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The Study of the Manufacturing Enterprises' Choice of the Outsourcing Contractors and Their Cooperative Relation

导  师: 孙艳;温智慧

学科专业: 1201

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 随着经济全球化、产品多样化和科学技术的进步,社会分工日益精细,企业面临的市场竞争更加广泛和激烈,企业仅靠自身的能力已难以迎合日益变化的市场需求和竞争。因此,寻求外部资源与合作,整合利用外部资源,充分发挥自身核心竞争能力,增强对市场环境的应变能力,成为许多企业面对的现实问题。因而,许多制造业企业将生产外包作为一种充分利用外部资源、降低成本以及提升企业核心能力的战略,注重与其他企业的合作与联系,借助制造业价值链的力量,整合各成员企业的优势资源,形成整体竞争力。 首先,论文提出了本文要研究的生产外包的问题,并从生产外包的理论基础出发,论述了制造业选择生产外包承包商的影响因素与合作关系的相关理论,构建了包括从承包商的特征、制造业企业与承包商之间的关系特征两个维度的选择因素,将影响外包承包商选择的两个维度划分为九个影响因素,并对每一维度下的评估因素进行了评价,同时建立了以客观测量和实践评论为主的评估体系。 同时,论文研究了制造业企业与生产外包承包商的合作关系。基于我国制造业行业特有的文化背景,在实地访谈与专家求证的基础上,将制造业企业与承包商之间的合作分为“契约型合作”和“关系型合作”两个维度,并将制造业企业与外包承包商合作关系的影响因素与合作两个维度密切联系起来,使本文的论述具有统一性。 接着,本研究将问卷的抽样总体确定为制造业行业企业,用简单随机抽样法选取样本。通过问卷调查搜集了112家样本企业的相关数据,运用相关分析、因子分析、回归分析对收集来的数据的信度、效度和相关性进行了研究。 最后,论文在通过研究制造业企业对生产外包承包商的选择与其合作关系的基础上,提出了我国制造企业如何提高在生产外包竞争力中的方法和措施。从挑选优质合格的承包商、建立良好的生产外包合作伙伴关系及加强组织学习等方面,提出了我国企业提高生产外包竞争力的适应性对策。 With economic globalization, diversification of the products and progress of the science and technology, the division of labor in society is meticulous day by day, the market competition that enterprises face is more extensive and fiercer, and Enterprises have only been already difficult to cater to market demand and competition changed day by day by one's own ability. So, seeking outside resources and cooperation, Combining and utilizing outside resources, Giving full play to one's own key competitive power, Strengthening and the adaptability to changes to the market environment become the realistic problem that a lot of enterprises face. So, a lot of enterprises of manufacturing industry will fully utilize outside resources to lower costs and promote enterprise's key ability strategy,pay attention to the cooperation with other enterprises and get in touch, Draw support from the value chain of manufacturing industry, combine the superior resources of every member's enterprise, form the whole competitiveness. Firstly, the paper has proposed the out-sourcing subject to be studied, and from the theoretical foundation of production outsourcing, in the thesis relevant theories have been expounded of the outsourcing cooperative relation and the contractor choice of the business of manufacturing enterprises; the three-dimension degree studying system has been constructed of the choice of the outsourcing contractor of manufacturing enterprises and the influence which is led from the choice, the three-dimension degree studying system includes the characteristics of the contractor of the manufacturing trade, the relative characteristics among the investment enterprises and contractors of the manufacturing trade, the trust of enterprises of manufacturing enterprises on the supply chain. On the basis of reviewing and summing up the relevant important contributions of the forefather scholars, the three-dimension degree has been divided into 12 influence factors, a lot of innovative assessment variables have been put forward in the thesis, and the evaluating factors of every dimension degree has been appraised. At the same time, the evaluation system is set up with objective measurement and practical comment. Then, the research supposes have been put forward of the contractor choice and the influence of cooperative relation of manufacturing enterprises in the thesis, and the theoretical analyzing model has been construct of the contractor’s choice of outsourcing business of manufacturing enterprises and the influence made by the choice. On the basis of the characterized culture background of manufacturing trade trade in our country, the cooperation of manufacturing enterprises investment enterprise and its contractors is divided into ' agreement type cooperate ' and ' relation type cooperate ' two link degree ' according to interviews and consultants from experts on the spot, the measuring variables and two link degree of outsourcing cooperation is linked up closely of the contractor choice of manufacturing enterprises. Then, this research directs against the contractor choice and cooperation of manufacturing enterprises and contractors of their businesses, the sample set of the questionnaire is confirmed as the enterprises of manufacturing trade. Regard the registers of manufacturing enterprises of every area as the framework of sampling, the sample is chosen the by simple random sampling law. The relevant data of the enterprises of manufacturing trade have been collected; 112 enterprises are selected through questionnaire investigation, Use Relevant Analysis, the Factor Analysis, Regression Analysis to carry on deep research to believable degree, effective degree and relevance of the data that are collected, the real example test of the little sample has been carried on. Finally, on the basis that the variable supposes and the theory model in the thesis, the adaptability countermeasure system is put forward that the contractor and choice and the cooperative that should be kept and strengthened of outsourcing cooperative relation of manufacturing industry, from choicing perfect contractor, establishing good producing outsourcing partnership relation, strengthening and organizing study respect of etc., the adaptable countermeasures that the enterprises in our country improve the competitiveness of the producing outsource have been put forward.

关 键 词: 制造业企业 生产外包 承包商 合作关系

分 类 号: [F425]

领  域: [经济管理]


作者 郭智颖
作者 梁锦泉
作者 辛曼玉
作者 曹媛婷
作者 臧凤梅


机构 华南理工大学
机构 中山大学
机构 广州大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 广东女子职业技术学院


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟