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A Contrastive Study of Chinese 'Shenme' and English 'What'

导  师: 唐燕玲

学科专业: 050211

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 湖南师范大学

摘  要: 特指问句的疑问代词在指代和传达疑问信息方面起着关键性作用。正是如此,一直以来不同流派的研究者对疑问代词都十分关注。至今,学者们为挖掘出这个领域更深层的理论,已经展开了大量的描写和解释工作。西方学者注重对公式和理论架构的研究,期望找出-套缜密的理论框架能够解释所有的语言现象。尽管各类不同的语言有着不同的语法机制,他们仍然希望找到能够解释所有疑问代词的合适理论。相反,此类研究在中国并不多见。国内学者更倾向于从语言事实中寻找规律。尽管有着各种详尽的分类和描述,至今也没有达成某种理论上的共识。 在文中,我们将理论和语料相结合,试图找到最佳的融合。中文“什么”与英文'what'是相对应的,也是这两种语言中疑问代词类别中的典型。因此,对这两个词的对比具有十分重要的意义。我们尝试着使用对比语言学和认知语言学的一般理论对它们进行对比描写和阐释。为了达到现象描述和理论解释的融合统一,我们对比得出的相同和相异点都是建立在丰富的语料分析基础上。语料来源于国内外现代文学作品及权威的语料库。 本文主要对比分析“什么”和'what'的疑问用法和非疑问用法。将它们的具体用法逐一分析,同时也考虑到其标记形式和固定表达法与语义语用的关系。 疑问用法是“什么”和'what'的最基本用法,也是连接这两个词的最基本的纽带。在这个点上,它们拥有很多相同之处。随着语言的不断发展,“什么”和'what'都从疑问用法中扩展出非疑问用法。但是,不同语言的发展又赋予了不同的特色。“什么”倾向于丰富其语义,'what'倾向于形态功能的发展。 我们希望“什么”和'what'的对比分析能够引导大家发现中文和英文疑问代词之间的更多联系,同时给疑问代词的类型学研究提� Interrogative pronouns are playing a decisive role in referring to and transmitting interrogative information in questions, which has been attracting attention from researchers of different schools. Up till now, scholars have carried out tremendous descriptions, explanations in this field to explore deeper structures. Western researchers care more about the formulation and theoretical structures which can be applied deductively to all the languages, expecting to find a well-knit frame that can be universally suitable. They hope the same for interrogative pronouns in spite that each individual grammatical mechanism would get in the way. However, there are few relevant empirical studies at home. Domestic linguists prefer to conclude from a number of facts. But the focus on description and classification hasn't reached to some certain consensus of theory. In this thesis, we are trying to make a better combination of theories and language facts. Shenme and what are corresponding interrogative pronouns which are typical in the category, so the study of the two words may be of critical importance. We try to make comparative descriptions and explanations by using the general theories of contrastive linguistics and cognitive linguistics. In order to achieve the integration of phenomenon description and theory explanation, the similarities and differences are built on and progressed from abundant language facts we collect from modern works and authoritative data bases. The thesis makes a comparative analysis between shenme and what. We have mainly examined the interrogative and non-interrogative usages of the two words in details. When analyzing the usages one by one, we investigate the semantic meanings and pragmatic values of the idioms and some other fixed patterns. Shenmen and what are linked together on their very basic interrogative usages which the two words were originally born for. At this point, they share high similarities. With the development of languages, non-interrogative usages of shenme

关 键 词: 疑问代词 什么 汉英对比

领  域: [语言文字] [语言文字]


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作者 刘春萍
作者 吴庄
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机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学华文学院


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