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College Students in the New Era for Party Members to the Objectives of the Management of Education System

导  师: 齐二石

学科专业: 1201

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 天津大学

摘  要: 高校是培养中国特色社会主义事业建设者和接班人的重要阵地。高校学生党建工作是高校育人工作的重要组成部分。高校学生党建工作对于扩大党在大学生群体中的群众基础及影响力、示范性,对于在学业精英分子中造就更多思想过硬的、素质全面的社会主义事业的建设者和领导者,对于加强党的建设、保持党的先进性、提高党的凝聚力和战斗力,具有十分重要的战略意义。 当前我们正处在社会转型、经济转轨、多元文化交融碰撞的环境中,大学生包括学生党员思想的独立性、选择性、多变性、差异性特征明显增强,这就对高校学生党建提出了新问题、新挑战、新要求。在这一趋势下,许多高校引进了目标管理来指导学生党员教育管理实践。目标管理作为一种以工作和人为中心的综合管理方法,它的实施可以最大限度地发挥管理效能。但是,对高校学生党员目标管理的规律和原则认识不够深入,将导致高校学生党员的目标管理教育实践产生许多问题。所以,深刻认识高校学生党员目标管理教育工作的规律和原则,是摆在高校党组织和党务工作者面前的一项重要课题。 本文首先揭示了高校学生党员目标管理教育体系提出和研究的重要性和必要性,对高校学生党员教育管理现状及成因进行了分析。然后从管理学的角度入手,对高校学生党员教育目标管理的理论基础进行分析,并归纳提出了高校学生党员目标管理的核心概念,为高校党建目标管理的实践提供理论参考。本文的核心内容在于按照理论体系的探究规律和轨迹,尝试系统的提出实施高校学生党员目标管理教育体系的主要依据和基本原则、构成要素、基本内容和层次结构,并就目标管理指标体系和考核进行了深入研究,以构建一个相对完整而又切合实际、具有可操作性的高校党建目标管理教育体系。 本文的研究有以下特点:首先在研究方法上,采用了理论研究与实证调查相结合的方法,具有一定的可靠性;其次在研究角度上,选取高校学生党员目标管理教育研究的薄弱环节,即目标管理的层次结构等进行深入探讨,具有一定的创新性:最后在研究内容上,在高校学生党员目标管理领域对目标管理的依据、原则、构成要素以及指标体系和考核等做出尝试性探究,具有一定的原创性。 Colleges and universities is to train builders of socialism with Chinese characteristics and successors of the important positions. College students in colleges and universities is the work of party building work in educating people an important part. College students for the expansion of the Party building work in groups of college students in mass base and influence on the model, for the academic elite in the thinking of creating more perfect, all-round quality of the builders of the socialist cause and a leader, strengthening Party building, maintaining the Party's advanced nature, to enhance its cohesiveness and fighting capacity, is of great strategic significance. At present, our society is in transition, economic transition, multi-cultural blend of the collision environment, college students, including members of the independence of thinking, selective, variability, the characteristics of the increased diversity, which college students on building a new Problems, new challenges and new demands. In this trend, many colleges and universities to introduce the management objectives to guide students in educational management practices. Management by objectives as a people-centered and integrated management approach, it can be implemented to maximize the effectiveness of management. However, members of the college students of management by objectives and principles of the law of understanding is not deep enough, party members and college students will lead to the goal of management education practice a lot of problems. Therefore, a profound understanding of party members and college students work in education management by objectives and principles of the law, colleges and universities are facing the party organizations and party workers before an important topic. This article first revealed the goal of higher learning and research management of the importance and necessity of party members and college students on the education and management of the status quo and the causes are analyzed. And then from the perspective of management, college students on the educational objectives of the management of the theoretical basis for analysis and put into the college students members of the core concept of management by objectives, management by objectives for the building of colleges and universities to provide theoretical reference to the practice. This article is the core content of the theoretical system in accordance with the law and explore the track, trying to implement the system proposed by party members and college students the goal of education management system based on the main and fundamental principles of the constituent elements, the basic content and hierarchical structure, and management by objectives and evaluation index system An in-depth study to build a relatively complete and realistic operational goals of colleges and universities building management education system. In this paper, the research has the following characteristics: First of all, in research methods, the use of theoretical and empirical research to investigate the combination of methods, with a certain degree of reliability; followed by the point of the study, college students selected members of management education goal of the study weaknesses, that is, The goal of the management hierarchy, such as in-depth discussions with a certain degree of innovation: in the final contents of the study, college students in members of management by objectives in the field of management by objectives on the basis of the principle elements as well as the indicator system and assessment and so on a trial to explore With a certain degree of originality.

关 键 词: 学生党员 目标管理 教育体系 研究

分 类 号: [D267.6]

领  域: [政治法律] [政治法律]


作者 徐引红
作者 叶心荣
作者 王奕衡
作者 李镇贤
作者 劳小丽


机构 广东工业大学
机构 中山大学
机构 广州大学
机构 华南农业大学
机构 华南师范大学


作者 康秋实
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖芳
作者 张万坤
作者 张光亚