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Research on the Guarantee System of Microfinance

导  师: 龙著华

学科专业: 030105

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学

摘  要: 小额信贷是面向农村农民、城市下岗职工等低收入群体以及中小企业的金融服务,对于解决低收入群体和中小企业的资金融通困难具有重要作用,因而对于社会经济进步与发展具有重要意义。实现可持续发展是小额信贷的重要目标,而担保制度是小额信贷可持续发展的重要保障,一方面有力保障小额信贷机构作为债权人权利的实现,另一方面催生新的金融服务行业、促进社会信用进步。目前我国对于小额信贷的理论研究尚较少,系统的小额信贷担保制度研究则更为匮乏。本文试从不同的小额信贷担保模式入手,梳理出小额信贷担保制度的雏形,并对目前该制度中存在的一些问题提出解决方案与完善建议。 目前我国的小额信贷担保制度包括了个人信用保证、机构信用保证、小组联保、固定抵押、浮动抵押、动产质押和权利质押等多种担保方式。由于小额信贷在我国的发展尚且处于初级阶段,缺乏足够的实践经验和理论支持。因而,目前小额信贷担保制度尚且有一些问题亟待解决,比如小组联保、农村土地承包经营权抵押等创新性的担保方式在现有的担保法体系中尚且缺乏比较明确的规定,抵押物范围狭窄、小额信贷担保风险集中和征信制度不完善等。针对小额信贷担保中存在的这些问题与缺陷,应当从以下六个方面完善。第一,制定专门的小额信贷担保法;第二,改进小组联保担保制度;第三,完善小额信贷抵押担保制度;第四,完善小额信贷质押担保制度;第五,完善小额信贷担保风险分担制度;第六,完善小额信贷征信制度。 Micro finance is such a kind of finance service whose target-customers are famers in the country,the laid-off in the downtown and the small-and medium-sized enterprises.It plays an important role to help the low-income people and the smalland medium-sized enterprises get the loans,which makes progress for the social society.Sustainable development is the first goal of microfinance,and the system of guarantee is the security for microfinance,not only protects the creditor,the microfinance agencies,from suffering the risk of deficit results of the debtor,but also brings new finance services and promotes the development of the social credit environment.Until now,there haven't enough researches on the guarantee system of microfinance.This thesis studies different guarantee styles in microfinance and pointes out their advantages and disadvantages,and makes some suggestions to the system finally. Preliminary explains the purpose and significance of the study,summarizes related literatures,and presents the research methods and framework of the study. Chapter one introduces the basic information of microfinance,including its concept,character and agencies. Chapter two analyses the current situation of the guarantee of microfinance, including the summery of micro finance guarantee and the main guarantee styles, including credit guarantee,group guarantee,floating mortgage,chattel mortgage and impawn.And compare their advantages and disadvantages. Chapter three bases on the analysis about the guarantee system of microfinance, makes constructional suggestions about it.Drawing on the experience from foreign countries about the law system of guarantee,we need perfect the guarantee system, form the unified registration system of guarantee,cut down the cost of implementing of the guarantee and set up the professional system of collect the credit information of debtor in microfinance.

关 键 词: 小额信贷 小额信贷担保 小额信贷征信 完善建议

分 类 号: [F832.4]

领  域: [经济管理]


作者 王永胜
作者 唐明琴
作者 揭水利
作者 陈怡西
作者 钟秋萍


机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南农业大学经济管理学院
机构 华南理工大学
机构 广东财经大学


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟