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A Research on the Relationship between Constrution Site's Workers Perception of Justice and Job Performance

导  师: 李敏

学科专业: 020205

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 自20世纪90年代以来,随着信息技术迅速发展和全球经济一体化进程的进一步加快,我国企业所面临的内外部环境发生巨变。在这种情况下,企业绩效,特别是员工的工作绩效作为决定企业能否按时按质按量完成工作任务的衡量指标,直接影响甚至决定了企业在市场竞争中的命运。因此,如何营造一个令员工愉快的工作氛围,以激发其潜能,提高其工作绩效,为企业带来最大效益,应是管理层亟需解决的。 在建筑施工企业,一线员工大多来自不发达地区,且未与建筑施工企业签订劳动合同,在这种情况下,员工绩效就需要靠员工与企业之间的心理契约来维系。此外,一线员工的工作绩效还受到组织公平感的影响,这是因为没有在劳动合同中确定薪酬等具体的收入事项,故而他们会通过与其他人的对比来确定自己在工作职责范围内外的付出是否合理,同时通过这种对比来调节自己的工作质量。在此基础上,本文假设心理契约正向作用于员工的工作绩效,且组织公平感在心理契约作用于工作绩效的过程中起到中介及调节作用。 由于已有学者对组织公平感中的程序公平做出详细的研究,故本研究仅对组织公平感中的分配公平感及交往公平感作出分析。在对心理契约、组织公平感、工作绩效进行了理论回顾与分析的基础上,同时引入组织公民行为作为工作绩效的另一层面进行分析,构建了一个心理契约、工作绩效及组织公民行为三者之间的影响关系和影响机理的理论模型,并将分配公平感作为中介变量,交往公平感作为调节变量。以惠州地区建筑施工企业为研究对象,从中随机抽取一线员工作为被试对象进行研究,研究中共收到71份有效的员工主管问卷及305份有效的员工问卷,通过相关的数据分析证明了心理契约有正向作用于员工的工作绩效及组织公民行为,且分配公平感在心理契约作用于工作绩效及组织公民行为的过程中起到中介作用,交往公平感在心理契约作用于工作绩效及组织公民行为的过程中起到调节作用。 相关理论假设得到验证后,本研究最后提出了在建筑施工企业要提高员工的工作绩效及组织公民行为,可进行合理的心理契约、组织公平感管理,通过开展员工帮助计划、分配制度公开化等措施,有效的提高心理契约和组织公平感的感知度,为企业的工作绩效管理实践提供有价值的参考。 Along with the rapid development of information technology and the global economy to further accelerate the integration process, the enterprises in China are facing internal and external environment changes since 1990s. The enterprise performance, especiallly the worker’s job performance,as the measures of the business by the amount of time to complete its work according to quality measure of the task, has direct impact even decide the fate of enterprise in the market competetion. Therefore, how to create a pleasant working environment and stimulate the pot-ential of employee to improve their job performance, bring the greatest benefits for the enterprise should be the management needed to solve. In the construction business, the job performance of front-line workers should be maintain by the psychological contract between employees and enterprise,because they have not sign the labor contract with the enterprise. In addition, the job performance of front-line workers also affected by the impact of organizational justice, because they did not know the items of detail income,etc. So they will estimate their responsibilities at work through compare with other people, and then regulate their own quality of work. On this basis, the article assume that psychological contract have a positive role on job performance, and organizational justice have mediate and moderate role in the process of psychological contract acting on the job performance. As scholars have a study in procedure justice, the paper analyze for distribute justice and interactional justice. Based on the theoretical review, the paper constructs a theoretical pattern of the relationship between the three factors, which used distribute justice as mediator and interactional justice as moderator. The research picked some employees from constructions as subjects in Huizhou, and received 71 valid questionnaires and 305 staff. The analysis of data show that the hypothesis are right except that interactional justice have moderate roles in the process of psychological contract acting on the job performance and OCB. After analyzing the effects of distribute justice and interactional justice between the role of the psychologicalcontract on the job performance and organizational citizenship behavior, the paper proposes some strategies through conducting psychological contract, organizational justice management in order to improve job performance management recommendations, and then give some valuable reference for the managementof job performance.

关 键 词: 建筑施工企业 组织公平感 心理契约 工作绩效 组织公民行为

分 类 号: [F272.92 F426.92]

领  域: [经济管理] [经济管理] [经济管理]


作者 黄惠燕
作者 肖嘉
作者 郭佳琪
作者 雷丽琼
作者 唐筱琳


机构 华南理工大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学工商管理学院


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟