文主要由四部分组成: 第一部分是管制刑概述,从管制刑产生的历史背景入手,介绍了其发展变化的四个阶段,并在此基础上对管制刑的定义和特征进行了界定和分析,明确了管制是对犯罪分子不予关押,但限制一定自由,由公安机关执行和群众监督改造的刑罚方法。 第二部分是针对理论界存在的管制刑存废之争,提出管制刑存在的必要性。指出管制刑的具有人道主义价值如符合我国刑罚保障人权的价值、经济价值如可以减少行刑的成本、在制度价值上可以避免“交叉感染”等等,同时它也有其存在的特殊功能包括对犯罪分子的改造功能、对潜在的犯罪分子的威慑功能和对一般群众的教育功能,因而其完全有保留的必要。 第三部分是针对管制刑存在的问题进行分析。具体从立法层面、司法层面和执法层面进行了深入的剖析,找出了管制刑的问题所在,如适用对象不明确,配置范围不规范;惩罚力度太弱,惩罚机制不健全;刑期相对过长,衔接不到位;执行保障措施缺失;司法观念和具体审判的问题;执行主体不合理;监督主体不恰当;执行体制不健全等等;并对这些问题的成因进行分析,为后一部分提出具体的完善措施提供了依据。 第四部分是在前面论述的基础上,针对存在的问题提出具体的完善建议。在立法上:设立人身危险性的具体评定标准,明确管制刑的适用对象和范围;增加无偿劳动的规定,区分犯罪程度建立分级惩罚机制:变更管制刑的刑期,构成与拘役上下衔接的有机体系;建立管制与拘役互变的刑罚转处制度,保障管制刑的有效执行。在司法上:深入贯彻理解宽严相济刑事政策,转变重刑主义的传统思想;规范具体审判过程,坚持刑罚个别化原则,以法律作为管制刑的适用依据。在执行上:对权力进行分配制衡,变更管制刑的执行主体;改由基层群众组织承担社会监管职能,贯彻落实“专门机关和群众路线相结合”的政策;结合各地实际情况,设置管制刑的专门执行场所;制定执行细则,规范交接程序,健全管制刑的执行体制。 History of the development of China's criminal law can be traced back to the slave society thousands of years ago, but the Public Surveillance as the only restriction on our freedom of original sentence, it is in our new-democratic revolution that the development of the specific historical context formed. Accompanied by the changing conditions and evolution, The Public Surveillance is the lesson learned from the successful fight against crime by the masses of our people, its emergence and development have strong Chinese characteristics. At the same time, it is the only kind of penal system in China not to the conditions of detention as the principal penalty, with an open and humane and socialization features. The birth of Public Surveillance is to improve China's penal system, also in line with penalties for the development of the world's Moderating the trend, its inherent is to pursuit the basic human values and recognition, so that in the new historical period it shows a strong vitality. With the development of our Society,to control the use of torture in judicial practice in the present shrinking of the status quo, the Public Surveillance showing some of its purpose is not consistent with the establishment of the shortcomings and problems, therefore, some scholars believe that Public Surveillance have been unable to meet China's current fight against crime, can not to protect the people's needs, it should be repealed. I do not deny that the Public Surveillance has a number of shortcomings and deficiencies, but generally speaking, the Public Surveillance is still the need for its existence, has its own significant value and special features, If carried out to improve, it can play an important role in the process of the building China's socialist society, which is the purpose of this paper. The paper is located-based the Public Surveillance's shortages, the paper's target for its refinement in order to more fully play to the Public Surveillance in our fight against crime. The Paper mainly uses three methods to study. First, using research methods of historical materialism, in the opening sentence of the control of the historical background and defining characteristics are described; Secondly, using dialectical analysis research methods from the reservation with the abolition of controls punishment battle to start, there is further discussion of the need for Public Surveillance, clearly the existence of the Public Surveillance with both a humanitarian value and economic value, also has institutional value, and highlights the Public Surveillance as a sentence by a transformation function, deterrence function and educational functions; Thirdly, is to use empirical analysis of research methods on the control status of the application of penalties to start with a focus on punishment for the control of concrete practical problems in the improvement of measures, respectively, from the legislative level, the judicial level, and raised the level of implementation to start specific solutions in order to play as much as possible the positive significance of the Public Surveillance, reducing its negative sense, to achieve the best economic and social penalties for China's socialist construction of society to create conditions for the rule of law. Specifically, this paper consists of four parts: The first part is to control the criminal summary punishment resulting from the control of the historical background, this paper introduces the four stages of its development and change, and on this based the definition and characteristics of the Public Surveillance are defined and anal sized, clearly regulation is a crime molecules is not detained, but restriction on certain freedom, the masses by the public security organs to implement and monitor the penalty method of transformation. The second part is the control for the theoretical circle of retention or abolition of criminal disputes, there is the need to make the Public Surveillance. Pointed out that the Public Surveillance with humanitarian values, such as penalties for protection of human rights in line with our values, economic value and if we can reduce the execution cost of the system value to avoid "cross-infection" and so on, and it also has its own special features include the crime the transformation of molecular function, the deterrence of potential criminals function and the educational function of the general public, hence it is absolutely necessary to retain. The third part is a problem for the control of criminal analysis. Specifically from the legislative level, the judicial level, and law enforcement levels had in-depth analysis to identify the problem with the Public Surveillance, such as the application of the object is not clear, the scope of non-standard configuration; penalties are too weak to punish, mechanism is not perfect; a relatively long term of imprisonment that convergence is not in place; the implementation of safeguards deletion; justice perspective and the specific question of trial; implementation of the main unreasonable; supervision of the principal is not appropriate; implementation of the system is not perfect, and so, in order to improve the latter part of the concrete provides a viable basis. The fourth part is discussed in the preceding on the basis of its problems make specific comprehensive proposal. At Legislation:the creation of dangerousness specific assessment criteria, which clearly regulates the application of the object and scope of the punishment; increase in unpaid labor provisions, the establishment of hierarchical distinction between the degree of crime punishment mechanism; change the control of criminal sentence, constitutes an organic link with the detention system from top to bottom; the establishment of control and imprisonment penalties for each diversion system change to ensure the effective implementation of the Public Surveillance. In the administration of justice:in-depth understanding of degrees of strictness relative to economic implementation of criminal policy, change the traditional ideas of Marxism heavy; regulate the specific trial process, adhere to the principle of individualization of punishment to the application of criminal law as a basis for the control. In the implementation:the allocation of checks and balances of power, change control of the implementation of the main sentence; replaced by grass-roots people's organizations to take up social regulatory functions, and implement the "specialized agencies and the mass line combining" policy; with the actual situation around, set the Public Surveillance specialized implementation of the place; to develop an implementation rules to regulate the transfer procedures, improve the implementation of the control system of punishment.

关 键 词: 管制刑 限制自由刑 必要性 问题 完善

分 类 号: [D924.1]

领  域: [政治法律] [政治法律]


作者 李崧源


机构 华南理工大学
机构 汕头大学
机构 汕头大学法学院


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