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Study on Government Price Hearing System

导  师: 侯力

学科专业: 1204

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 《中华人民共和国价格法》规定:政府在制定重要的和涉及国计民生的商品价格时要召开价格听证会,广泛听取社会意见,提高政府定价的质量。价格听证制度的确立,适应了现代行政民主化与公开化的要求,标志着我国行政行为正在向公开、公平、公正、民主的方向发展。然而这一制度在实践中却陷入困境,变成了公众眼中的“涨价会”、“走秀会”。究其原因有制度本身设计问题,也有政府、经营者、消费者、利益团体多方博弈的原因。本文主要介绍了我国价格听证制度的概况、确立背景、发展历程;对《政府制定价格听证办法》与原《政府价格决策听证办法》进行分析比较,找出其进步之处及依然未能解决的问题;通过广州市污水处理收费改革方案听证会案例分析价格听证会的现状及存在问题,如听证会参加人选择有待完善、未能建立职能分离制度、价格听证中的信息不对称、听证会参加人权利义务保障机制缺失、听证效力不明确、听证救济机制缺失等;最后以建立普遍适用的价格听证制度为目的,对完善我国价格听证制度提出了自己的建议。 In accordance with regulations of Price Method of People’s Republic of China, when determining prices of products which are of great importance or which would affect people’s livelihood, the government should hold price hearings to listen to public opinions in order to make improvement in pricing. The establishment of Pricing Hearing System meets the requirement of open and democratic governmental administration, and it also indicates that administrative acts of our government are on the way of being open, fair, just and democratic. However, the system has been getting into problematic situation in practice, and to the public, price hearings have been gradually regarded as sort of meetings of price increasing or even shows. In fact, one of the reasons that lead to the embarrassing situation is that there are problems in the design of the system. Also, conflicts between the government, entrepreneurs, consumers and other interest parties are part of the reasons. This essay mainly introduces the overall situation, background and process of development of the Pricing Hearing System. Further, this essay makes comparison between the Method of Governmental Pricing Hearing and the previous Method of Governmental Hearing on Price Determination, and also adopts case analysis of Guangzhou Public Hearing of Reform Plan of Charging on Sewage Treatment, aiming to analyze current situation and problems of Pricing Hearings, for example, picking of participants being problematic, system of function separation not yet been established, information asymmetry in pricing hearings, being lack of system that regulates rights and obligations of participants, uncertainty of pricing hearing results, being lack of remedy system of pricing hearing and so on. Finally, aiming to establish a generally applicable system of pricing hearing, this essay brings forward suggestions regarding this field.

关 键 词: 政府制定价格 价格听证 听证会主持人 听证会参加人

分 类 号: [F726]

领  域: [经济管理]


作者 苏晓河
作者 吴燕鹏
作者 黄雁
作者 郭高晶
作者 柯凤华


机构 暨南大学新闻与传播学院
机构 华南理工大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 广州大学新闻与传播学院


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟