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Analyze of Carbon Source//Sink of Farmland Ecosystem for Example Shan Xi Province

导  师: 杨改河

学科专业: 090707

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 西北农林科技大学

摘  要: 通过资料整理和定点测试的方法,系统分析山西省农田生态系统作物布局结构特征,构建主要优质作物品种/(小麦、玉米、谷子、大豆、马铃薯等/)布局结构特征和不同碳区域分异之间的机制模型,建立不同作物品种稳定和调控碳循环能力的评价指标体系,定量化评价山西省典型农田生态生态系统调控碳循环的能力,以期为山西省农作物布局和利用农业结构调整固碳减排提供科学的理论依据和实践指导。本文采用1990-2006年山西年鉴和能源统计资料提供的山西地区及各市区各种农作物产量、种植面积和灌溉、施肥、农业机械等农业投入统计数据/(年鉴和统计资料数据由山西省气象局提供/)系统分析了山西农田生态系统碳排放和碳吸收,工业碳排放得到如下结果: 1.山西地区农田碳吸收在20世纪90年代初期增长了近32/%,90年代以后20世纪初期碳吸收明显下降,从各作物碳汇能力来看,各作物生态系统平均每年碳吸收大小依次为玉米〉小麦〉谷子〉油料〉大豆〉高粱〉马铃薯〉棉花〉稻谷,其中玉米的生态系统碳吸收功能较明显,并且逐年呈增长趋势,平均每年的碳吸收为546.96万吨,其次是小麦的生态系统碳吸收功能平均每年为299.69万吨,稻谷的生态系统碳吸收最低,平均每年为2.15万吨。 2.从空间地区差别来看,在2006年山西各地区总碳吸收和排放中,运城、临汾、长治的碳吸收总量都较大,碳吸收量最小的是阳泉、太原;碳排放较多的地区是朔州、吕梁、临汾、太原;其中太原、朔州、吕梁的碳排放明显大于碳吸收;而运城和忻州的碳排放最小;山西各市主要工业产品/(煤炭、钢材、乙烯、水泥/)的碳排放量变化大小依次为:煤炭〉钢铁〉水泥〉乙烯;朔州的煤炭碳放量最大,太原的钢铁碳排放量最大。 3.从总量上来看,山西农田碳排放大于碳吸收。1990年农田生态系统碳排放和碳吸收总量分别为2460万吨和1520万吨,两者之比接近与1.6:1,而2006年农田碳排放和碳吸收总量分别上升到10060万吨和2230万吨,二者之比接近于4.5:1;在这近15年里山西生态系统碳吸收增长近46.7/%,碳排放增长近309/%。通过采用美国便携式光合作用测定系统实地设置不同CO2浓度,分析了CO2浓度升高对小麦产量贡献较强的两个时期/(扬花期和灌浆期/)光合特性的影响,得出结论:小麦扬花期和灌浆期随着CO2浓度增加,净光合速率、叶片胞间CO2浓度、叶片水分利用率总体呈现逐渐上升的趋势,其中扬花期各参数变化幅度较灌浆期大,净光合速率呈指数形式增长,叶片胞间CO2浓度呈线性增长,叶片水分利用率分别呈直线和指数形式增长;叶片气孔导度和蒸腾速率都呈现先降后升再降的趋势;气孔限制值则呈现逐渐降低的趋势。小麦扬花期和灌浆期CO2浓度与净光合速率,叶片胞间CO2浓度,叶片水分利用率均呈现极显著的正相关,其中与叶片胞间CO2浓度的相关系数最高,与气孔导度和蒸腾速率在扬花期阶段呈现显著正相关,在灌浆期呈现负相关,而与气孔限制值两个时期均呈现极显著负相关。 4.山西工业行业碳排放量最大的行业分别是:采掘业,医药制造业、金属制品业、造纸及纸制品业、机械、电气、电子设备制造业等行业。碳排放量最小的行业分别是:皮革、毛皮、羽绒及其制品业,纺织业、食品、烟草、加工与食品、饮料制造等。从行业内的差异性来看,产值与碳排放高度相关,可以发现一般相关行业主要是工业行业中的轻工业,而较高相关行业和高度相关行业基本上是工业行业中的重工业。 由此可以看出,玉米和小麦生态系统是农田固碳的主要方式,但仍可看出山西地区农田生态系统具有较大的碳排放功能;所以整体来说碳排放增长速度要大于碳吸收,说明山西地区能源消费所占的比重较大,其中碳排放主要以能源中的煤碳排放为主,这反映了碳吸收和碳排放的极度不平衡;农业人工投入的增加和机械化程度的提高,重工业基地的发展,尽管维持了较高的作物产量,但削弱了农田生态系统的碳汇功能,这一趋势将会进一步加剧。由于山西特殊的自然条件、能源经济结构和布局,山西生态环境问题较为严重,对农田生态系统碳源汇强度时空差异的估算分析,有助于提供更精确的农业源排放清单。 By reference literatures were reviewed and on-the-spot investigation, crop structrual character of the system analysis farmland ecosystems of Shanxi, set up main superior crop species/(wheat, corn, rice, soybean, potato,etc./) layout structrual characteristic and different carbon district of mechanism model, establish different crop species evaluation index system of stability and adjust carbon circulation ability.To understand agricultural carbon cycle process of Shanxi,the research can provide scientific basis for crop layout and using agricultural structure adjustment effects on the fixed carbon and reducing discharge of Shanxi. In the paper,based on the statistic data of crop yield、planting area and agricultural input in the period from 1990 to 2006,Analysised carbon sources and sinks of each the farmland ecosystems regions of Shanxi. Be get these results: Firstly,the results showed that farmland total carbon absorption of Shanxi show gradually increased trend and rise nearly 32/% in 20 century the early periods of 90's. From the later to 20 century the early periods,carbon absorption show obviously trend of descend,carbon absorption ability to see from each crop ecosystem ever year Corn﹥wheat﹥rice﹥the oil anticipate﹥soybean﹥sorghum﹥potato﹥cotton﹥rice valley,Among them the carbon absorption function of the corn ecosystem more obvious,and present growth trend year by year,the carbon absorption attain 5.4696 millions tons average every year,the carbon absorption of wheat ecosystem is lower than corn,attain 2.9969 millions tons,rice valley is the Lowest,attain 0.0215 millions tons. Secondly,from different the space region,each area of Shan Xi totally the carbon absorption and the emissions in 2006,totally carbon absorption more big in all areas,for example Yuncheng、Linfen、Changzhi and the most small area is Yangquan、Taiyuan;The carbon emissions more region are Shuozhou、Lvliang、Linfeng、Taiyuan;carbon emissions obvious more than carbon absorptions of Shuozhou、Lvliang、Taiyuan,The more small areas of carbon emissions have Yuncheng and Xinzhou. Thirdly,From farmland total carbon absorptions and emissions of Shanxi compared,carbon absorptions more than carbon emissions. In 1990,total farmland ecosystem carbon emissions and carbon absorptions respectively is 24.60 millions tons and 15.20 millions tons,both it ratio close with 1.6:1,In 2006,They increase respectively become to 100.60 millions tons and 22.30 millions tons,both it ratio close with 4.5:1;farmland total carbon emissions of Shanxi show rise nearly 309 /% during the 15 years,carbon absorptions rise nearly 46.7 /%. Using the portable photosynthesis measuring system,the influence of atmospheric CO2 concentration increase on wheat photosynthetic characteristic was analyzed in flowering stage and filling stage when the wheat has a comparatively strong filed, The results indicated that in different growth stages /(flowering stage and filling stage/),the net photosynthetic rate/(Pn/), intercellular CO2 concentration/(Ci/)and water use efficiency increased gradually with the increase of CO2 concentration,which is exactly contrary to the stomata limitation value/(Ls/), the stomata conductance /(Cs/) and transpiration rate/(Tr/) decreased first and then increased and at last decreased again;CO2 concentration had highly significant positive correlation with the net pho-tosynthetic rate /(Pn/),water use efficiency and intercellular CO2 concentration /(Ci/),of which Correlation Coefficient with CO2 concentration /(Ci/) is the highest , CO2 concentration had significant positive correlation with stomata conductance /(Cs/) and transpiration rate /(Tr/) at flowering stage, exactly on contrary to the filling stage,and meanwhile,the stomata limitation value/(Ls/)had highly significant negative correlation with CO2 concentration at both two stages. Fourly,the biggest profession for carbon esmissions of the industry profession respectively is: medical producing industry,metal producing industry、paper processing industry、mechanical、electric and electronic equipment producing industry、digging industry、and etc. carbon esmissions minimum of profession respectively is: leather industry,furriery industry、feather and product industry、plastics product industry、textile industry and.etc. From the different profession,production value and carbon emissions is inseparately.general related profession main is light industry within profession,but higher and related profession basically is heavy industry within profession. We can see,corn and wheat ecosystem is the main way of the farmland solid carbon,but we still can see that farmland ecosystem of Shan Xi have bigger carbon emissions function;So to increasing speed,carbon emissions more than carbon absorption,demond that energy consume more big than other consume in Shan Xi, coal emissions of energy emissions is mainly way among them,it reflect that carbon absorption and carbon emissions is extreme unbalance;The results show that increase in agricultural input and the improvement of mechanized of Shanxi、the development of heavy industry which weaken carbon absorption ability of farmland ecosystems,this trend will be further to develop. Because of Shan Xi special nature condition,energy economy structure and layout,ecosystem and environmently problem is more seriously in Shan Xi,to temporospatial variation estimate analysis of carbon Source//Sink of farm land ecosystem in Shanxi,contribute to the agriculture source emissions detailed list which provide more precisly.

关 键 词: 山西地区 农田生态系统 碳源 碳汇

分 类 号: [S181]

领  域: [农业科学]


作者 谢奎
作者 李萌萌


机构 中山大学
机构 广东技术师范学院
机构 华南师范大学增城学院旅游管理系


作者 李振义
作者 吴晨
作者 张琳
作者 丁培强
作者 吴肖林