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The Exploration and Discussion of Some Question about Power Construction and Environmental Protection

导  师: 蔡健;侯昌明

学科专业: 081403

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 近年来,电力建设进入高速发展期,电力投资成倍增长。同时,电力建设引起的当地群众对环境保护问题的关注也越来越多,电力设施周边居民对电力建设带来的电磁辐射、噪音等污染存在很大的抵触情绪,认为对身体健康有很大的不良影响。实际上,多个工程的实测数据显示,电力设施的环境污染指标都远低于国家规定的标准。以人们最关心的电磁辐射为例,电力设施的辐射比手机的辐射还要小。 但是,由于电力建设往往工期紧迫,没有很好的按规定程序完成环保审批,也没有向人们做好宣传解析工作,因而使电网建设与环境保护的矛盾日益突出,很多地方人们谈电色变,坚决抵制。这导致很多 本论文基于上述情况,对电力建设与环境保护的若干问题进行分析研究,证实电力设施对环境的影响均在规范允许的范围内,之所以造成群众误解是由于电力体制及建设工期紧迫等方面的原因,必须采取措施对此进行改善。 论文具体包括以下几方面的主要内容: /(1/)电网建设与当地环境保护矛盾的案例分析 通过对广东、浙江、福建等地由于环境保护等问题而造成电网建设严重滞后甚至停顿的案例进行详细的描述,对其建设全过程的程序及技术措施进行深入分析,揭示电网建设与环境保护问题的矛盾根源,得出引发矛盾的主要原因。 /(2/)电力建设对环境影响的技术分析 对佛山、深圳、江西等地的电力设施环境监测数据进行收集,将实测数据与规范的允许值进行对比,证实电力设施对环境的影响在规范允许的范围内。同时,根据实测数据和调查问卷的方式分析电力设施对人们健康的影响,从技术上提出如何保证电力工程对环境的影响在规范允许的范围内且不影响人们的健康。 /(3/)电力体制改革 对目前电力的体制特别是电力建设体制进行分析,深入剖析现有体制存在的问题以及对电力建设的阻碍,在环境保护问题方面做的工作有何不足。并在此基础上提出新的体制改革方案,试图通过体制改革消除人民群众对电力建设环境问题的疑虑,从而大力推进电力建设的步伐。 In recent years, electric power construction has entered a rapid development period; it has caused the power investment increase several-fold. Meanwhile, due to the electric power construction, the local residents’attention of environmental protection also becomes more and more. Residents who live nearby the electric power facilities are averse to the electromagnetic radiation and noise pollution etc. which caused by electric power construction, this pollution is supposed to make a detrimental effect to their health. In fact, the various projects in the measured data show that the environmental pollution KPI of power facilities is considerably lower than the national standard. For example, the electromagnetic radiation, the main concern of residents, the radiation of power facilities is even lower than mobile phone. However, the salient contradictions between power grid construction and environmental protection which caused by tight schedule of electric power construction, uncompleted environmental assessment, less propaganda and explanation has made residents turn pale at the mention of electricity and firmly resist to electric power construction. According to the above situation, this paper focus on the research and analysis of the problem between electric power construction and environmental protection, and it proves that the electric power facilities’impact on environment is meeting the specification. Deficient Electricity system and pressing construction period are the main cause to people’s misunderstanding. Efficient measures must be taken to the improvement. Specific papers include the following aspects of the main content /(1/)Case analysis for antinomy between electricity network construction and local environment protection We described in details about the cases why electricity network construction project delayed even stopped due to the environment protection problem in Guangdong, Zhejiang, Fujian, and analyze deeply the procedure and technique measurements during the project, discovered the antinomy root for the problem and find out the key cause of raising the analysis. /(2/)Technical analysis for effect to environment of electricity construction We collect the monitoring data of electricity insfrasture in Foshan, Shenzhen and Jiangxi, and compare between tested data and standard data, it is proved that the data is within standard scope. Meanwihle, it will not effect the health of human beings. /(3/)Power system reform Basic on the analysis for current power system especially the power construction system, deeply analysize the existed problem and oracle for power construction, and the shortcoming of our job on environment protection. Basic on this, we raise a new system reform proposal, try to eliminate the worriness from public to power construction environment problem, so that to boost the power construction strongely.

关 键 词: 电力建设 环境保护 辐射 体制

分 类 号: [F426.61]

领  域: [经济管理]


作者 姚自勇
作者 姚华
作者 孔德键
作者 李宝荣
作者 江博伶


机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 中山大学法学院


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟