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A Study on the Policy of Agricultural Financial Service System Construction in Guangdong Underdeveloped Regions

导  师: 范旭

学科专业: 1204

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 经过多年的改革与发展,我国已初步形成了多层次、广覆盖的农村金融体系,金融机构可持续发展能力不断增强,农村存贷款持续增加,金融服务已覆盖了绝大部分农村地区。但由于历史和体制性的原因,我国农村在发展过程中仍处于相对弱势状态,农村金融服务体系建设产生了一系列问题,如目前的农村金融体系安排没有充分考虑我国小农经济占主体的农村经济基本特点和农村金融需求特点,缺乏针对农村分层次金融需求特点的整体性农村金融体系设计,农村金融改革滞后、金融供给不足以及金融需求与供给严重不匹配等,这些问题在我省经济欠发达地区情况尤为突出。由于广东省欠发达地区产业结构不合理,第一产业偏高,第二、三产业发展不充分。这些地区普遍存在农业人口数量众多、农村经济发展相对较为落后、农村经济发展速度与较大的农业占比不相对称的问题,从农村金融与农村经济发展的关系角度来看待这些问题,一方面由于农业是弱质产业,决定了农村金融的发展水平不高;另一方面,农村金融的发展滞后也制约了农村经济的持续快速增长。因此,对完善欠发达地区农村金融服务体系建设的政策研究具有重要理论和现实意义。本文通过文献研究、比较分析、定量分析等方法,重点阐述了我国农村金融体系改革历史,介绍历次改革的政策出发点、出台的各项政策及其实际达成的效果,分析总结历次改革未能达到理想效果的原因以及可为当前及今后我国农村金融体系改革借鉴的经验教训。总结印度、泰国、孟加拉国等“世界范围的欠发达地区”的农村金融服务体系建设的经验和教训,并以肇庆、汕尾、清远等三个广东省欠发达地区为为例,分析了该类地区农村金融服务体系建设现状,以及现行的有关政策执行效果和存在问题,在此基础上,提出了完善农村金融服务体系建设的政策建议。 With years of reform and development, the agricultural financial system with various levels which covered the villages widely has come into being .For example , the sustainable development of the financial Institutions has increasingly been strengthened. Deposits and loans in the countryside have raised. The financial services have spread over most of the villages. However, by reason of the history and systems, the countryside in China is still in a state of relative weakness in the course of construction. Furthermore , the financial service system in the countryside has not been completely established. For example, the arrangements for the financial system have not taken the basic features of the economy which remains predominant in the small-scale peasant economy into full consideration. And we are short of the devices of overall agricultural financial system which can meet the needs for the agricultural finance at all levels. The reform of the agricultural finance is rather backward. The financial supply is insufficient. The financial needs cannot match the supply. All the problems appear very obvious in the underdeveloped regions in our province. Because of the unreasonable industrial structure in these regions, the first industry is inclined to be flourishing, and the second and the third industrial development is inadequate. In these regions the agricultural population is large. The financial development is relatively backward. The speed of financial development and the population cannot match well. In view of the relationship between the agricultural finance and its economic development., on one hand, it is the agricultural week industry that decides the lowness of the agricultural finance. On the other hand, the backwardness also conditions the sustainable and speedy development. Therefore, perfecting the research on the construction of the agricultural financial service system in the underdeveloped regions is theoretically significant. This paper , by means of the research on the cases and the comparative and quantitative analyses , sets forth the history of the agricultural financial reform in our country, introduces the initial intent of all previous reform policies, the various policies and the practical results, and analyzes and sums up the causes that all of the previous reforms have been far from ideals and the experiences and lessons that can be learnt from the agricultural financial reform system nowadays as well as in the future. On the basis of the experiences and lessons of the regional agricultural financial reforms in Thailand, India and Bengal, taking Zhaoqing, Sanwei and Qingyuan ,these three underdeveloped regions as examples to analyze the present situation of these three kinds of agricultural financial service system results and problems of the policies , we may draw out some proposals to perfect the agricultural financial service system.

关 键 词: 欠发达地区 农村金融服务 金融政策

分 类 号: [F832.35]

领  域: [经济管理]


作者 朱兴荣
作者 柯畅
作者 杜晓颖
作者 张丽娟
作者 邱鹏华


机构 河源职业技术学院
机构 华南农业大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 广东金融学院


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟