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Trauma and Recovery: A Study of the Maternal Infanticide in Beloved

导  师: 师彦灵

学科专业: 050201

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 兰州大学

摘  要: 托尼.莫里森的《宠儿》作为创伤小说研究的历史已长达十余年。这些研究主要分为两类:一类运用女权主义理论对小说中黑人母亲的为母之道和黑人母女关系给以分析或评论;另一类则用心理分析理论对小说中主要人物的创伤或奴隶制给黑人带来的创伤性影响进行阐释。然而,至今为止,尚无人对小说中最具代表性的杀婴创伤做过深入的研究。本文旨在运用创伤和复原理论对《宠儿》中的杀婴主题给予系统的分析和论述,以弥补《宠儿》研究中的这一空白,丰富和拓宽其阐释和欣赏空间。 该论文以创伤理论为依据,对《宠儿》中的杀婴主题进行了三个层次的分析。该论文首先探讨了小说女主人公赛斯杀婴行为产生的根源,即赛斯的杀婴是她个人创伤经历和奴隶制下黑人社群群体创伤的共同产物。接着,论文分析了赛斯以及她的家人在杀婴事件之后所表现出来的创伤性症状-创伤记忆的事后性和断裂。最后,论文阐述了赛斯以及整个黑人社群走出杀婴创伤的途径。 通过以上分析,该论文得出以下结论:奴隶制下的母亲杀婴行为是个人创伤和历史创伤共同作用的结果;要治愈这种创伤,创伤的幸存者必须能够讲述并重新见证自己的创伤历史,同时,她还必须与一个既关心她,又能接受她的创伤经历的他人或社群重新建立良好的关系。 During the past ten years, Toni Morrison's Beloved has been read as a novel of trauma by critics mostly from feminist approach or psychoanalytic approach. While feminist scholars center on slavery's influence on either black motherhood or the mother-daughter relationships, psychoanalysts mainly focus on the traumatic symptoms the major characters exhibit or the damaging effects traumas from slavery have brought to them. No critics, however, have provided a systematic analysis of the most representative infanticidal trauma Morrison depicts with a sizable part in the novel. This thesis intends to cover this research gap by giving a detailed exploration of the novel's maternal infanticide from the perspective of trauma and recovery so that interpretation and appreciation of Beloved will be enriched and extended. This thesis proceeds correspondently in the way which theorists adopt in their trauma studies, first with an exploration of the causes of trauma, then the traumatic symptoms and finally the recovery from trauma. It asserts that Sethe's infanticide is a result of both her personal traumatic experiences and the collective trauma slavery brings to the black community. After the infanticide, both Sethe and her family exhibit traumatic symptoms such as belatedness and dissociation. Despite suffering a lot after the infanticide, the mother Sethe finally recovers from her infanticidal trauma through giving testimonies and reestablishing relationships with significant others. This thesis concludes that under slavery, maternal infanticide is not only a personal trauma, but also a historical trauma. In order to achieve the personal and communal recovery, the trauma survivors must be able to give testimonial narratives to an effective witness and meanwhile have accessibility to the co-presence of the caring and accepting others as well as a welcoming context.

关 键 词: 宠儿 创伤 见证 关系 治疗

领  域: [文学]


作者 梁凤莲
作者 曾建生
作者 王贺新
作者 徐学标
作者 周新兰


机构 华南师范大学
机构 广东培正学院
机构 华南师范大学教育科学学院心理应用研究中心
机构 广州大学外国语学院
机构 中山大学


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作者 徐丽华
作者 曹金蓉
作者 李娟
作者 李晓青