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The Effects of Balance Training Program on the Low Extreme Proprioception and Peroneal Latency during Sudden Ankle Inversion

导  师: 王安利

学科专业: 040302

授予学位: 博士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 北京体育大学

摘  要: 研究目的: 研究不稳平衡训练对下肢本体感觉功能影响的效果及其预防损伤机制,比较平衡板、平衡气囊、瑞士球训练方法改善下肢本体感觉功能的效果,为预防运动损伤提供理论依据和实践指导。 研究方法: 41名受试者分成平衡板平衡气囊训练组/(n=13/),瑞士球训练组/(n=14/),对照组/(n=14/),训练时间共8周,每周3次,每次练习50分钟,训练前后测试指标:Trap-door试验测试下肢肌群/(比目鱼肌、腓骨长肌、胫骨前肌/)潜伏期、膝踝关节主动和被动位置觉、Hoffmann反射M//H amp比值和H-M lat时间。 研究结果: 1.8周平衡板平衡气囊训练和瑞士球训练后,下肢肌群/(比目鱼肌、腓骨长肌、胫骨前肌/)潜伏期均显著缩短/(P<0.01、P<0.05、P<0.01/),对照组8周前后下肢肌群潜伏期无显著变化。 2.大多数人突发踝关节内翻时肌肉放电顺序依次为腓骨长肌、胫骨前肌、比目鱼肌。 3.8周平衡板气囊训练和瑞士球训练后,右膝踝关节位置觉误差/(主动和被动/)比训练前减小但无显著性差异。 4.8周平衡板和瑞士球训练前后,H-M lat时间和M//H amp比值没有显著性改变。 研究结论: 1.8周平衡板和瑞士球训练后,下肢肌群潜伏期显著缩短,膝踝关节位置觉无显著改变,H反射H-M lat时间无显著变化,表明训练对不同类型本体感受器造成的影响不同,本体感觉部分功能得到改善和提高。 2.8周平衡板和瑞士球训练后,下肢肌群潜伏期显著缩短,应对突发踝关节内翻损伤或跌倒危险时,下肢对危险因素的觉察时间及做出姿势调整的反应时间显著缩短,下肢预防运动损伤的能力得到提高。 3.从缩短下肢肌群潜伏期和改善下肢本体感觉效果来看,瑞士球训练在单位时间/(8周/)的效果不如平衡板训练,要想达到相同效果需更长时间的瑞士球训练。 4.8周平衡板和瑞士球训练后,M//H amp比值和H-M lat时间无显著变化,表明平衡板和瑞士球训练对下肢神经传导方面影响甚微。 5.健康人群/(无膝踝关节损伤/)经过平衡板和瑞士球训练后,本体感觉功能得到改善和提高,其改善本体感觉功能机制和提高程度是否与下肢损伤患者一样、改善的本体感觉功能是否会消退,仍有待进一步研究。 6.关节位置觉、H反射结果存在男女性别差异,Trap-door试验潜伏期不存在男女性别差异。 Objective:The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of wobble board training on the low extreme proprioception and the muscle reaction times in the normal health people, and to determine whether the low extreme proprioception of normal health people was improved after a proprioceptive exercise program. Method:Sixty normal health peoples were recruited to participate in the proprioceptive exercise program, who had not low extremity injury or functionally unstable ankle. Finally, fourty one participants succeeded in completing the exercise program. Paricipants were assigned to three groups:control /(n=14/), wobble board training /(n=13/) and balance ball training /(n=14/). The wobble board training group and the balance ball training group underwent a monitored 8-week exercise programme /(50 min per session, three times per week/). Using surface electromyography /(sEMG/) the latency of the soleus, tibialis anterior /(TA/) and peroneus longus /(PL/) were recorded in response to a sudden 30°ankle inversion. The ankle joint position sense /(JPS/) was tested in a passive and positive angle reproduction test. The result of Mmax:Hmax and H-M latency was measured through Hoffmann Reflex. Result:①The latency of the soleus, tibialis anterior /(TA/) and peroneus longus /(PL/) was significantly shorter in subjects with the wobble board training group, individually shorter 9.54/%,10.11/%,12.79/%/(P<0.01, P<0.05, P<0.01/) than befor the wobble board training; also significantly shorter in subjects with the balance ball training group, individually shorter 12.57/%,9.13/%,11.29/%/(P<0.01, P<0.05, P<0.01/); there is not shown to be significantly different in control group. ②The result of Mmax:Hmax was not shown to be significantly different between before and after exercis program in both the wobble board training group and the balance ball training group/(P>0.05/); The result of H-M latency, also was not shown to be significantly different between before and after exercise program in both the wobble board training group and the balance ball training group/(P>0. 05/). ③Both the wobble board training group and the balance ball training group, the results showed no significantly different in ankle joint position sense /(JPS/) in a passive and positive angle reproduction test/(P>0.05/). Conclusion:Posting wobble board training and balance ball training, both groups showed a significant decrease in muscle onset latency /(P<0.05/). The findings indicate that, even normal health people, wobble board exercise and balance ball exercise reduces the likelihood of sudden ankle inversion sprains. The wobble board exercise and balance ball exercise program can be recommended for prevention of sudden ankle inversion injuries.

关 键 词: 本体感觉 潜伏期 反射 试验 踝关节内翻

分 类 号: [G804.2]

领  域: [文化科学] [文化科学]


作者 王中阳


机构 广州大学体育学院
机构 深圳大学
机构 华南师范大学政治与行政学院


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