导 师: 陈筱芳
学科专业: 120202
授予学位: 硕士
作 者: ;
机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学
摘 要: 随着经济一体化进程的加快,现代企业制度的建立,CEO经营能力越来越成为制约企业成长的关键因素,它逐渐成为企业学者、政府共同关注的焦点。因此,本文以珠三角地区CEO经营能力问题作为研究出发点,探索CEO经营能力与企业绩效的关系,为企业选拔、培养合格的CEO提供科学的决策依据,从而促使企业经营绩效的提高。 本文以相关文献和问卷调查为依托,采用定性与定量相结合、理论与实证相结合的研究方法,在相关理论研究的基础上,明确CEO经营能力的构成,主要的影响因素和对企业绩效的影响,及其影响途径与机理,针对CEO如何增强其经营能力进而提升企业绩效提出建议并构建出二者关系模型,最后形成调查问卷,通过对珠三角地区的企业进行调查取样,共获得137份有效样本,并对样本数据进行相关的分析处理。 通过研究分析表明,各测量量表具有良好的信度与效度;CEO经营能力及其各构成要素均对企业绩效有显著的正向影响,其中CEO经营能力构成要素对企业绩效影响的显著程度由强到弱依次排列为战略管理能力、社会关系能力、创新能力、日常管理能力和冒险能力。研究结论对本文所提出的假设进行了有效验证。 Acceleration of the process of economic integration,the establishment of modern enterprise system,CEO constraints viability has increasingly become a key factor in business growth,it's the focus of attention by business academics and government. Therefore,the paper is the Pearl River Delta CEO viability as case study to explore the viability of the CEO of the benign effects of corporate performance,enabling enterprises to improve business performance. In this paper,related literature and survey based,using a combination of qualitative and quantitative,the combination of theory and empirical research methods,in the relevant theoretical research on the basis of the viability of clear composition of CEO,the main influencing factors and business performance of the impact and its impact on the ways and mechanisms for the CEO how to enhance their viability and then make recommendations to enhance business performance and build a relationship between the two models,the final formation of the questionnaire, through the Pearl River Delta region to investigate the enterprise sampling,a total of 133 effective samples,and the associated sample data analysis. Through research and analysis shows that the measurement scale has good reliability and validity;CEO operators the ability to significantly impact business performance,in which the capacity of CEO of the business impact of enterprise performance factors significant to the extent of the weak by the strong order of priority for the strategic management capacity,the capacity of social relations, innovation capacity,day-to-day management and risk-taking capacity.Conclusion of the study on the assumptions made in this paper to carry out an effective verification
分 类 号: [F272]