导 师: 田秋生;温智慧
学科专业: 1201
授予学位: 硕士
作 者: ;
机构地区: 华南理工大学
摘 要: 物流金融业务的应运而生在中小企业融资难与商业银行对其惜贷之间完美地搭建了一座桥梁,十多年的探索实践已证明,中小企业融资难的问题已通过物流金融这一创新型业务品种得到了有效缓解;作为重要的参与方物流企业,在此过程中扩大延伸了其传统业务范围,通过提供增值服务提升了其综合竞争力;作为主导方的商业银行,物流金融创新型服务品种已成为其吸引客户的有利武器,转变为新的利润增长点。各方均在业务开展过程中获得了相应的利益,营造了一个多方共赢的局面。 但作为一种多方主体参与的融资业务,实操中不可避免地存在一些问题及风险点,特别是在目前相关法律法规还有待健全、各家商业银行开展的物流金融业务操作标准及流程有待统一规范、物流企业监管责任还有待明确、实操中细节有待进一步统一等等环境下,提出风险管理问题并进行研究对物流金融业务的可持续发展具有十分重大的意义。 本文着重探讨商业银行角度的物流金融业务风险管理问题,第一部分主要是物流金融业务发展状况概述,首先介绍了物流金融业务产生与发展、概念的演化,其次就物流金融有效实现企业资金流、物流、信息流的统一作辩证论述,在提出开展物流金融业务的法律依据并作详细论述的基础上,探讨了物流金融业务发展现状;第二部分就主要的业务模式进行了详细的介绍,包括基于现货的质押融资业务、基于未来货权的质押融资业务以及应收账款质押融资、保理等,并逐个分析了存在的风险点及相应的应对措施;第三部分着重探讨了商业银行物流金融业务风险评价体系,在遵循指标设定原则定好评价指标,选定评价模型与方法的基础上,详细介绍了风险评价模型建立的步骤;第四部分提出了商业银行开展物流金融业务风险管理的相关建议。 Logistics financial services perfectly build a bridge between SME financing difficulties and commercial banks reluctance lending money to them. 10 more years of exploration and practice has proved that SME financing difficulties more or less effectively resolved through this innovative financial products.as an important participant in the logistics business, the logistical companies enhance its overall competitiveness in the process through expanding the scope of its traditional business. as the leading party–the commercial banks, logistics financial innovation-based service has become a useful weapon to attract customers, now is becoming a new profit growth point. All parties obtain corresponding interests in the course of the business, finally created a multi-win-win situation. However, as a innovative business with multi-subject participation, there are some problems and risks in the real practice. Particularly in the current situation, the relevant laws and regulations haven’t mature, logistics operation standards and processes is to be unified in commercial banks, responsibilities of logistical corporate have yet to be clear, the details of practical operation is to be further unified, etc. raising the risk management issues of the logistics financial and doing relevant research is really very significant. This paper focuses on the logistics of financial business risk management issues from the angle of commercial banks. The first part mainly introduces the development situation of financial logistics overview, first introduced the production and development of financial logistics, the concept of evolution, followed by discussion of enterprise on the logistics flow, financial capital flow, and information flow unified through the business, on the basis describing the current situation of logistical financial in commercial banks. The second part mainly researches the operation model of the business in detail, as well as the corresponding relevant risks and writer’s suggestion. The third part focuses on the risk management model for commercial banks, complying with the principles of setting a good evaluation index, selected evaluation model and method, then discuss the risk assessment steps. The fourth part proposes the relevant suggestion of risk management.
分 类 号: [F832.2]
领 域: [经济管理]