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The Study of Enhancement of Drought Tolerance in Cotton by Transgene of ZmPIS and Transgene Pyramiding of betA//TsVP

导  师: 张可炜

学科专业: 071009

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 山东大学

摘  要: 干旱已成为限制全球农业生产的重要因素。随着人口增长和对生物能源的迫切需求,增加粮食和经济作物产量已成为当务之急,利用生物技术培育抗旱作物品种具有重要的战略意义。棉花是一种抗旱性较强的作物,适合在适度干旱条件下种植。不同棉花品种的抗旱性差异较大,在缺水灌溉条件下无法获得较高产量,进一步提高棉花的抗旱性对于提高棉花产量和加强干旱、半干旱地区的开发利用具有重要意义。 转ZmPIS基因棉花的耐旱性分析 植物在进化过程中形成了对干旱应答的复杂机制,通过多种信号途径来做出相应的抗逆反应。研究表明,磷脂酰肌醇信号途径在植物生长、发育和对环境胁迫应答过程中发挥重要的作用。磷脂酰肌醇合成酶以CDP-DG和myo-inositol为底物生成磷脂酰肌醇。磷脂酰肌醇是真核细胞中主要磷脂成份之一,也是细胞中主要磷脂信号分子的前体。 本工作对来自鲁棉研19的转ZmPIS基因T3棉花植株在苗期、蕾期和开花期进行了水分胁迫下的相关生理指标和耐旱性测定,结果表明转基因棉花一些株系的抗旱显著提高。5叶期棉花幼苗在含有12/%PEG-6000的Hogland营养液中处理24小时后,野生型植株的叶片失水严重,植株严重萎蔫,而转基因株系叶片比较伸展,植株未发生萎蔫或萎蔫程度较轻。12/%PEG-6000渗透胁迫后,转基因株系的净光合速率和气孔导度显著高于野生型对照。渗透胁迫降低了棉花幼苗细胞的溶质势,转基因植株细胞溶质势下降幅度较野生型对照显著,即转基因棉花细胞中积累了更多的溶质,增强了细胞吸取水分和持水能力,从而有利于植株保持正常形态和细胞膨压。 棉花在花盆中生长至蕾期时,一次性浇足水后停止浇水,进行干旱胁迫处理。野生型植株在干旱胁迫第4天时,叶片已经开始萎蔫,含水量急剧下降。干旱胁迫至� In the face of a global scarcity of water resources, drought has already become a primary factor in limiting crop production worldwide. With the increase of world population and the demand for biomass resources, increasing food and cash crops production has become a top priority and it is of important strategic significance to breed drought tolerant crop varieties by biotechnology. Cotton, classified as a drought tolerant crop, is suitable for moderate drought conditions. However, its sensitivity to drought varies greatly among genotypes, and the cotton yield can't be satisfying under severe drought conditions. Therefore, it is of great importance for enhancing cotton yield and utilizing the arid and semi-arid soils to further improve the drought tolerance of cotton. Studies on drought tolerance of transgenic ZmPIS gene Plants have evolved many complicated mechanisms in response to drought through a variety of signaling pathways. Previous studies have indicated that phosphoinositide-signaling pathway plays key roles in plant growth, development and response to environmental stresses. Phosphatidylinositol /(PtdIns/) is synthesized from CDP-DG and myo-inositol, catalyzed by phosphatidylinositol synthase /(PIS/), and is one of the most important phospholipids and a major precursor of molecules involved in phosphoinositide-signaling pathways. In this study, tolerance to drought stress of T3 generations of transgenic ZmPIS lines from Lumianyanl9 was investigated at three developmental stages, including seedlings, squaring stage and anthesis stage. Cotton seedlings at five-leaf stage were subject to osmotic stress in Hoagland solution supplemented with 12/%/(w//v/) PEG-6000 for 24 h. After treatment, wild-type /(WT/) plants wilted seriously because of large lose of water, while most of the transgenic plants grew well with comparatively slight symptoms of water stress. After osmotic stress, net photosynthesis and stomatal conductance of the four transgenic lines were significantly higher than that of W

关 键 词: 转基因聚合 棉花 耐旱性

领  域: [农业科学]




作者 李振义
作者 吴晨
作者 张琳
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