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On Commercial Elements of Beijing 2008 Olympic Mascots Fuwa

导  师: 曾利沙

学科专业: 050211

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学

摘  要: 2008年见证了一次举世瞩目的国际体育盛会——北京奥运会。无论在奥运前、奥运中还是奥运后,关于其文化、经济等话题,总是被大家津津乐道。自2005年揭晓奥运吉祥物福娃以来,这五个可爱的娃娃就立刻吸引了众人目光。在人们对福娃众说纷纭的同时,它们无疑也催热了奥运经济,有专家甚至大胆预测了福娃特许商品的经济效益将会超过3亿美元。然而,绝大部分关于福娃商业性的讨论缺乏系统性和理论性,有必要进行一项学术研究,对其进行理论系统地论述。 符号学既是一门跨学科理论,又是一门方法论。其应用范围极其广阔,常常与政治经济学、传播学、设计美学、文化研究理论等结合分析具体的社会文化现象,具有较强的解释力。现代符号学有两个学术传统——欧洲结构主义符号学和美国实用主义逻辑符号学。虽然两者方向和侧重点不同,但是并不是互相排斥而是互为补充。因此,本文梳理了这两个符号学传统,根据研究对象提出一个整合性符号学理论框架,试图在其基础上首先分析奥运吉祥物商品化的成因,然后对比历年奥运吉祥物的经济利益,最后系统论述北京奥运吉祥物福娃的商业元素,挖掘这些元素的符号内涵。 本文主要有三个发现。首先,奥运吉祥物商品化的成因主要在于3个方面,即奥运会商业操作的要求,特许经营方式的保障以及消费者的购买心理。其次,通过对比历年奥运吉祥物的不同点和相同点,奥运吉祥物的经济利益通常与其符号内涵成正比关系。如果奥运吉祥物能体现更丰富的符号内涵,它们往往就能取得更大的经济利益。最后,通过对福娃的符号学分析,本文发现福娃应用了8种商业元素,它们反映的符号内涵集中体现在3个方面,即民族符号内涵,奥运符号内涵和心理符号内涵。 2008 witnessed a grand world-class sports event-Beijing Olympic Games. Topics about Olympic culture,Olympic economy,etc.are always discussed no matter before,during or after the Games.Since 2005 when Beijing Olympic mascots Fuwa were announced,the five adorable dolls have attracted the attention of the world.People around the world made various comments on them.Meanwhile,Fuwa apparently catalyzed the Olympic economy with the good sales of Fuwa licensed products.Some experts even presumed that Fuwa products would make over 300 million US dollars.However,the vast majority of these discusses about Fuwa's commercialization are not systematic and theoretically supportive.It is of necessity to conduct an academic study to illustrate the problem systematically and theoretically. Semiotics is not only an interdisciplinary but also a methodological science.It can be applied widely in analysis of social and cultural phenomenon with political economics,communication studies,aesthetics of design,cultural studies,etc.It enjoys a strong explanatory power.Modern semiotics has two traditions-European structualistic semiotics and American logic semiotics.Although they may differ with each other in concentration and orientation of research,they are actually not contradictory but complimentary.Therefore,the thesis integrates a theoretical framework of both traditions according to the research object.On the basis of the integrated theoretical framework,it attempts to first explore the motivations of the commercialization of Olympic mascots,then conduct a contrastive study of the economic benefits of previous Olympic mascots,and finally systematically illustrate the commercial elements of Fuwa as well as the semiotic connotations they imply. There are three major findings.Firstly,the motivations of the commercialization of Olympic mascots lie in three aspects--the requirement of Olympic business operation,the mode of franchise and consumer's psychology. Secondly,by the contrastive study of the economic benefits of previous Olympic mascots,it is found that the economic benefits are usually in direct proportion to the semiotic connotations.To be specific,if the OMs can represent more semiotic connotations,they can usually make greater economic benefits.Thirdly,by the analysis of commercialized Fuwa from the perspective of semiotics,it is found that Fuwa adopt eight commercial elements.The semiotic connotations implied are mainly from three respects,that is,ethnic connotations,Olympic connotations and psychological connotations.

关 键 词: 符号学 吉祥物 福娃 商业元素 跨文化传播

分 类 号: [G812.13]

领  域: [文化科学]


作者 罗丹丹
作者 王广平
作者 陈晓峰
作者 董光鹏
作者 许海威


机构 暨南大学新闻与传播学院
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 华南理工大学新闻与传播学院


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作者 康超
作者 廖燕萍
作者 廖荆梅
作者 张丽娟