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Protection of Human Rights Research of China's Prosecution in the Process of the Investigation of Job-related Crimes

导  师: 杜宴林

学科专业: 030101

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 吉林大学

摘  要: 人权是人类共同的价值追求,不知人权、忽视人权或轻蔑人权是公众不幸和政府腐败的唯一根源。而法律是为保障人权而产生的,法律的根本作用在于保障人权。卢梭说过“法律是人民共同意志的体现”,所以说法律是人权的产物。人权与法律的关系是:法律保障人权,人权产生法律。 《中华人民共和国宪法》第一百二十九条规定:“中华人民共和国人民检察院是国家的法律监督机关。”这赋予了检察机关的法律监督权,也意味着检察机关有责任保障人权。在检察机关行使职务犯罪侦查权时,也深刻反映了检察机关的这一权利属性。职务犯罪是国家公职人员利用公共权力的便利条件实施危害国家利益和执政地位的、亵渎职责的非法行为。而公共权力是人民为了调节社会秩序,维护自身的权利和利益而让渡出天赋自己的那部分权力。公共权力来源于人民、从属于人民。当国家公职人员滥用手中的公共权力,为己谋私利的时候,就已经侵犯了人民的权利。因此,检察机关在办理职务犯罪案件时,本身就有保障人民权利的意义。在职务犯罪侦查中,检察机关也有责任维护犯罪嫌疑人的法定权利,不能因为犯罪嫌疑人本人有侵害人民权利的嫌疑就忽略他的权利。 本文分为四部分,立足于职务犯罪侦查过程中的人权保障,对我国职务犯罪侦查过程中出现的侵害犯罪嫌疑人权利问题进行分析,在观念上、程序上、机制上提出一些建议,探讨了如何更有效的在办理职务犯罪案件中维护犯罪嫌疑人的合法权益,从而更好的体现我国检察机关的法律监督属性。 With the opening and reform policy carried out,China's international status has been greatly improved.China's international influence has been increased gradually and it has become one of the most powerful countries in the world.People in the world affirm China's culture,economic progress,but at the same time criticize the protection of human rights.People hold different attitudes and positions.China's human rights protection has become a hot issue that all the countries in the world are concerned about.In fact,after the Cultural Revolution,China's legal system slowly walked into the formal regulation.Protection of human rights is gradually being widespread until it becomes the country's basic obligations.In this larger context,the author combines theory work with practice.The paper discusses the protection of human rights in job-related crimes investigation.The author divided the article into four parts and put forward some useful suggestions on this issue. Chapter 1 The functions of the prosecution investigation This chapter introduces that the power of investigation is China's prosecution.It is an important part of prosecutorial power that the law gives the prosecution the investigation power of job-related crimes.Around the world,on the right of prosecutors investigating the configuration,different countries have different patterns. In general,in British,france and America,the power of inspectors is much smaller than that of in our country.But with the needs of the judicial practice,different countries have the same tendency to strengthen their power.This article introduced the function of France,Germany,Great Britain,the United States,and the former Soviet Union's prosecutors in their investigation process and the roles played.At the same time,it emphases the legal system in China:1.The prosecution investigation will generally be targeted for national staff,according to 'People's Republic of China's Criminal Law'.The following provisions of persons are considered as state officials:staff of state

关 键 词: 职务犯罪 侦查权 人权 人权保障

领  域: [政治法律] [政治法律] [政治法律]


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作者 朱巧红
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机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 广州大学
机构 中山大学法学院


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