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Study on Approaches of Studying Abroad in Modern China

导  师: 秦国柱

学科专业: 040106

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 汕头大学

摘  要: 中国近代留学教育持续百年,其间出现了多种留学途径,本文正是要对这些留学途径做出系统整理与分析。第一章绪论部分,介绍了本研究的意义与构思,并重点回顾了前人的研究成果。在大量资料的基础上,按照中国近代留学教育史所具有的政治性与被动性特点,在第二章中,将中国近代留学教育划分为四个阶段。1841年至1872年间,教会资助与民间自发是主要的留学途径。1872年—1894年中国官派留学为主要途径,其中又包括留美幼童与海军留欧两类。除此之外,教会资助与自费留学的途径依然存在与发展着。1895—1911年间留学途径发生了重大变化,首要表现是以留日为标志的自费留学的大发展。而且,/(中央/)部派留学、/(地方/)省派留学、使馆留学、贵胄留学等诸多途径也纷纷涌现。1912年民国成立后,原有的途径诸如官派留学、民间自发留学、企业留学延续了下来,新途径也出现并完善,这包括稽勋留学、庚款留学、勤工俭学、党派留学等。如此纷繁复杂的留学途径,应做以怎样的分类呢?在第三章中,按照各具体留学途径产生与运作过程中所依据势力的不同,将它们划分为民间力量主导和政府主导两大类。它们各有其存在与发展的动力,并存在着相互交融。 Studying abroad has lasted for hundreds of years, and various approaches appeared in this process. This study focuses on how these different approaches emerged and what relations were among them. In chapter one, I demonstrate the meanings of such study, review the references we have had. In chapter two, basing on the political characteristic and being pulled, I divided overseas education of modern China into four stages: the first stage is from 1841 to 1872, the way supported by the church and the way supported by private funds are the main approaches; the second stage is from 1872 to 1894, the primary approach to studying abroad is supported by government of that time, such as sending teenagers to American and assigning students study in Europe. At the same time, approaches involved in the first stage also exist. The period between 1895 and 1911 is the third stage, and the approach has great change. During this period, many people selected study in Japan. More approaches appeared in this time, for example, studying abroad supported by bureaucratic institutions in center or local, or assigned by embassy. And the last stage is from 1912 to 1937, older approaches lasted and new ones also continually born. New groups such as parties also sent members to study abroad for group’s benefits. However, there is a question that how we distinct these different and so many approaches to help people understand their function and social foundation. What criteria we should adopt? The answer to this problem will be stated in chapter three. According to approaches’appearance and main forces that influence their functioning, I get two main categories: one is pulled by government, and another is pushed by forces coming from folk. The last chapter is the conclusion of this study, including my suggestions to develop oversees education.

关 键 词: 中国近代留学教育 途径 民间力量主导 政府主导

分 类 号: [G529]

领  域: [文化科学] [文化科学]


作者 任杨
作者 李三青
作者 彭玉康
作者 粟莉
作者 高兰英


机构 暨南大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 中山大学
机构 广州大学
机构 华南理工大学


作者 庞菊香
作者 康超
作者 廖燕萍
作者 廖荆梅
作者 张丽娟