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导  师: 徐改平

学科专业: 050106

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 陕西师范大学

摘  要: 青春对于每个人来说都是既充满了生命活力,又是不断丰富人生经验的过程。青春的记忆对每个人来说都是最刻骨铭心的。尤其是对于极具青春激情的创造社的成员而言,他们的青春不管是激进的,还是苦闷的,都与当时的时代有着深刻的影响。 作为现代文坛上自叙传小说集大成者的郁达夫,其作品本身就是极其情绪化和抒情化的,所以,他的小说才呈现出散文化的风格。尽管心灵的历程很难有章法可循,但透过文本的解读我们还是可以看到其作品中不变的模式来。所以,从郁达夫的小说入手做研究还是有很多地方值得我们去仔细推敲的。 从整个文坛来看,五卅运动以后,整个民族的话语体系从五四时的提倡个性转变到了关注现实政治,而随着国内局势的转变,郁达夫作为一位极具自我意识的作家也不得不随着整个局势的转变而改变。这样一来,他最初所力推的浪漫主义文学,其实在他之后已经开始走上了下坡路。本文在这里将郁达夫作为个案来分析浪漫主义思潮在现代文坛的流变,就是将作家作品放在广阔的文学背景下去分析。通过对作家作品和文学史的结合比较,来进一步把握现代文学浪漫主义的发展脉络。 我的论文将从四个部分展开对于郁达夫小说的分析研究: 引言部分概述研究现状,指出我选题的意义和目的。 第一部分,青春的序曲。从郁达夫在现代文坛的出场,来探讨他笔下感伤颓废的浪漫主义的根源。 第二部分,浪漫主义的狂想曲。从郁达夫与鲁迅的关系,来探讨两位作家身上都具备的浪漫主义特质。 第三部分,苦闷者的建构。通过郁达夫与沈从文作品的比较,进一步探讨两种风格迥异的浪漫主义文学背后的共通之处。 最后一部分,通过对中国现代浪漫主义思潮发展脉络的把持,来更好地确定郁达夫在浪漫主义思潮中的特殊地位和特殊贡献。 For each young person,youth is not only full of vitality, but also the process of enrich the life experience . Memory for each youth is most memorable. In particular, as a very youthful passion of the members of the Creation Society, Regardless of their radical youth, or boredom, all have a profound influence of the times. Yu Dafu is a famous writer ,who wrote many Biography Autobiography's Fictions .His works have enough Emotional and Lyricism .Therefore,his novels show casual culture.Although spiritual journey is very difficult to understand,reading his works could make us known his novels' same pattern .So researching his novels is a very valuable work. Judging from the entire literary world, expecially after May 30th movement, the entire nation turned promting personality in the May Fourth Movement into concern about the reality of the political. With the domestic situation changes, Yu Dafu as a very self-conscious as a writer has no choice but to suit the whole situation changes. Thus, initial romantic literature which he standed ,has begun to embark on a downhill path after him.In this paper, analyzing Yu Dafu as the case to deeply research the trend of the modern literary romanticism .Analysising the change of the modern literary romanticism ,means putting the writer's works into the background of this case. Comparing writer's works to the literature history ,in order to further grasp the context of development of Romanticism. My thesis will begin a four-part analysis for the study of Yu Dafu's novel. Outlined in the introduction of the research, pointing out that the significance of my choice and purpose. The first part's name is a prelude of the youth.Studying the beginning of Yu Dafu's works, in order to explore his sentimental romanticism of the root of decadence and athos. The second part's name is the Rhapsody Romanticism. From the relationship of Yu Dafu and Lu Xun to explore their characteristics of Romanticism. Third part is the construction of wretched man. Yu Dafu and Shen Congwen, through their works explore two different styles ,they have same Romantic Literature behind their novels' words. The last part, studying the development trend of Chinese Modern Romanticism to determine the Yu Dafu 's special status in romantic ideas and his special contributions.

关 键 词: 郁达夫 浪漫主义 苦闷 青春

分 类 号: [I207.42]

领  域: [文学]


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机构 中山大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南师范大学外国语言文化学院
机构 华南师范大学文学院


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