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Building and Deploying a Credit Management System in G Group

导  师: 刘志超

学科专业: 1201

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 本文首先以“3+1”信用管理模式为指导,对G集团信用管理现状分析,发现G集团的信用管理存在组织架构不够完善、信用管理制度不够明确、信用管理流程控制不够严谨等缺点,而且信用管理体系比较散乱,没能很好与集团ERP系统融合,也就没有发挥集团化管理的优势。随着企业信息化程度的不断提高,ERP等信息管理工具越来越深入地影响企业的运作管理,在原有管理系统的基础上增加信用管理功能,实现信用管理体系以获取销售与赊欠之间的均衡,既可节省人力物力和财力,还解决与原有ERP系统的整合问题,成为企业的优先解决方案。 通过分析G集团的信用管理现状,结合“3+1”模式,本文为G集团设置了较适用的信用管理组织架构、制度和流程。同时也考虑到各公司信用管理基础差异较大,分析不同部门主导的信用管理组织和保守型、中庸型和激进型的信用管理制度的优缺点,设计出对于信用管理基础差的公司适用的组织结构和管理制度。 最后,本文根据“3+1”模式结合实际设计出的信用管理体系,设计基于SAP系统,实现信用管理控制的方案和实施方法,使得G集团的信用管理体系通过SAP系统管理工具得以贯彻执行。 本文以G集团的信用管理体系的建立,结合在SAP系统的实施,解决了G集团的信用管理问题,同时展示了集团化企业基于SAP系统的信用管理体系的设计和实施过程,为企业如何在已有信息管理系统上构建信用管理系统提供了很好的借鉴和参考。 Based on the credit management pattern of“3+1”, the present situation of credit management in G group was analyzed. We found that there were several failures in the credit management system in G group including the organize architecture was poor, the strategies were not defined clearly and completely and control processes were not applicable. Besides, the credit management systems were not integrated well into the ERP system of G group losing the advantage of group management. Information management systems, such as ERP, have deeply influenced the running of enterprises. It is a good idea to build new credit management system on the existed information management systems in an enterprise to get a good sales volume and maintain the withdrawal of funds from circulation in time and low rate of bad debt. After analyzing the present situation of credit management in G group, an organize architecture, several strategies and control processes which were much more suitable for G group were built based on“3+1”. Furthermore, with taking the difference of credit management systems between companies of G group into account, several common credit management patterns were analyzed and three kinds of credit management strategies were compared including the conservative strategies, the radical strategies and the balance strategies. And an organize architecture and several management strategies much more suitable for companies whose credit management is in poor situation were designed. With the direction of“3+1”pattern and the help of credit management system designed based on the present situation of G group, an solution for credit management control and its deployment approaches were built which were based on SAP system. The credit management system for G group was built based on SAP system management tools at last. We built the credit manage system in G group based on SAP system to manage credit in G group. Meanwhile we showed how to analyze, design and implement credit manage system based on SAP system in a group. Our work can be taken as a useful reference to how to build credit management system on exited information management system in a group.

关 键 词: 信用管理 信用管理模式 系统

分 类 号: [F275]

领  域: [经济管理] [经济管理]


作者 刘同松
作者 连洲平
作者 傅巍
作者 陈哲熙
作者 刘志


机构 华南理工大学
机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学经济学院
机构 暨南大学管理学院
机构 中山大学管理学院


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作者 张为
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