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The Home-coming of Two Heroes

导  师: 栾栋;何明星

学科专业: 050108

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学

摘  要: 荷马史诗是西方文学的发源。以特洛亚大战及战后英雄还家为主要内容的两部史诗立体地展现了古希腊人的思索和精神。 《奥德赛》中奥德修斯与阿伽门农的还家隐喻了人与外部世界的关系。英雄在归返途中所遇种种困难厄运,无不是自然力与社会因素的象征展现。阿伽门农的狂妄和奥德修斯的隐忍代表了古希腊对人同外部世界之间抗争与和谐的思考。二人不同的结局也体现了古希腊人对这两种思考向度的理解。而对人与外在世界之间关系的思考,其实就是确认人在世界中的位置,亦即寻求一种“身份认同”。 《奥德赛》中英雄的还家涵盖了三个层面的精神意义。还家首先是英雄们荣耀的象征。带着战场的荣誉与战利品、俘虏回到故乡,无疑是“衣锦还乡”的最好诠释。对不朽荣誉的追求反映了古希腊人对生命的思考。追求荣誉也是通过他人与社会的认可,实现对自我身份的认可。还家同时是英雄们对自我的追逐。在战争结束后英雄们需要回到战前的生活常态。对战前生活的追逐其实是对自我记忆的追求,亦即寻回“人”自己,表现了古希腊对人自身的思考。对自我过去的追寻,还正面展示了对自我认可身份的追逐。还家还是英雄同命运的博弈抗争。奥德修斯与阿伽门农都受到了命运与神意的捉弄,然而二者并没有坐以待毙,而是积极地行动。与命运的抗争突破了个人身份追求的限囿而升华到了人的自我身份认同的高度。还家故事的三个层面从根本上反映了古希腊人对人的自我身份认同的思考,突出了古希腊人的个体本位思索和自我意识,而对自我身份认同的追求是古希腊理性精神的最初萌发,预示着古希腊哲理思索的开始。 《奥德赛》中的英雄还家还是历史文化变迁的曲折反映。在命运与神意背后,是人类生产力和社会经济发展推动的人类历史的前进。阿伽门农和奥德修斯的归返及不同结局,诗意地表现了人类历史上的原始氏族部落向以家庭为单位、父亲为轴心、私有制为保证的文明社会的过渡。两位归返英雄结局的差异,更是凸显了不同势力、文化、部族的争斗以及两种社会、两种文化的裂变。在这种社会文化的裂变深处,是人类作为一个整体在历史过渡时期对自我身份确认的一种欲求。 Homer's epics have always been the headwater of western literature.The epics of Trojan War and the returning heroes after war have fully depicted the spirit and pondering of ancient Greeks. The returning home of Odysseus and Agamemnon could be seen as the metaphor of the relationship between mankind and the world and all the trials and tribulations they encountered on their journey home are often indicated as the symbolic power of the world.The forbearing of Odysseus and the pretentious of Agamemnon,which eventually led to different endings of the two heroes,represent two diverse perspectives of ancient Greeks on dealing the force of the world.To some extent,these divergent perspectives imply a kind of 'identity acknowledge' that illustrates the desire of ancient Greeks to acknowledge the status of mankind in this world. The profound meanings of the journey home of heroes can be classified into three levels.Primarily,voyage home with trophies after winning the war signifies great glory.The pursuing of glory of the heroes reveals the attitude and thinking of ancient Greeks towards life.Moreover,returning home also suggests returning to life before the war as well as returning to one self.The emphasis on man as himself expresses some kind of self-awareness of ancient Greeks.Lastly,the journey home indicates fighting one's fate.Odysseus and Agamemnon had both faced great deal of hardships and dangers along the journey.The heroes,however,had acted affirmatively towards the so-called doomed destiny,which displays the independent status and the courage of mankind.All the three levels can be concluded as the pursue of 'self-identity acknowledgement' of man which later induced the philosophic thinking of ancient Greek. The home coming in the Odyssey also signifies the great changes in history and culture.The epic demonstrates social conflicts in the transition period of matriarchal to patriarchal society.More importantly,it shows the pursuing of 'self-identity acknowledgement' of human as a kind.

关 键 词: 奥德修斯 阿伽门农 还家 身份认同

分 类 号: [I545]

领  域: [文学]


作者 汤琼
作者 李燕玲
作者 岳珍珠
作者 李翾
作者 王景平


机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 华南师范大学文学院
机构 广东技术师范学院


作者 张坤
作者 徐丽华
作者 曹金蓉
作者 李娟
作者 李晓青