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A Study of Approximators in Business Advertisements with the C-R-A Model

导  师: 周瑞琪

学科专业: 050211

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学

摘  要: 在我们的日常生活中,模糊限制语是一种常见的语言现象。本文以商务广告中变动型模糊限制语为研究对象,希望对其提供一个更完整、更深刻的理解。 基于合作原则、关联理论和顺应论这三个理论,本文意在对模糊限制语中的一类---变动型模糊限制语进行研究。借鉴廖巧云教授在博士学位论文提出的三个理论互补性的观点,本文提出对模糊限制语进行研究的框架,意在更透彻、更深刻理解模糊限制语的使用。 本文主要从三个方面来看商务广告中模糊限制语的使用。作者主要以质的研究方法为主,量的研究方法为辅。我们对受众进行了访问,用于研究潜在顾客对变动型模糊限制语态度和直觉的理解。它从合作原则的角度讨论了使用模糊限制语的四大语义特征:可取消性、不确定性、间接性和标志性。这些特征影响着广告制作者创造广告的过程。除此之外,我们还从顺应论的角度进行研究。我们发现广告制作者在创作广告的过程中在顺应着目标顾客的三个世界/(社会世界、心理世界和物理世界/)。在广告的产出过程中受到许多的因素影响,例如目标受众的欲望和动机,社会的背景和规约,时间和空间等。这些因素同样影响着广告的创作过程。关联理论主要是从广告受众的角度看的。我们访问了15个人研究他们是怎么理解这些变动型模糊限制语的。结果发现用在准确数字前面的变动型模糊限制语可能使广告不那么的有效,因为目标受众不太相信。他们脑子里会设想广告制作者为了促销产品总是尝试着是潜在顾客的利益最大化。所以,潜在顾客不会太相信这种广告。在另外一方面,使用“很”或者“非常”之类的变动型模糊限制语使广告有效。因为使用这些模糊限制语能使潜在顾客注意到该产品的卖点,从而达到促销该产品的目的。最后,本文作者还对如何提高广告写作的有效性提了几点建议。 Hedges are commonly-used in our daily life.This thesis takes the use of approximators in business advertisements as the research topic.Our aim is to have a more comprehensive and deeper understanding of this kind of phenomenon. Based on the cooperative principle,relevance theory and adaptation theory,the present thesis aims to do a research on one type of hedges named approximators.It tries to combine the three theories/(a C-R-A model/) which are proved to be complementary to a large extend.The author proposes a C-R-A model for the present study based on Liao Qiaoyun's model.We attempt to get a deeper and more complete understanding of the use of approximators in business advertisements. The present study mainly consists of the three perspectives of looking at the phenomenon of using approximators in business advertisements.The author mainly employs the qualitative method,with the quantitative method as an auxiliary. Interviews with the potential customers are conducted in order to investigate the potential customers'attitudes and their intuitive understanding of approximators.The thesis discusses the semantic features of using approximators from the CP approach. There are mainly four features found when using approximators in business advertisement:cancellability,indefiniteness,indirectness,and markedness.These features of using approximators influence the creation of an advertisement.Besides, from the production side of an advertisement,we find that the three worlds/(the social world,mental world,and physical world/) proposed in AT are being adapted by the advertisers in the process of copywriting an advertisement.There are many factors involved in the production process of creating a business advertisement with approximators.They include factors such as the advertisees'desire and motivation, the social settings and institutions,and the time and space.These factors also influence the writing of an advertisement.RT is mainly looking from the advertisees' perspective.We conduct interviews with 15 people in order to find out the understanding of approximators by the potential customers.The finding is that the use of rounders probably makes the advertisement less effective for they may not seem to be true to the potential customers.The customers may have the assumption in their mind that the advertisers are trying to maximize the benefits of buying the products in order to promote and sell them.Therefore,they are not likely to believe in the truthfulness of the advertisements.On the other side,the use of adaptors such as“very”or“extremely”and the like helps make an advertisement effective because they direct the customers'attention to the selling points of the products.It helps promote and sell the products.At the end of the study,the author also suggests several means for the purpose of improving the effectiveness of advertisement writing.

关 键 词: 模糊限制语 商务广告 合作原则 关联理论 顺应论 合作 关联 顺应模式

分 类 号: [H030]

领  域: [语言文字]


作者 王依宁
作者 黄泽萍
作者 李婷婷
作者 苗媛媛
作者 贺文丽


机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学国际商务英语学院
机构 暨南大学
机构 广东培正学院
机构 吉林大学珠海学院


作者 彭川
作者 彭晓春
作者 徐云扬
作者 成海涛
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