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The Study on the Content Structure of Destructive Leadership and Its Relationship with Relavent Factors

导  师: 凌文辁

学科专业: 120202

授予学位: 博士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 暨南大学

摘  要: 传统的领导理论大都关注建设性的、有效的和成功的领导,而作为一种负性的社会现象,破坏性领导/(destructive leadership/)始终存在于各类组织中。近年来,西方管理学界逐渐开始了对破坏性领导的系统研究,而在国内学术界,针对中国组织的破坏性领导开展的实证研究还不多见。本研究首次以实证研究范式探讨了中国文化背景下的破坏性领导的内容结构及其相关问题,这有助于我们更加深入而全面地理解领导过程的本质,丰富本土化的领导理论体系,对识别破坏性领导者,防止破坏性领导的不良后果都有着重要的实践价值。 本研究主要聚焦于以下六个方面的内容:第一,破坏性领导的内容结构研究;第二,不同人口学、组织学变量的员工对破坏性领导的认知差异比较研究;第三,破坏性领导的组织影响因素研究;第四,破坏性领导与员工的工作态度、行为与心理反应关系的研究;第五,破坏性领导与效果变量之间的中介效应研究;第六,破坏性领导与效果变量之间的调节效应研究。本文在对以往相关理论与研究进行梳理总结的基础上,运用文献分析、访谈、问卷调查等研究方法,通过在广东、北京、上海、浙江等地的不同城市先后对1300多名员工进行调查,采用探索性因素分析、验证性因素分析、结构方程模型建模和层次回归分析等多种统计技术,获得结论如下: 1、本研究运用归纳研究范式,从文献研究开始,通过深度访谈、开放式问卷调查,采用严谨规范的问卷开发流程,运用探索性因素分析和验证性因素分析技术,发现我国组织中破坏性领导的内容结构包含四个因素,即:贪污腐化、苛责下属、辱虐下属与德行缺失,研制出了包含20个项目四个维度的破坏性领导问卷。通过对问卷的分半信度、个别信度、建构信度、内部一致性系数、内容效度、表面效度、构念效度、聚合效度、区分效度以及效标关联效度进行的综合检验,表明问卷具有良好的信效度水平。此研究结论也从反面验证了学者凌文辁的CPM理论的观点。 2、通过t检验和单因素方差分析,发现不同性别、年龄、工龄、企业性质、岗位性质等人口学、组织学特征的员工在破坏性领导的各个维度评价上存在显著性差异。 3、通过相关分析、结构方程建模分析,发现不同的组织变量对破坏性领导的影响不同。其中,组织集权化对破坏性领导有显著正向影响,组织正式化对破坏性领导有显著负向影响。相较而言,集权化对破坏性领导影响较大,正式化的影响较小。 4、通过相关分析、结构方程建模分析,发现破坏性领导对下属对领导者的忠诚尽责、工作满意度有显著负向影响,对下属的离职意向和工作应激有显著正向预测作用。 5、通过相关分析、结构方程建模分析,发现下属的公平感与对领导者的认同内化,是破坏性领导与忠诚尽责、工作满意度、离职意向、工作应激变量间的中介变量。下属的理想承诺是破坏性领导与下属对领导者的忠诚尽责、工作满意度、离职意向间的中介变量。 6、通过相关分析、层次回归分析,发现下属的个性控制点在破坏性领导与下属对领导者的忠诚尽责、离职意向之间起显著调节作用。具体而言就是,在同样程度的破坏性领导之下,下属的内控性越高,忠诚尽责水平越低;在同样程度的破坏性领导之下,下属的内控性越高,离职意向越高。 7、系统地概括了主要的研究结论,探讨了研究的理论贡献和现实意义,并提出了防止与治理破坏性领导的管理对策,最后,指出了研究的局限性和未来的发展方向。 The traditional theories on leadership mainly focus on the constructive, effective and successful ones. Unfortunately, the destructive leadership inevitably exists as a negative social phenomenon in various kinds of organizations. In recent years, systematic research on destructive leadership has been gradually conducted in the western management field. However, destructive leadership within Chinese organizations is seldom studied with the empirical method. This article is the first in its category by studying the composition and other relevant elements of destructive leadership within Chinese culture context in empirical research. It is conducive to a deeper and more comprehensive understanding of the nature of leading process and an enriched and localized leadership theory. In practice, it is of great importance in distinguishing the destructive leaders and avoiding the negative consequences resulted from the destructive leadership. There are six aspects that are mainly focused on:first, the content and structure of destructive leadership; second, the difference in the acknowledgement of destructive leadership by the staff studied with demographic and organizational variables; third, the influence of organization on destructive leadership; fourth, the relationship between destructive leadership and the attitude, behavior and psychological reaction of the staff; fifth, the mediating effect between destructive leadership and the result variable; and the last one is the moderating effect between destructive leadership and the result variable. On the basis of relevant theories and researches, the study combines the research methods such as documentary analysis, interview, questionnaire survey, etc. with several statistics techniques, namely, EFA /(exploratory factor analysis/), CFA /(confirmatory factor analysis/), SEM /(structural equation modeling/), Hierarchical regression, etc. The questionnaire survey covers more than 1300 subjects from Beijing, Shanghai and other cities in Guangdong and Zhejiang provinces. The conclusions are as follows. 1. Beginning with documents research, the study adopts in-depth interview and open-ended questionnaire survey, the latter of which complies with strict and standardized procedure. EFA /(Exploratory factor analysis/) and CFA /(confirmatory factor analysis/) have been applied as well as the inductive research mode. The destructive leadership in Chinese organizations consists of four factors, namely, corruption, excoriation on subordinates, abuse of subordinates and the loss of professional morality. The Destructive Leadership Questionnaire /(DLQ/) is developed into 4 dimensions with 20 items. The Questionnaire has demonstrated very good reliability and validity after being tested from the aspects such as split half reliability, individual item reliability, composite reliability, internal consistency, content validity, cover validity, construct validity, convergent validity, discriminant validity and criterion validity. This conclusion proves reversely the CPM theory founded by Prof. Ling Wenquan. 2. The obvious diversity exists in the points of view of the staff on destructive leadership whose demographic characteristics vary by gender, age, length of service, nature of business, nature of position after t-testing and ANOVA analysis. 3. After correlation analysis and SEM /(structural equation modeling/), the organization variable's influence upon destructive leadership reveals itself. The concentration of power intensifies destructive leadership while the formalization weakens it. Comparatively speaking, concentration has stronger power upon destructive leadership than formalization. 4. Through correlation analysis and SEM /(structural equation modeling/), the study shows the obvious prediction function of destructive leadership on loyalty to the leaders, job satisfaction, turnover intention and job stress. 5. Through correlation analysis and SEM /(structural equation modeling/), the study shows the sense of equity and identification internalization work as mediator between destructive leadership and loyalty, job satisfaction, turnover intention and job stress. Commitment by the staff works as mediator between destructive leadership and loyalty, job satisfaction, turnover intention. 6. Through correlation analysis and hierarchical regression, the study shows locus of control in the staff works as moderator between destructive leadership and loyalty, turnover intention. In the concrete, under the same destructive leadership, the stronger the internal control of the staff is, the less the staff is loyal to the leader. Under the same destructive leadership, the stronger the internal control of the staff is, the stronger the turnover intention is. 7. The article systematically summarizes the main research and consequent conclusion and discusses the contribution and realistic significance of the theory. Meanwhile, measures are put forward to avoid and manage the destructive leadership. At last, limitation in the study and the upcoming direction for improvement are added.

关 键 词: 破坏性领导 结构方程建模 中介变量 调节变量

分 类 号: [F272.91 F224]

领  域: [经济管理] [经济管理] [经济管理]


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机构 暨南大学
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机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 华南理工大学工商管理学院
机构 华南理工大学


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